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A remarkable feat by Nurul Aina

Written by Rano Iskandar. Posted in RA News

Six weeks not ideal enough

The news that grabbed headlines in yesterday’s paper

I believe the story won’t end here. Yesterday headliners saw “Komunis” shop owner being convicted and sentenced to six weeks in prison. With a maximum penalty of six months behind bars, Yong Teck Sang only received six weeks but allowed a stay of execution pending an appeal. According to the report, Judge Pengiran Hajah Hanani Pengiran Haji Metusain deferred sentencing the defendant on Thursday to invite the prosecution to make submissions on sentencing, and yesterday decided a custodial sentence was proper.

The court mentioned that Yong have been running a “dishonest business” and the court was of the view that he knew he was selling pirated DVDs. Him being described as showing lack of remorse didn’t help matters.

For your info, he was convicted of selling 135 copies of CDs and VCDS of Malaysian singer Siti Nurhaliza, a copyright product under the flagship of Suria Records Sdn Bhd, Malaysia. This case have been ongoing for more than two years and finally the verdict was in favour of the prosecutor, formerly handled by DPP Joe Chan Jin Yuh and also Suria Records.

Mr. Tan Ngiap Foo, CEO of Recording Industry Association of Malaysia (RIM) and I during the Anugerah Industry of Malaysia event back in November 2011

In a quick telephone interview with Tan Ngiap Foo, CEO of Recording Industry Association of Malaysia (RIM), he was delighted that the defendant was convicted and he hopes that this will be a learning lesson for others who doesn’t comply with selling copyright CDs, VCDs or DVDS. This was the first case that was brought to the court. Nonetheless Mr. Tan still notices some flaws in the system.

In Malaysia, the copyright law was introduced and violators will be fined RM 2,000 per song as quoted by the CEO of RIM. So that would mean that Yong would have to be fined at least RM 270,000 or BND 120,000 and the jail term won’t be exceeding 5 years. In Brunei, it’s a different story as the punishment is not as severe – a maximum of 6 months and BND 5,000 fine. In this case, Yong was sentenced to six weeks jail term and a BND 5,000 fine only.

Mr. Tan hopes that the Brunei Government can look into this matter in making the laws stricter and use Malaysia or Singapore as an example in how they combat piracy. He also hope that the verdict will take Brunei off the “watch list” from the Office of the Uniter States Trade Representative (USTR) where the Sultanate has been in the list due to the violation of intellectual property rights.

During the interview, Mr. Tan expressed his gratitude and appreciation to the Brunei Government, the Attorney’s General Chamber and most of all to DPP Joe Chan who have worked tirelessly for a long period of time on this particular case and also to ASP Naguib Dato Hj Ismail, Royal Brunei Police Force for his assistance and professionalism in carrying out the investigation in the case.

An inspirational athlete

Dk Nurul Aina Syafiqah came third in the 10km category at BIBD’s CE ALAF charity run yesterday

I have never heard of her before and I just found out that she has been active in joining runs in Brunei and it was the first time that I took notice of her just because she made the podium finish. Only 8 years old, Brunei has a new rising athlete star in the making and she has already made headlines.

If she had finished a minute slower, I wouldn’t have known of her and even with a top 10 finish, it is already considered a remarkable feat for an 8 year old. She missed the second spot by 21 seconds and she is ranked 6th in terms of timing for both Women’s Brunei and Women’s Open categories combined.

I’m not sure what her personal best is but she clocked 10km run in under one hour with a time of 53 mins 38 seconds. Considering of her age and her height, this is still a remarkable feat. She even overtook my buddy @keeranj who ran using my bib number since I wasn’t able to participate. Let’s hope the Brunei Athletics Association will take notice of her or maybe they already have.

Let’s not put our high hopes and expectations too because she’s still incredibly young and let her enjoy her run knowing that she has a bright future ahead of her.

HSBC – Spot, Send & Win

Click image to enlarge. SMS quiz last day on 17th October

Recap: Youth Day


BIBD Charity Expedition Run Part I

Written by Rano Iskandar. Posted in RA News

BIBD Charity Run this morning

21KM runners

10KM runners


The final day for O&G Job Fair

Written by Rano Iskandar. Posted in RA News

Promotion at Tasek Brasserie

Special promotion at Alan Inspiration Salon

Do click image to enlarge

Fly to Kuala Lumpur via RBA

Del does Double Down

The latest promotion from KFC – Double Down

There was one time they ran out of Zinger Double Down due to high demand. Now it’s back in stock.. KFC finally introduce a burger that is “bunless” and instead it’s a double zinger fillets that act as buns with a slice of meat, cheese and creamy mayonnaise.

The Zinger Double Down is available a la carte at B$5.90 and $6.90 with a regular drink. The combo set with wedges or fries and a large drink is also available with an additional $1. You should try it… Sogood.

Del Goh, General Manager of KFC, had his first try on Double Down last night and he himself was impressed. He said this was a popular gimmick in the West. Oh, I love it too man 😀

Final day for O&G Job Fair

Today’s the final day peeps!!!

Hmmmm.. It has already been six days of the exhibition job fair?? Now time really flew pretty fast and today’s the final day of the Oil & Gas Job Fair. There are 80 agencies with more than 1,000 job vacancies available. Some agencies will hire on the spot whilst some will have to go through interviews which happened yesterday and today.

On average, companies are receiving at least 40-50 CVs daily which shows a lot of interest from the public. For your info, there are even vacancies for those with only “O” levels. So don’t worry too much if you don’t have a diploma or a degree as they have many vacancies in this area. With vacancies here and there, it could also mean that some comapnies are expanding and one of it is BAG Networks and they too take people with “O” level.

