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A pocket full of zzzzz

Written by Rano Iskandar. Posted in News, RA News


Consolidate to save

I came across this advertisement on Standard Chartered recently and what caught my eye is the difference in repayments for your loans. This is interesting indeed. How can that be possible to lower the repayment amount by as much as BND400 on a monthly basis? This was from the illustration of the poster that I saw on their website recently.

So imagine that you have a few loans that you have such as personal loans, credit card payments or your other loans. You will pay the normal dues respectively to the bank as part of your commitment. The thing that struck me me was the savings that you can enjoy when you consolidate all the loan commitments into one and enjoy a lower repayment scheme as a whole.

In other words, if I were to pay individually for the loans that I have even from other banks and the total loan amounts to a total of BND 75,000, every month I would have to fork out BND 1,093. Now with Standard Chartered’s new financial package, you would only pay BND 653 as a whole. That’s like a savings of BND 400ish. Now that’s a great deal.

Better still, you only pay a flat interest rate of 3.79% (6.5% effective) per annum for 15 years tenor.

I don’t have a personal loan or car loan from a bank but this may be relevant to those who have existing multiple bank loans. I understand however, there are qualifying criteria so not everyone is eligible. If you are keen to find out more, you can reach them at 265 8000 or click on the link.



Another pool of talents

Joanna Kwan with the WCOPA contests from Brunei at the airport yesterday

It’s good to know that we are not stopping to send Bruneians to Hollywood to showcase their talents in singing, dancing, playing instruments or acting. Remember WCOPA? They are back but with a slightly lower bang. I remember for the past two years that they had a good hype leading to the event.

Not all that qualified for WCOPA will be flying to the California, US. This is due to the budget constraint as all participants will have to seek for sponsorship for their travels and they were given some months to reach their targeted sponsorship. It’s never an easy journey as an artist especially in Brunei. Financial support has always been tough for local artists. Despite the setbacks, there are always ways and means to reach their goals and for this case, to fly to Los Angeles and participated in the WCOPA competition.

By the way, WCOPA stands for World Championship of Performing Arts. Brunei did fairly well last year with Shian Li, Eia and Joanna reached the finals. Shian Li won the top accolade in her category while Joanna was given an acting scholarship. Eia was offered something of a bigger scale – to host the upcoming WCOPA 2015. That itself is an amazing opportunity for a Bruneian to host a world championship event.

Zainal Bostaman, founder of Bruhaha, pumped up for the event

Zainal with his family at the Brunei International Airport

The family huddle before boarding

This shot taken early in the year. How time has flown off so fast.

Yesterday most of the participants flew off for the US for their three week journey in Los Angeles. Zainal Bostaman (Senior Acting), Nadya Halim, Ak Muhd Yazakka Pg Hj Mohd Yamin known as “Yazakka”, Kala Kawarnamurthi and Erwan Mugit, part of Ellewan duo (all to compete in the Senior Vocal category) whereas Amy Cheong, Ainul Marzuki, Mardi Hedus and Shannon Osman the team of Relentless Entertainment will compete in the Senior Dance Group.

The ones missing were Michele Tan of Ellewan, Sarah Jane of Relentless and Hill Zaini as they couldn’t make it for the competition.

Joanna Kwan, previous WCOPA participant, flew off with the delegates and she will be managing the Brunei team during the course of the competition.

Jeffrey E. Cadayong, WCOPA Brunei Darussalam’s National Director, will be welcoming the delegates in the US.

Do follow their instagram @officialwcopabrunei for updates and let’s hope for mode success for the participants. The competition will be from 10th to 19th July at Long Beach, California.


The team of Relentless flew off earlier yesterday

Relentless have been raising funds for their trip to the US. They have done an excellent job in doing so. Image courtesy of The Brunei Times.

Taken some time ago when Brunei bagged many awards and medals.



Slow and steady

Written by Rano Iskandar. Posted in News, RA News


The nasi katok effect

The shop that I frequent in Singapore – Toy Outpost at Plaza Singapura. Image taken from their website.

That’s how it is. When you create opportunities and there is a huge demand, then it’s ideal to have new entrants into the market. I have been noticing the late surge of cube stores in Brunei. I saw this concept at Singapore many years ago at Plaza Singapura and I thought it is such a great way to sell items without dealing with high operating costs. I frequent there a lot because they mostly sell figurines and mini-figures (lego) and WWE products. They are very focused in their theme so I know I won’t be wasting my time and most of the items on display would relate to me. Of course, I also like to hunt for novelty products.

Now Brunei is more like an untapped market and we are beginning to enjoy the concept of window shopping at cube stores. This can help to promote small businesses or SMEs to start off their business on a smaller scale and test the market. Those who make a side business through means of social media will find this very handy indeed.

