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Md Taha now owns an Accent

Written by Rano Iskandar on . Posted in travel, lifestyle, Social News


The top 4 winners of the Pan Bright Travel Service “Travel & Win Promotion” Grand Draw with the management and representatives from Royal Brunei Airlines and Singapore Airlines at Deli Bites, Royal Brunei Recreational Club yesterday

Md Taha Bin Ladin is a happy man after winning the Hyundai Accent

Congratulations to Md Taha bin Ladin, who chose the Hyundai Accent over the Hermès Birkin, after winning the grand draw of Pan Bright Travel Service “Travel & Win Promotion” Grand Draw. The event took place at Deli Bites at Royal Brunei Recreational Club.

The grand prize was sponsored by Pan Bright Travel Service whereas the consolation prizes were sponsored by Royal Brunei Airlines and Singapore Airlines.

The second place winner, Lilies Indah Turwahyuni, could have won the grand prize but settled for a trip to London (economy class) and the prize was presented by Aji Puteh, Head of Asia Sales of Royal Brunei Airlines. He also presented the third place winner who was Lam Mei Choi, winning a return trip to Melbourne (economy class).

The other winner was Goh Nyuk Chen, represented by Nurul, who won a trip to Tokyo via Singapore Airlines. The mock ticket was presented by Mr. Aldrin Arumugam, General Manager of Singapore Airlines (Brunei).

Pan Bright Travel Service would like to extend their appreciation to all the customers for their continuous support. The lucky draw promotion ran from 1st September 2016 to 31st March 2017.

Pan Bright Travel Service has been making name for its great marketing gimmick. Last month, Pan Bright Travel Services won the prize for top-selling travel agent during the 12th Belait Travel Fair 2017 that happened earlier in March. Top-selling destinations namely Kuala Lumpur, London and Singapore were purchased by customers from Pan Bright Travel Services.

Keep up the great work, Pan Bright. You can follow them on their social media accounts on Facebook and @panbrighttravel instagram.



Nurul, representative for Goh Nyuk Chen, won a trip for Tokyo, and the prize was presented by Mr. Aldrin Arumugam, General Manager of Singapore Airlines (Brunei)

Lam Mei Choi, winning a return trip to Melbourne (economy class), presented by Aji Puteh, Head of Asia Sales of Royal Brunei Airlines

Lilies Indah Turwahyuni, the second place winner, winning a flight to London.

Md Taha is still young at heart

Pan Bright Travel’s October Draw

Written by Rano Iskandar on . Posted in travel, lifestyle


Mr. Aldrin Arumugam, the General Manager of Singapore Airlines Brunei presenting the mock ticket to Hjh. Nurzainah Bte. Hj. Tuah, representative of Mr. Chin Yun Wui

Pan Bright Travel Service have selected their October lucky draw winner on the 02 November 2016. The lucky coupon was drawn by the General Manager of Singapore Airlines, Mr. Aldrin Arumugam witnessed by Singapore Airlines Head Of Sales Madam Wong Siaw Ling.

A prize presentation was held at Pan Bright Travel office in Bandar Seri Begawan earlier today by Mr. Aldrin Arumugam to the representative of Mr. Chin Yun Wui who won himself a return economy class ticket to Singapore sponsored by Singapore Airlines.

This is the second series for the monthly lucky draw promotion where customer stands a chance to win monthly air ticket to either Kota Kinabalu, Saigon, Bali or Singapore from September 2016 to February 2017. The Grand prize will be either a Hyundai ‘Accent’ car OR an exclusive Hermès ‘Birkin’ bag which is being sponsored by Pan Bright Travel. Other prizes up for grabs include air tickets to London, Melbourne and Tokyo are kindly sponsored by Royal Brunei Airlines & Singapore Airlines.

For more enquiries regarding the promotion, you can contact Pan Bright Travel’s offices at 2240980 for Bandar Seri Begawan, 3341154 for Kuala Belait or 3220078 for Seria. The lucky draw promotion starts from 02 September 2016 to the 31 March 2017.


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A blogger since 2002, using platforms from blogspot, joomla and now currently wordpress. A readership that stands on average of 20,000 visits per month. Also on active on social media platform on IG, Facebook and Snapchat (@ranoadidas)

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