Where2kerja.com is also participating in the job fair and they have a lot of individual subscribers ever since the launch of Oil & Gas Job Fair. The company deals with individuals posting their resume on the portal and also connecting to the right companies of their respective fields. Currently they are running a promotion on their portal and subscribers can stand a chance to win a smartphone sponsored by b•mobile. You can register your subscription of Where2kerja at their booth, next to DST booth.

With more than 80 agencies, don’t only think that there’s only BSP or BLNG or TOTAL to focus on. Well, that’s the expected default whenever graduates wanna try out in the oil and gas sector. You will be surprise the different vacancies available at BRIDEX. So what are you waiting for?? Today’s the final day.

Leny, Head of Energy Service Business Development from the Energy Department of Prime Minister’s Office, was heavily involved in this project

Tarmizi representing TechOne Global

Salleh Bostaman, Haslina Taib and Rozana Yunos were also there last Sunday during the launch of the Job Fair

The view from the top of the Job Fair

Ricky and Jonson at the Job Fair

Sheikh Khalid, CEO of SeriKandi, also participating at the Job Fair under his oil and gas company

Hj Sairul Rhymin, Acting CEO of TelBru with the associates of TelBru. The company also have vacancies.

Petronas is also seeking for future potential employees

Guess what?? Petronas is also offering an education sponsorship programme and it’s open application for BSc (Honours) in Geology and BEng (Honours) in Petroleum Engineering. Closing date is 15th October 2012. Good luck


Fire and Rescue Department have loads of vacancies. Try your luck!!

Hengyi Industries Sdn Bhd also involved in the Job Fair

A huge presence by Brunei Shell Petroleum

The Brunei LNG guys

Candidates filling in their application

Where2kerja.com will be having this gadget as their grand prize for a lucky subscriber. Visit their booth to find out how.

bFIT upcoming activities

bFIT brought to you by b•mobile

ATEC Environment Seminar in Balikpapan

For the first time, the Asia TOTAL Education Center (ATEC) will be organizing an Environment Seminar, which will be hosted by Total E&P Indonesie (TEPI) in Balikpapan, Indonesia. The ATEC Environment Seminar will bring in several prominent speakers to discuss on recent environmental issue, sustainable development, health, safety, and especially on environmental concern in delta area.

Among the objectives of the seminar will be: (1) to contribute to the education for Asian students by facilitating them to obtain knowledge on environmental impact and how to preserve it in oil and gas industry; (2) to control the impact of industry activities on environment through sustainable development; (3) to introduce TEPI’s programs in environment preservation in the frame of sustainable development.

Through this seminar, delegates and students from some Asian countries are invited to come to Indonesia and familiarize how to preserve environment in oil and gas industry. Participants to the seminar will also have the opportunity to go for a site visit to TEPI and do some planting activity.

Representatives from Brunei
Altogether, this 1st ATEC Environment Seminar is estimated to welcome 50 participants from the TOTAL Education team from France and Total affiliate representatives within the region (staff and students) from Brunei, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, and Singapore.

From Brunei, Total E&P Borneo B.V. (TEPB) will be represented by Yusrein-Hady Abd-Ghani (Environment Engineer) and Zulhilmi Rambli (Corporate Communications Executive) and three Bruneian students sponsored by TEPB from Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Institut Teknologi Brunei, and Wasan Vocational School.

Further to the nomination from the various institutions, TEPB had selected the following students: Universiti Brunei Darussalam is represented by Nurul Maz Juhairah bte Manjul (4th Year student in Bachelor of Sciences, Major in Biological Sciences); Institut Teknologi Brunei is represented by Zha Azrieka bte Kamal (2nd Year student in BSc Mechanical Engineering) and Wasan Vocational School is represented by Safuan Shah bin Bidin (2nd Year student in National Diploma in Biotechnology). The involvement of the local students is part of TEPB’s support in promoting education via its Corporate Social Responsibility while also anticipating tomorrow’s needs.

Yves Grosjean, General Manager of TEPB presenting the award letter to UBD student, Nurul Maz Juhairah bte Manjul as Hjh Nuairah Affifah bin Hj Abdul Wahab, UBD’s Public Relations Officer looks on.

Yves Grosjean, General Manager of TEPB presenting the award letter to ITB student, Zha Azrieka bte Kamal witnessed by Siti Nur Atika Sri Mu’minnah, ITB Student Relations Officer.

Yves Grosjean, General Manager of TEPB presenting the award letter to WVS student, Safuan Shah bin Bidin, witnessed by Dyg Masfarinawati Hj Aminuddin, HOD Biotechnology Department.

Group photo of the students with their respective representatives and TEPB Management and staff

Where2kerja picking up steam!!

Where2kerja.com will give a B-Mobile Mystique Smart Phone, contributed by B-Mobile Communications Sdn Bhd, to one winner who visits its booth and register. Participants can also just register at where2kerja.com at home by filling in their profile and uploading their CVs.

Where2kerja helps to recruit locals for employment, and providing a database in finding the right candidate for companies.

To be entitled for the lucky draw, the registered users have to fill in their profile in where2kerja.com, upload their CV to where2kerja.com and to “Like” on where2kerja, Royal Brunei Airlines, Standard Chartered Brunei, Aewon Brunei and Fitness Zone Brunei Facebook pages.