The concept cube store that was the so called pioneer was SCG Enterprise. It started in Seri Q-Lap Mall and now expanded its services at Citis Square. Now malls in Brunei are showing similar trends of cube stores. Well, it’s a good thing for the owners of the cube stores because it’s also a good income for them to sustain in maintaining cube stores and it’s more of a perpetual income on the basis of subletting the cube spaces.

Let’s just hope that we won’t have too many of it as our market is pretty small. In my opinion, the biggest advantage for cube store owners is location and maybe on branding presence. The latest one I saw was at The Mall Cineplex and it has a very clean, fresh concept. It’s very ideal especially for movie goers who would spare some time to shop before catching a movie.

Good luck to all the SMEs and who knows one day I might need a cube space of my own 😀


The latest cube store that I came across outside The Mall Cineplex


Helping the unfortunate

As part of their Ramadhan activities, Total E&P Borneo B.V. (TEPB) organized their fifth annual Ramadhan Charity, which provided in-kind assistance to the local communities where Total operates, namely Kg Lumut 1 & Kg Lumut 2 in Mukim Liang (where the Total Onshore Processing Plant is located) and Kg Sabun in Mukim Serasa (where Total Logistic Base is located). Total also planned another donation handover for an orphan of their former staff.

Focusing on the assistance to the local community mentioned above, a total of 10 Total staff volunteers were split into two teams to handover the donations concurrently to five (5) households in Kg Lumut 1 and Kg Lumut 2 in Belait District and another five (5) households in Kg Serasa, Brunei & Muara District.

The  donations consisted of daily necessities like rice, oil, bottled water and other food rations and utilities prepaid cards provided by the company and also personal contribution by Total staff members. The assistance was intended to help the underprivileged individuals of both villages to better celebrate Hari Raya Aidilfitri, which is just around the corner.


The Total volunteers & MPK Lumut 1 representatives in a group photo at the residence of Dyg Hayati bte Japar in Kg Sungai Bakong

Dyg Sukarelawati (2nd right) in a group photo with the Total volunteers and MPK Lumut 1 representatives

Fauzi bin Osman (middle) receiving the donation from the Total volunteers at his residence

The recipients were selected based on the list of provided by the Islamic Religious Council Department. As they are mostly listed under the ‘faqir’ & ‘miskin’ or underprivileged individuals category, it is understood that they are currently receiving fixed term financial assistance from MUIB under the Baitul Mal fund. In addition, some recipients were also selected based on further consultation with the respective Village Heads. Donation to local community in Kg Lumut 1 & Lumut 2, Mukim Liang, Belait District The Total volunteers in Kg Lumut 1 & Lumut 2 was led by Zulhilmi Rambli, Corporate Communications & CSR Executive. In addition, the group was also accompanied by several representatives from the Lumut 1 Village Consultative Council (MPK Lumut 1) led by Awang Ho Chang Fui.

One of the recipients, Sukarelawati binti Ismail, 41, resides in Kg Sungai Tali Lumut 2. It is understood her husband passed away just over a month ago. Now, she is a single mother with five children. Her family currently resides at her in-law’s house. It is understood that she supports her family mainly by jointly operating a food stall at a nearby location. In addition, her family also receives a fixed term financial assistance from the Baitul Mal fund to cover expenses of her children education.

Meanwhile, the team in Pekan Muara and Kg Serasa was led by Muhammad Rasimoon Hj Adinin, Head of HR, Corporate Communications and CSR. Present to assist the Total group of volunteers were several representatives from the Village Consultative Council of Masjid Lama, Pekan Muara, Sabun, and Pelumpong. The MPK was led by its Head of Village, Pengiran Haji Mohamed bin Pengiran Haji Osman @ Othman. One of the beneficiaries is Awg Suhaimi bin Hj Masri, a 40 year old father with 7 dependents – a housewife and 6 children. He earns a living by going out fishing at sea three to four times a week. Without any fixed income, the family relies on a fixed term financial contribution from the Baitul Mal fund.


Pengiran Haji Mohamed bin Pengiran Haji Osman @ Othman (Ketua Kg of Masjid Lama, Pekan Muara, Sabun, and Pelumpong) handing over the donation to Abdul Rahman bin Inchut in Kg Serasa as Rasimoon Adinin (2nd left) of Total looks on

Group photo at the residence of Awg Suhaimi bin Hj Masri in Kg Perpindahan Serasa



The next draw 



Times Square Shopping Centre is having its next lucky draw prize presentation of the 5th Lucky draw campaign on Sunday, 9th August 2015 at 2.00pm. This would be the third draw of the 5thLucky draw campaign in 2015.

