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In today’s headline in The Brunei Times. Get a copy now!!
The Brunei ICT Awards (BICTA) competition for 2014 was launched today at the Dewan Seri Kerna, AITI building in Anggerek Desa. The Guest of Honour was Pehin Orang Kaya Hamzah Pahlawan Dato Seri Setia Awang Haji Abdullah bin Begawan Mudim Dato Paduka Haji Bakar, Minister of Communications. Yang Mulia Abdul Mutalib bin Pehin Orang Kaya Sertia Dato Paduka Haji Mohamad Yusof, Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Communications, Chairman of AITI and Chairman of BICTA Steering Committee accompanied the Minister to the launching ceremony.
The event began with a recital of the Surah Al- Fatihah and Doa Selamat which was read by ….. The ceremony then proceeded with a welcoming speech by Hj Yahkup bin Hj Menudin, Chief Executive of AITI and Chairman of BICTA Working Committee. In his speech, Hj Yahkup highlighted that Brunei can have a global marketplace and this year’s theme is “Empowering a Digital Nation”. He is right about one thing – opportunities are aplenty and we do have the expertise. Of course, the aim here is to have a global reach in our capabilities and make that a reality. InsyaAllah.
The Guest of Honor then proceeded to launch BICTA 2014 with the BICTA video which gave the audience a glimpse of the timeline and prizes for BICTA. There were three presentations that were conducted by successful companies who have received grant from AITI. The companies are MeSixty Sdn Bhd, PHMD Publishing Company and Socialbuzz Advertising. These companies presented on how the AITI grant has helped in their operational activities.
BICTA, was initiated by the Ministry of Communications in 2004 with the main objective to stimulate innovation and creativity in local ICT industry amongst individual and organizations including SME and education Institutions. It aims to be the benchmark for local software development through competitions amongst each other and winners will be nominated to represent Brunei Darussalam in the annual Asia Pacific ICT Alliance (APICTA) Award held in the regional. This year APICTA will be held in Pakistan..
Interested SMEs, Education Institutions and individuals who are motivated to create and develop the most innovative, intuitive, interactive and creative ICT products and services are welcomed and encouraged to showcase their talents in BICTA and to compete for a chance to win attractive cash prizes. The cash prizes for the top winner in each of the three categories are $10,000 for ICT Industry Project, $7,000 for Tertiary Student Project and $3,000 for School Student Project.
The Minister launching BICTA using Google glass
The Minister and other invited guests from the government and private sector
Chief Executive delivering his welcoming remarks
Aside from the awards for the 3 main categories, there is also the ‘Royal Patron Award’ which will be awarded to the “Best of the Best” product among all the categories, that is, the best amongst the first place winners in all categories. This biennial Royal Patron Award will be handed out by the Crown Prince at the BICTA 2014 Award Ceremony in September. In addition, there are 3 other special recognition awards this year namely ‘Islamic ICT Award’, ‘Community Services Award’ and ‘Young Developers Award’.
The Islamic Award is to encourage local talent to create solutions, applications or software that shares the Islamic knowledge, upgrading the Halal process, increase the Islamic law on business matters or Islamic social life style through ICT usage. Community Services Award is any application software, hardware or its combination to support the community in Brunei Darussalam with the aim to promote the rights and needs of particular groups; or to improve the wellbeing, quality of life and standard of living of the community with the ultimate intent to bridge the digital divide. Young Developers Award is meant for the most innovative ICT software, hardware or integrated solution developed by a participant under the age of 12. Through the Yong Developers Award, AITI hopes to generate the interest and support from the younger generation in ICT.
A series of workshops will be held from April onwards. This will be open to all interested participants of BICTA 2014. All schools and local ICT companies having their own ICT products and services are encouraged to participate. Application form can be obtained online from www.bicta.gov.bn. The deadline for submission online or to AITI’s office is on 11th August 2014.
Image courtesy of AITI
Khairi, one of the recipients from the AITI Grant
Liam of MeSixty, one of the recipients from the AITI Grant
Group photo with the Minister
Yves Grosjean, the General Manager of Total (Brunei), is an avid sailor and he recently competed in a friendly race at the Regatta Brunei Darussalam 2014 with his associates from Total (Brunei). His team came fourth in the invitational race in the private sector category. It’s all about the experience, the team work and the spirit that the organisation had last Sunday. It was good to see them participating in this prestigious event. Hope to see you guys competing again next year. Images courtesy of Total (Brunei).
Team Total posing for the camera in last Sunday’s Regatta Brunei Darussalam 2014 at the Royal Wharf
Yves Grosjean, the General Manager of Total (Brunei) and Rasimoon Adinin of Total
Team Total in action
Team Total in action
That’s a cool t-shirt for the event
Total team high in spirit during the race
Today’s the last day to register
Interested to rent a booth? Go to our website www.larianamaltongkatputih.com and you may get your downloadable forms there. Today is the last day of submission, the 5th of March at the 2nd floor, Bahagian keusahawanan & Pekerjaan, bangunan kementerian kebudayaan, belia dan sukan. #Brunei Full payment is needed upon submission and we will issue a receipt. Don’t hesitate to give this number 8659779 a ring.
Blood donation today at The Airport Mall organised by Pizza Hut Brunei starting 2pm later
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