Christoper Ng receiving the b•mobile phone for lucky draw for subscribers from Nurul Jaafar, Acting General Maanger of b•mobile Communications

Every individual who registers at where2kerja will stand a chance to receive free coupons for a three-day pass to Fitness Zone, a lucky draw coupon to win a two-week and a month free membership at Fitness Zone, and also a year-end lucky draw. Other lucky draw prizes include a mug, a USB pen drive and pens.

Where2Kerja is an internet-based directory of professionals and business to employ locals in the oil and gas sector and other markets.

Since initiating the business in 2002, it has been visited by over two million visitors with over four million page hits. Where2kerja is under Indah Sejahtera Company, in partnership with B-Mobile Communications Sdn Bhd, Royal Brunei Airlines, Standard Chartered Bank, Aewon and Fitness Zone Health Club to support the 2nd Oil & Gas Sector Job Fair 2012, organised by the Energy Department at the Prime Minister’s Office.

Where2kerja.com will also officially launch a Social Media HR website and an SMS Integration Feature on November 6.

Where2kerja aims to ease the burden of recruitment manager, and provide a paperless continuous talent search, to help employee turnover, hire the right people, cater to employee on leave and provide social human resource network.

There are 350 businesses which work with where2kerja in looking for candidates to be employed, and the numbers are growing. It has 28,000 professionals registered with then and 1,000 job posts on offer to job seekers.

Christopher Ng Kok Keong, Marketing Manager and Business Development Executive, said the Energy Department made a brilliant effort in orgaising the event to -help the locals find employment. He said where2kerja can help foreign direct investors by providing information on local talents, skills and human resources, and hire local Bruneians to work in their company. Text courtesy of Nazirul Hakeem of Borneo Bulletin.

Where2kerja.com have also worked with Royal Brunei Airlines

SCB is registered with Where2kerja.com


What can I do..

Written by Rano Iskandar. Posted in RA News

Amazing fares at RBA

Click image to enter website

Happy Birthday Sophia

Celebrated a mellowed evening with birthday celebrant Sophia with friends at The Empire Hotel

Last night, we had a mini surprise for Sophia Siu @lilmopiko who is one tough girl to be surprised because she always figuring out our master plan. Anyway, we are glad you enjoyed the evening and it was good to see familiar faces especially Melati who drove all the way from Seria *awwww you’re awesome* and a big hand to Malcolm who pulled off a good show on the piano. So peeps, if you want some music entertainment (on the piano), Malcolm is the guy!!!

To the birthday celebrant, may you year be properous and full of abundance (ok, so cliche haha) and I’m very thankful for your friendship and support all these years. All the best in your business and also your thesis :p See you soon. Much love.

Malcolm played a few of Sophia’s favourite playlists

bFIT will be a bigger hit next year

bFIT was officially launched last Sunday

I see a bigger potential in this programme created by b•mobile the following year and the amount of effort put into this project is beyond my expectations. I believe with the right partners, this goal can be achieved and b•mobile might have just struck the right note for this one.

The guest of honour Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Health, Hj Awg Saifulbahri bin Hj Awang Mansor, launched the event last Sunday before a group of 50 bFIT participants performed a march parade together with b•mobile motivators and Fitness Zone instructors.

For your info, this programme is a 9 week programme and each contestant will undergo a one-day body assessment, counselling sessions and nutritional talks. There will be weekly challenges and also workout sessions.

It is true what See Wei Kie, Acting CEO of b•mobile said that sports is for everyone and not just for high performers or elites.

This Sunday the outdoor challenge will be at Bukit Shahbandar. So good luck to all those involved and I hope I’m able to cover the event should it not clashed with the BIBD CE ALAF run. Well done to b•mobile on launching the event and yes, you can view the programme on RTB which will be shown on a weekly basis.

See Wei Kie, Acting CEO of b•mobile, in his welcoming remarks

The invited guests in attendance

The official opening

Off, off you go…

Guest of honour talking to one of the participants

Say cheese…..

Getting ready for the Sh’Bam workout

Robin trying to blend in the groove

… while Nana was into the groove

Follow the clown and you will be fine

The b•mobile motivators

The b•mobile motivators

Good luck Emelda

Good luck Aliya

The best performer of the week

The circuit training

The circuit training

The circuit training

The circuit training

The circuit training


Music lover

Written by Rano Iskandar. Posted in RA News

Promotion at Tasek Brasserie

Alan Inspiration

Brunei Halal launches website, rebranding

The Brunei Halal logo at their head office at Jerudong

Here’s the thing.. People do get confused about Brunei Halal and their role in Brunei. They are not an agency that deals with certifying food or products or even restaurants. They are more like a government owned company but commercially driven that deals with their own products to be marketed locally and internationally which carries the Brunei Halal name and logo. Well, I shall go into those details next time. But for the now, the focus is on Brunei Halal’s rebranding of their website.

According to Feby Latip, CEO of Brunei Halal on the revamped website, it is a branding exercise for the company which coincides with the developments happening in Brunei Wafirah and Brunei Halal products. Now the www.brunei-halal.com looks more upbeat and vibrant.

Feby said the revamped website not only gives a fresher feel but you are able to see updates on the promotions and events and the nagivation is smoother and dynamic. The creativity of the website was done internally while the PT Iris Sistem Inforindo and Nuke Graphics handled the back-end of the website. She also thanked and appreciated the rest of them in different departments within Brunei Wafirah Holdings and the trading company, Ghanim International Food Corporation.

You can also follow them on Facebook and Twitter @bruneihalal

The young peeps behind the Brunei Halal website project with the creative team

The team behind Brunei Halal

The screen shots of Brunei Halal website

Some interesting FAQs for you to know more about Brunei Halal

For first timers, it may take a while to load because of its flash based

Some of the food items labelled under Brunei Halal. Currently they have around 50 products under the brand.