In order to join, customers may shop, dine, stay in Times hotel or watch movies at Times Cineplex (Times Square branch) then submit the receipts of the day to the lucky draw counter located in front of Dee Jay.

There are no minimum purchases required and all customers may participate as many times as they wish. This however, does not apply for purchases made at the food court. 20 daily winners will be contacted everyday where these winners are then shortlisted to join the lucky draw prize presentation.

So there are plenty of reasons to head to Times Square and be part of the lucky draw. You have at least a month from now to shop and dine. I’ve been dining and watching movies on many occasions. Perhaps a better time to put my name in the draw 😀


The quarterly draw at Times Square Shopping Centre back in May 2015. The next will be in August. Good luck 😀

You are even entitled when you catch a movie at Times Cineplex. We caught Awang Semaun two weeks ago with my social media buddies.




Never trust a skinny cook

Written by Rano Iskandar. Posted in News, RA News


Pondok Sari Wangi


This is so far the best Indonesian cuisine in Brunei. I’ve seen many around in Brunei but Pondok Sari Wangi, hands down is the best. Maybe I’m biased because I love their beef rendang and telur beladur. Of course, their signature dish is the ayam penyet.

For the month of Ramadhan, Pondok Sari Wangi is offering Sungkai buffet and it has been an overwhelming response from the beginning. So my suggestion is to do advance booking to avoid disappointment. Their best dish is definitely the crab (different flavours) but only served on alternate days. So if you are craving for crabs, make sure that you call them for information.

The buffet line is served at all three outlets of Pondok Sari Wangi (Gadong, Sengkurong and Citis Square). If you prefer to order ala carte or set menu, it’s only available after 7:30pm.


Ramadhan Sungkai Buffet

$15 Adult | $8 Child

234 0608 Citis Sq | 244 5043 Gdg | 266 1893 Sengkurong 


Garlic Crab

Lemon Fish

Mapo Taufu with mince chicken

Sotong sambal

Chicken Touco

Great crowd that night

I suggest you book two days in advance to avoid disappointment

Sayur Lodeh

Empal Serunding


I like the bingka susu

Fish ball soup


Hello Fina and Tisya

We had tons of the garlic grab

My sidekick photographer :p


Awesome grill stuff 


Have you tried dining at Kimchi Restaurant? If you taste bud feels for Korean food, check out Kimchi Restaurant. I am a big fan of their BBQ stuff. On my last visit a few nights ago, it was totally packed. To be honest, it has been fully booked for the past few nights. I had to do advance booking to ensure my slot. So you know what it means when it’s advance booking time. It means the restaurant is really good value for money and also delicious.

I brought Coey as my Sungkai guest and it was her first Sungkai outing too. What is her rating? She was impressed with the marinated meats for the BBQ grill which is part of the All-You-Can-Eat from the Kimchi menu. They also served the usual small appetizers for those choosing the all-you-can-eat menu.

They also offer Ramadhan vouchers. For take-away customers, there will be a 15% discount from 2pm to 5pm daily during Ramadhan.

Follow their IG on @kimchibrunei for updates or their Facebook Page. Hurry since there’s only less than two weeks left before the end of Ramadhan 😀



Ramadhan Sungkai Buffet  
$28.90 Adult | $14.90 Child

Call 222 2233 or 712 2283 

The appetizers as part of the all-you-can menu

My guest for the night – Coey

Meat, meat, meat… I love the marination on the meat.. Thumbs up!!!

Using the hot plate grill

Grilling the meat

Grilled to perfection

Seafood pancake

Kimchi fried rice


Patbingsu Orea and Banana… What a nice way to end the meals!!!



A fan of shabu-shabu and you know there have been many restaurants that offer hot pot stuff. Now they have two branches – one at Batu Bersurat and the other at Delima. I sungkai-ed this time at the Batu Bersurat branch.

They provide different kinds of Set Meals to your liking during the month of Ramadhan. I opted for the ala carte since I don’t really eat that much. But for those who choose to have ala carte, Shabulicious offer 15% discount only during Ramadhan. And guess what? The 15% discount deal ends until 2am. So which means you can also enjoy sahur at their establishment. The last order will be at 1am. Tomorrow (Tuesday, 8th July) they will be having a 30% discount for all BIBD Credit Card holders. So swipe away and enjoy the 30% discount.

Visit our branches Shabulicious Delima Square and Shabulicious Restaurant, Batu Bersurat, Gadong and dial their hotlines: 2338333 (Delima) 2451000 (Batu Bersurat).



15% discount on ala carte

233 8333 (Delima) | 245 1000 (Batu Bersurat) 

This is my customary dishes for shabu-shabu

The platter enough for two pax



Vegetables are good for your health 😀

Plenty of sauces and spices to choose from. My favourite are the minced garlic with sambal.