Brunei victorious after 4 years

Brunei defeated Cambodia 3-2 yesterday

Job well done for Brunei but they are not there yet. They have to beat Laos and Timor Leste in the next few days to qualify for the Suzuki Cup. Brunei beat Cambodia 3-2 in yesterday’s match which is Brunei’s first international victory in four years at the Youth Training Centre in Yangon yesterday.

However, it was not a smooth ride for the visitors as they have to claw back from behind with goals from Md Aminuddin Zakwan Tahir, Muhd Helmi Zambin and Azwan Muhd Salleh. Well done to the Brunei team for the valuable 3 points in the qualifiers.

Brunei coach Kwon Oh-son’s half-time team talk sure woke the national football team up. Down 1-0 at the break, the Wasps scored three goals in the span of 18 minutes to defeat Cambodia 3-2 in the ASEAN Football Federation (AFF) Suzuki Cup qualifiers yesterday a vital win which kept alive their hopes of progressing to next month’s main event.

The pressure was on the team to perform and the national coach knew just how important a win which would be their first in four years would be if they wanted to avoid disappointing the thousands of football fans back home. Click here to read more. Images courtesy of Yee Chun Leong.

The score line at the Youth Training Centre, Yangon

Dinner with the Brunei team and management

Afi celebrated his birthday yesterday too

The Brunei supporters at the match yesterday

Brunei 1st team against Cambodia yesterday

Blood donation at AITI

AITI held a blood donation drive in Dewan Seri Kerna, AITI Building, Anggerek desa. The Guest of honour for the function was Yang Mulia Hj Yahkup Hj Menudin, Chief Executive of AITI. The function was also attended by representatives and blood donors from TelBru, DST, B-Mobile, iCentre and AITI staff.

The function began with a welcoming remark by Hj Yahkup Hj Menudin, it was stated that this is one of the first AITI Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative that involves the TelCos and other stakeholders of AITI. Hj Yahkup indicated that there will be more CSR initiatives that will be coordinated by AITI and is looking forward to future collaborations.

It was then followed by a talk by Dr Nang Nway Nway Lone, on the benefits of blood donation. Images courtesy of AITI.

Hj Yahkup Hj Menudin, Chief Executive of AITI, gave his welcoming remarks

Dr Nang Nway Nway Lone talking on the benefits of blood donation

The registration table


Evode in the making?

Written by Rano Iskandar. Posted in RA News

Promotion at Tasek Brasserie

Alan Inspiration

Discounts of Galaxy Note II

Just mention ranoadidas and you will get a $20 discount on the Samsung Galaxy Note II

Ever heard of LARA Corp? Well, they started their business through Facebook (thelaracorp or click here) and they grew from there. They also had a small stall at Times Square previously before they eventually moved to a physical store located at The Airport Mall. The mobile shop is located next to KFC outlet.

I shall highlight the Samsung Galaxy Note II which is selling like hot cakes now. This week, for RA readers, you will get a $20 discount on the Samsung Galaxy Note II at LARA Corp if you mention the word Ranoadidas. The gray ones just sold out and now they have the white ones in stock.

LARA Corp also have the latest iPhone5 and the 64gig is selling at a competitive price compared to other vendors.

The 16gig iPhone 5 is sold out but they have 32 and 64gig available

Race packs collection today

Participants of Bank Islam Brunei Darussalam’s (BIBD) Charity Expedition Advocating Life-long Learning (CE-ALAF) gathered at the Orchid Garden Hotel (OGH) yesterday and last Sunday to collect their race entry packs and today’s (Tuesday) the final day of collection (1:30pm to 8pm)

Hundreds of registered participants were seen at the hotel’s Vanda Restaurant to collect their pack, which contained information about the upcoming race and a t-shirt.

According to a press release from BIBD,about 5,000 participants have registered for the CE-ALAF run. The CE-ALAF programme is a corporate social responsibility initiative that seeks to support underprivileged students by providing them with educational opportunities.

The charity expedition, which involves running and cycling, carries the tagline, “One Step, One Pedal, One Education”. It will be held on October 14 at the Hassanal Bolkiah Stadium, where there will also be a charity bazaar and prize draw.

The expedition will feature five different sporting events: a 2.5km fun run, a 5km run, a 10km run, a 21km half-marathon and a 53km cycling expedition.

As a side activity, the GetFitCrossFit group will conduct a demo clinic for participants at the parking lot of the Orchid Garden Hotel. Text by Anway Rosly of The Brunei Times.

Executive lunch sets at Caliente

Have you tried the cuisine at Caliente? First opening its doors in the month of April of this year, Caliente which is located in Regent Square has satisfied its patrons with its Spanish cuisine.

Spanish cuisine has a rich and cultural history drawn from a mixture of European and North African food and even a slight greek influence.

One popular food item is tapas which was originally used to refer to a piece of bread used as a lid to cover drinks. Today tapas is the most acquired Spanish cuisine owing to the versatility and ease of its preparation, Caliente offers its patrons this versatile experience drawing from the best loved tapas enjoyed all over spain which could either be a perfect appetiser or even a complete meal.

Spanish tortillas, chorizo, prawns mackerel and anchovies along with the simple yet scrumptious patatas bravas are all featured in Caliente’s hot and cold tapas selection.

The owners stated most of the ingredients used in spanish cuisine are olive oil based and uses fresh green vegetables. Some of the ingredients are even specially imported from Spain such as the case for the flour used to make Caliente’s nachos and many more. Soon they will be bringing another European chef.

Caliente now has new promotion such as the Tapas specialty selections and spanish corn dog and they also have the executive lunch set. So a good reason to give Caliente a visit.

It is located on 1st Floor, Regent Square at Kiulap. Call 223 4549 for reservation. Oh yeah, I’m quite surprised that not many know of Regent Square at Kiulap.. Maybe they know of the building but not of the name of the area. You can also visit their Facebook to look for updates.


The deadline

Written by Rano Iskandar. Posted in RA News

Promotion at Tasek Brasserie

Alan Inspiration

Sneaks for my posts

Massive crowd on first day of collection for Race Entry Pack for BIBD Charity Expedition ALAF Run. Collection continues today and tomorrow 1:30pm to 8:30pm at Orchid Garden Hotel

Circuit training for participants of bFIT yesterday after the successful launch of bFIT programme

So is this true? *lol* Taken from yesterday’s paper

GetFitCrossFit had a demo session yesterday outside OGH. Ricky and Steph doing their reps.

Team @maurina won a huge prize from Destination Dash competition hosted by Royal Brunei Airlines. Find out what they won later.

The guys from PetroleumBRUNEI at the Oil and Gas Job Fair at BRIDEX. There are plenty of exhibitors at the one week job fair and do drop by for those seeking for a job.

In need of a graphic designer. Email your CV if you are qualified and interested.

B.I.G Series outing during their 1st year Anniversary

My new toy… Dr. Legopus bullying Hulkie #bruneilego

Prize presentation at Hua Ho Mulaut with Baiduri Bank associates and management of Hua Ho. Image courtesy of Azmi of BK Network


Crunch time

Written by Rano Iskandar. Posted in RA News

His Majesty feted DP Sumadi

His Majesty the Sultan of Brunei awarded Dato Paduka Sumadi, one of the recipients, at the Youth Day this morning at the Indoor Stadium

Job Fair starting tomorrow

The Energy Minister was delighted that more than 1,000 have secured jobs at the Oil and Gas sector. Image taken from The Brunei Times’ website.

More than 1,000 new jobs have already been taken up by locals within the oil and gas sector, surpassing the Energy Department at the Prime Minister’s Office’s (EDPMO) target for local employment this year, said the Energy Minister.

Yang Berhormat Pehin Datu Singamanteri Colonel (Rtd) Dato Seri Setia (Dr) Hj Mohd Yasmin Hj Umar confirmed that 1,114 jobseekers had secured posts in the oil and gas industry to date, exceeding the minimum target of 1,000 jobs by the year-end.

“We’ve reached our target, more than we’ve expected,” he told the media.

The minister (pictured), who was very pleased with the achievement, said that the EDPMO’s on-going local business development (LBD) drive contributed to the department reaching their intended target, which hopes to see an increase from the initial 37 per cent of local employment to 45 per cent this year.

Since the initiative started early this year, the EDPMO has been giving “wake-up calls” to oil and gas industry players to create and provide jobs to locals, as well as organising two successful job fairs. These recruits consisted of professional, skilled and semi-skilled workers filling in new jobs in Brunei’s major economy driver.

As envisioned in the draft Energy White Paper, the EDPMO is pushing to produce 5,000 professional and 35,000 skilled and semi-skilled Bruneian workers for the oil and gas industry, both in the upstream and downstream sector, with a target of 80 per cent local employment by the time the country realises its national Vision 2035.

“We have proven that it can be done. We can see now that the industry is employing people, and this (achievement) shows that, between the government and Brunei Shell Joint Venture companies, we have a good channel of communications at all levels,” he added.

“We want to do more for next year. Our KPI (key performance indicators) is maybe too low this year, so we plan to increase our KPI next year,” he added.

YB Pehin Dato Hj Mohd Yasmin was speaking during a dialogue session between the EDPMO and senior officials of Brunei Shell Petroleum Company Sdn Bhd (BSP) yesterday.

The dialogue, held at Pusat Insani in Seria, was aimed to discuss issues and new ideas with BSPpersonnel towards enhancing their competency in their respective fields. “Dialogues like this is very important, as it will shape our future industry,” he told the media. Text courtesy of Al-Haadi Abu Bakar of The Brunei Times.

The preparation for tomorrow

Leny working behind the scenes and thanks for updating me on the event 😀

Preparing for the event launch tomorrow

The map for the job fair

The guys from Kwad Advertising preparing for the event

The official t-shirt for the job fair

Special flights to Tokyo & Taiwan

Check out the deals at your preferred travel agents

5,000 for BIBD Run

Almost 5,000 runners have registered for the Bank Islam Brunei Darussalam Charity Expedition for ALAF which is slated for next Sunday (Oh man, and I have not jogged yet). Yesterday a briefing was conducted and hosted by BIBD led by Hjh Nurul Akmar Hj Mohd Jaafar, the Head of Corporate Social Responsibility of BIBD, and also present were representatives from Royal Brunei Police Force, HEART, RIPAS Hospital, JMPC, Brunei Amateur Athletics Association, Cityneon, CE-ALAF’s official logistics partner and Adxpert, the official event management partner.

The funds raised for the event will helped the under privileged students to continue their studies and stay in any of the educational institutions. The charity drive is branded as Charity Expedition for ALAF or CE-ALAF. The ALAF programme, which is short for Advocating Life Long Learning for an aspiring Future is a BIBD CSR initiative that seeks to support the nation’s aspiration to build a well-educated and highly-skilled human resource pool by providing opportunities of educational progression to underprivileged students.

Remember that the event for the collection of the Race Entry Pack is tomorrow (Sunday) at Orchid Garden Hotel between 1:30pm to 8:30pm (from Sunday 7th October to Tuesday 9th October). There will be a Crossfit demo and fitness clinic conducted by GetFit CrossFit from 2pm to 5pm and it will be held at the parking area outside OGH and near the Anggrek Desa Swimming Pool.

Below are the timings for the categories

50km cycling – 6am flag off
21km runners – 6:15am flag off
10km runners – 6:30am flag off
5km runners – 6:45am flag off
2.5km runners – 7am flag off

Oh yeah, do take note that there will be a finisher medal for 21km and 10km runners. However, there’s a condition that you are to complete the run at a cut off time of 3 hours for 21km and 2 hours for 10km.

Parking will be at Hassanal Bolkiah Stadium and do be alert of leaving your belongings in your car due to increase of break-ins especially during big events. There will be more than four hundred volunteers and officials assisting the event as well.

So mark your date on Sunday 14th October and let’s do this for charity :))


Wear anything pink

Written by Rano Iskandar. Posted in RA News

Promotion at Tasek Brasserie

Alan Inspiration

Travelmania 2012

Are you ready to plan your trip?

Travelmania 2012 at BRIDEX

The opening ceremony today of Travelmania 2012 at BRIDEX

Dermot Mannion, Deputy Chairman of Royal Brunei Airlines, joked that this is the time you can find a job (job fair next door), booked your ticket and go for a holiday/honeymoon

Guest of honour at Darusssalam Holdings

Visit their booth for awesome deals and extra benefits

They are four banks at the Travelmania but the official bank is Baiduri Bank

Such a huge crowd for the morning itself

Malaysia Airlines also have great deals and they also recently celebrated their 40th anniversary

Wanna plan your trips?

Selangor Tourism is also making their presence felt and you will be amazed the kinds of place of interests that Selangor can offer

Guest of honour at Tourism Malaysia booth

The guys from Tourism Malaysia

Those who wants to know more about Taiwan, do visit here

Brunei Tourism booth is the biggest of the lot

The delegates of Brunei Tourism

Get your balloons from them as well

Standard Chartered have games of their own

BIBD also showing support for Travelmania 2012

A local SME also participating at Travelmania

Fitness Zone was also there

Coffee Bean are selling their CBTL machines at the fair

The Empire Hotel promoting their packages and food promotion

Royal Plaza on Scotts are having special promotion rates for Brunei passport holders

They were holding goodie bags for the guest of honour

You will come across these too

Human traffic as usual

I parked at the back.. I’m pretty sure it will be more unbearable because of the clash of two events – Job Fair and plus a wedding this Sunday

bFIT going full blast this Sunday

bFIT – A healthier tomorrow

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Wear Pink today and create more awareness of Breast Cancer. If you can’t find anything pink to wear, then put on something in pink like this badge or wear a pink ribbon. Let’s spread the love!!

Opportunities at Oil & Gas

Check it out at BRIDEX from 7th to 13th October

Happy Birthday Wai-Ming

Thanks for all the support, dude!!

4G roll out by early 2013

Idris Vasi, CEO of DST, talked of LTE/4G, network congestions and Nano-SIM cards at today’s luncheon with the local media

It was officially announced that LTE (long term evolution) or 4G will roll out early next year 2013 *Awesome* It was mentioned by Idris Vasi, CEO of DST, in today’s luncheon with the media at Dynasty Restaurant. Another interesting to note is that there will be new “Policy Control” mechanisms as they will help to offload and reduce the congestion currently being experienced by subscribers. This has been a burning issue from the local community as voice calls have become more challenging. More on this later..

The final announcement that was shared by Idris is the availability of the Nano-SIM cards which is only applicable for iPhone 5 users. The nano sim-card will be available hopefully by end of the month (October) from DST. This would mean that you don’t have to cut your already small sim-card into a nano shape and risked it from getting faulty.

I had a good conversation with Idris and asked him about the so called network congestions that the public have been voicing out. Idris and the DST team are very aware of the public’s feedback and yes, they have taken measures to counter these problems.

“Since January this year, DST has recorded a significant increase in Data traffic usage by upwards of 70%. People are accessing the internet using mobile phones in Brunei and these factors are also because there are in an increase of smartphones, tablets and notebooks. Hence this is causing strain on mobile network,” said Idris

He also shared how the Global Mobile Data Traffic has increased by 133% last year and Brunei is no different in terms of usage.

How the Nano-SIM card looks like

TigerLim was also in attendance

Idris addressing to the media during lunch

As for the solutions to counter the congestion, DST have invested in 50 additional capex (base stations) to accommodate the high increase of usage. So don’t expect it to be an overnight solution as the implementation is currently ongoing. Give it a few more months and you will notice a more efficient connectivity on DST network. Another thing that DST have done is creating a dual carrier (voice + data and voice) on the base stations so this will ease the congestion as well.

I believe the introduction of 4G will be the most awaited event. I, for sure, will upgrade my current service to 4G once available. For now, they have been doing trials at certain areas. However, don’t expect that 4G will have an extensive coverage once it rolls out as they will be going by stages. For 3G and 2G users, don’t worry as DST have also invested in these network infrastructure for the benefit of subscribers.

Brunei takes on Myanmar today

Brunei team heading off to Myanmar a few days ago. Image by Jake Ten of Borneo Bulletin.

Can Brunei qualify for the Asean Football Federation Suzuki Cup 2012?

Twenty players and eight officials will be travelling to Myanmar, along with two National Football Association of Brunei Darussalam (NFABD) officials. The 11 Brunei DPMM FC players that were called up to the National Team retained their places in the final 20 players, whilst Majra FC duo Md Maududi Hilmi bin Kasmi and Md Azri bin Zahari also made the trip to Myanmar.

Md Haizul Rani Metusin, Affendy bin Haji Akup, Hamizan Aziz bin Sulaiman, Md Afi bin Aminuddin, Md Azwan bin Ali Rahman, Md Nurikhwan bin Othman and Md Aminuddin Zakwan bin Othman complete the final 20.

Speaking at the Departure Hall of the Brunei Darussalam International Airport, Team Manager Haji Feisal bin Haji Eusoff chose to play down the expectations surrounding his side ahead of a tough round of qualifying matches in Yangon.

“We will do the best that we can, for the sake of the country,” declared Haji Feisal. “I hope that the players are in good condition, and that there are no injuries, especially in the starting 11,” he added.

The list of the final 20 players were only confirmed the day before the team was set to depart, but despite this, Haji Feisal insisted that his team has their eyes set on qualifying for the final round in November.

“We aren’t focussing on which group we want to be in, but just on qualifying for the final round,” explained Haji Feisal.

Brunei’s qualifying campaign kicks off on October 5 against hosts Myanmar, with their four-game campaign coming to an end against Timor Leste on October 13. All games will be played at the Youth Training Centre in Yangon. Text by Jake Ten of Borneo Bulletin.

Exhibition at Times Square

The Times Square Home and Lifestyle Exhibition 2012 has kick-started on Wednesday, 3rd October 2012 and will consist of a wide array of booths and activities throughout until 7th October 2012.

For the 2nd year running, Times Square has organized their Home and Lifestyle Exhibition 2012, offering the perfect one stop for those sourcing for the best home and lifestyle solutions and is the ideal platform to address any of the public’s renovation, refurbishment and decorating needs for those looking to buy their perfect dream house.

With the presence of various exhibitors offering a vast variety of products and services ranging from property and real estate firms, banks, insurance and so much more, as well as several exciting activities and highlights, the Exhibition aims to be a must-go this weekend.

The Exhibition is packed with activities such as the Best Eastern Build your Dream House Contest, where contestants in teams of 2 will be given illustration boards for them to build and decorate their very own 1 foot 3D house and win amazing prizes, such as Best Eastern gift vouchers. Contestants are required to bring their own decorating and building materials. Interested individuals are to submit their registration forms with a receipt of $20.00 and above on Derwent products from Best Eastern outlets at Times Square, The Mall and Mabohai.

Aside from that, there is also the Doughworkz by Pastamania program, a program customized for children from ages 6-12, providing them with the opportunity to have hands-on experience in making pizza and to learn more about the fun facts or pasta and pizzas, as well as getting to know the equipment and its usage. Be it a get-together or a birthday celebration, Doughworks by Pastamania will be a memorable and enjoyable experience. For more information and participation, please call 8992579.

The crowd yesterday at Times Square. Image by Sabrina Mahmud.

Burger competition yesterday at Times Square. Image by Sabrina Mahmud.

Burger competition yesterday at Times Square. Image by Sabrina Mahmud.

Best Eastern Build Your Dream House contest. Image by Sabrina Mahmud.

Burger competition yesterday at Times Square. Image by Sabrina Mahmud.

Meanwhile, Rentokil Initial Brunei (RIB) is offering promotions on their innovative second generation termite solutions called Colony Elimination Profressional Program (CEP²). This innovative termite baiting system, acts as a radar or a security system. Rentokil Initial is also providing a discount up to 35% for their CEP² solution and shoppers of Times Square Shopping Centre will get a chance to win 3 prizes in a lucky draw, which includes 1 Free CEP² Solution worth up to B$5k, and 2 Free General Pest Control.

They are also providing free Personal Hygiene Awareness Talk (PHAT) in order to highlight proper washroom habits, by providing demonstration on proper hand washing steps and hand sanitizer usage to show the importance of good hand hygiene to prevent the Hand, Foot and Mouth disease. Pest Awareness Talk (PAT) will also be provided on 3rd, 5th and 7th October at 7:00pm, in order to educate home owners on the behaviors of pest which also includes the prevention of pests in order for home owners to have a peace of mind in their own home. The Talks are all open to public. For more information, please call 8220088.

There will also be yoyo performances by Yo! Splinter during the weekends; local yoyo enthusiasts who have made quite a name for themselves by gracing many parts of the country with their impressive yoyo skills.

The public is encouraged to bring along their families to visit the Times Square Home and Lifestyle Exhibition, especially during the school holidays. With everything under one roof, and a cinema in the making, Times Square Shopping Centre is ‘A Place for Everyone’. Press release from The Times Square.

During the opening ceremony

One of the vendors of the exhibition

SQ2 kicked off at Bandar

The Audition for Stardom Quest 2 has started. For your info, Stardom Quest is a singing competition which bring our locals Bruneians together and different group of ethnicity. The shows theme and aims is to bring everyone together which is “One Music, One Family, One Brunei”. The age group is from 12-40 years old and you can choose Chinese, English or Malay song to perform. Contestant can also register online by going to the facebook Page, WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/STARDOMQUEST2 or visit our sponsors and partners to get the registration forms. They are still accepting participants too.

Recently on 29th September 2012, the first audition started and 40 participants showed up for the three hour show. Only 13 contestants made it through the audition. There were contestants who used their own composed songs which wowed the judges.

This Sunday, the team are going to Kuala Belait this Sunday to carry out the next audition at KB Town Bandaran Dewan.

The show would not be a success without the sponsors: Fitness Zone, IA Salon, B-List Media, Jen Studio, Kingston, Hui Huang Enterprise, The Faceshop, Deseo, Aewon, KFC, Aiking Trading Co Sdn Bhd, O3, The Airport Mall, Cantik Beautyline, Sri Lembayung, Radisson Hotel, SONY Music and Imagine Music SG.

One of the contestants

One of the contestants

One of the contestants

One of the contestants

Group photo with Danny and the judges and those involved

The hosts for Stardom Quest 2

Devon carrying one of the drinks from the sponsors

Wanna overcome anxiety?

It’s happening today at JPMC and it’s FREE!!


3 more days!!!

Written by Rano Iskandar. Posted in RA News

My new toy mate – Hulkie

Hulkie demands an answer…. #bruneilego #lego

Entry packs pick-up tomorrow!!

Are you ready for next Sunday?

Bank Islam Brunei Darussalam (BIBD) would like to bring to the attention of registrants of Charity Expedition for ALAF that the Race Entry Pack Collection (REPC) venue has been moved to the Orchid Garden Hotel.

Participants can collect their Race Entry Packs from 7th until 9th October (Sunday to Tuesday) between 1.30pm and 8.30pm.

Also, this Sunday, October 7, one of CE-ALAF’s supporters, GetFit CrossFit (GFCF) will be conducting a CrossFit Demo and fitness clinic from 2pm until 5pm for members of the public especially registrants of CE-ALAF. It will be held at the parking lot between the Orchid Garden Hotel and the Anggrek Desa Swimming Pool. Interested participants are advised to come in their sports attire.

The aim of the clinic is to demonstrate certain stretches and workouts individuals can do before going for a run or cycle. It is also to showcase that anyone and everyone can do crossfit workouts.

Charity Expedition for ALAF or CE-ALAF is a first of its kind charity drive that gives local runners and cyclists the opportunity to play a major part in helping underprivileged children stay in school.

The ALAF programme, which is short for “Advocating Life-Long Learning for an Aspiring Future”, is a BIBD CSR initiative that seeks to support the nation’s aspiration to build a well-educated and highly skilled human resource pool by providing opportunities of educational progression to underprivileged students.

The Charity Expedition, carrying the tagline “One step, one pedal, one education’, will consist of running, cycling and a charity bazaar, will be held on October 14 at the Hassanal Bolkiah National Stadium. The event will feature five different sporting events – 2.5km Fun Run, 5km Run, 10km Run, 21km Half-Marathon and a 53km Cycling Expedition.

The 10km run and the 21km half-marathon are competitive races in which runners can win marathon packages to Melboune, Hongkong, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and Kota Kinabalu. First, second and third prize winners will also receive an exclusive winners T-Shirt, together with winning medals.

Ok, it has been months since I started training… Will I be fit for next Sunday?

Join Club 20 at TFS

Join the Club 20 at The FaceShop starting tomorrow onwards

Changi Transit Programme

I bet when you are in Changi Airport (Singapore), you like to do last minute shopping, right? Transiting in Singapore just became more attractive with the launch of the Changi Transit Programme. From now to 31 March 2014, eligible Singapore Airlines and SilkAir customers transiting at Changi Airport will be issued S$20 worth of Changi Dollar Vouchers (CDVs) each.

The CDVs are valid for one-time use at all retail, food and service outlets located at the transit and public areas of Terminals 1, 2 and 3, excluding outlets in the Arrival Baggage Claim Halls. They can also be redeemed for one-time access to the Ambassador Transit Lounge at Terminals 2 and 3 for up to three hours. Lounge usage includes showers with basic toiletries, light refreshments, free flow of non-alcoholic beverages, local and international reading materials, as well as complimentary WiFi.

With more than 280 retail, service and food and beverage outlets in the transit areas as well as amenities such as movie theatres and themed gardens, travellers have much to experience when transiting through the award-winning Changi Airport. A convenient Skytrain transport system allows passengers easy access to all three of Changi’s terminals.

To enjoy the Changi Transit Programme, customers must be travelling from Bangladesh, Brazil, Brunei, Cambodia, China, Egypt, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, the Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, the Philippines, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, the US and Vietnam. In addition, customers’ Singapore-bound flights must be on either Singapore Airlines or SilkAir.

The Changi dollar vouchers. Image courtesy of jemmawei.com

Eligible customers should present both their electronic ticket and boarding pass of their Singapore-bound flight before collecting their CDVs. This can be done at all seven Information Counters in the transit areas of Terminals 2 and 3. Issued while stocks last, the CDVs will expire on 31 March 2014.

Mr Peh Ke-Wei, CAG’s Vice President for Passenger Development, said, “We are pleased to work with Singapore Airlines and SilkAir in offering the Changi Transit Programme. With the exciting line-up of transit experiences on offer at Changi, we would like to encourage passengers to explore our airport and enjoy the Changi Experience during their layover”.

Mr Sheldon Hee, Singapore Airlines’ Senior Manager Marketing Communications and Development, said, “With this promotion, our customers can look forward to a transit experience in Singapore like no other. They will be able to enjoy the great variety of retail, lifestyle and dining options that Changi Airport has to offer before continuing on their journeys”.

In addition, transit customers can enjoy even more privileges and discounts by presenting their Singapore Airlines or SilkAir boarding pass at participating stores, under the Boarding Pass Privileges Programme. The CDVs can be used in conjunction with the Boarding Pass Privileges at participating outlets at Changi Airport.

So if you planning to book your flights at the Travelmania 2012 this weekend, there’s a good reason to fly via Singapore Airlines and grab this opportunity.



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