The atmosphere at Shabulcious

That expression 😮

My guests for Sungkai

Grab this awesome deal tomorrow at Shabulicious

You can choose also special meal sets and it ranges from Meal A to Meal C



One more ride

Written by Rano Iskandar. Posted in News, RA News


Riding ain’t just a hobby 


Pg Mohd Nasir celebrating his birthday with his friends last night

Pg Mohd Nasir with his late minute replacement horse flown from Germany named Federiko in the recent SEA Games 2015 in Singapore

Happy birthday to our dedicated equestrian rider Pg Mohd Nasir and I still owe him a write up on his horse riding journey in the recent SEA Games in Singapore. I happened to catch his final ride in the Jumping finals event a few weeks’ ago and it was also the first time that I saw him live in action. So, guys, just to let you know this is a late post 😀

Though he didn’t win or get a podium finish for his efforts, he did the best he could in the finals given the limited resources. There were many set backs along his SEA Games journey. Just like in all sports, there’s always politics and that sure can play a huge role on your targets as an athlete.

Let’ me sum up what Pg Mohd Nasir shared with me back in Singapore. He couldn’t ride his own horse that he has connection with for many years. So instead he had to settle with a last minute replacement which flew from Germany and the horse’s name is Federiko (love the skin too). Secondly Pg Nasir only sat on his replacement six times coming into the competition. Normally it take years to get the horse used to the environment especially competitive ones. So kudos to Pg Nasir on having that courage to make use of the available resources and compete for the love of the country.

After visiting the stable area for the SEA Games competition, it was kinda of an eye opener. I realised how much investment it takes to be in this sport. I saw all the equipments and the kit for the horse and the rider and that alone is already a hefty investment. The recurring cost will be the food supply for the horses because you will need to feed the horses to make sure they are in good shape for the competition.

The other huge cost will be cargo-ing the horse equipment and also the transporting the horse from A to B especially when it’s international delivery. I saw Pg’s portable cabinet where he stashed his equipments and apparel and he said the whole thing averagely weighs at 150 kg. Now just imagine how much that would costs to transport by air *gulp*

Now I can imagine other regional riders will go through the same ordeal and cost factor will be an issue. So yea, horse riding is not a cheap hobby indeed while joining competition is a whole new level. Most of the athletes from other countries are being funded or sponsored by their respective countries. For Pg Anak Nasir, it was a unique situation. He competed in his own expense but with a huge disadvantage that he couldn’t ride his own personal horse from Belgium due to technically issues.


Pg Mohd Nasir in action. Image courtesy of Samlee

Talking to the Brunei officials of the SEA Games after the competition

Did you know that you can’t many any noise such as cheering or clapping when the riders are in action?

He ran off to the Malaysian team to celebrate on his friend’s gold achievement #priceless

I managed to only catch the final ride. Well done, buddy, on making this far.

Here are some words from Pg Anak Nasir himself.

“I never want to blame the horse (Federiko) for sure even though the final day he let me down. Then again we are new together. We only sat six times. In this technical courses, we get into funny situations and normally the rider know the horse and vice-versa. From there, we will know how to react on situations. If I was riding my personal horse, I wouldn’t have this problem (penalties on his rounds).

Honestly, to come this far and considering all the issues to source for a horse a week before the Games, I’m quite happy to reach this far. My first two rides with zero penalties on the first day was a dream situation. However, with these technical courses, it will boil down to the horse and the rider so bonding is very important. I know I did my best with the given situation and I am doing it for the country 110%. It’s a very challenging situation for me and I will be back next time.”

Nicely way to sum up by Pengiran on his SEA Games experience. One quote that I like though was when he quoted that competing in the Games is like “going to war with a knife” meaning that he has no ammunition. It would have been a different story should his horse made it to Singapore for the Games.

All in all, I truly enjoyed watching the equestrian event and it was also my first experience. I could see all the dedication and passion from the riders. I have high respect to all the riders indeed. Perhaps the highlight for Pengiran Anak Nasir was when his friend from Malaysia Sharmini Ratnasingham who just beat Catherine Yen Yu Chew of Singapore in a split second timing to win gold. I saw Pengiran running from one to another end to celebrate with the Malaysian team.

To finish off my summary, Happy birthday day buddy and let’s catch up with the boys before you fly off to train again. You can follow him on instagram @pg_nasir


With the supporters from Brunei Darussalam

His trusted and most important companions of his horse riding journey – the coach and the groomer.

His wardrobe cabinet is a must where he brings every he rides in the world. This weighs at least 150 kilos. His groomer will take care of his wardrobe.

This is how he keep his riding boots

Pg Mohd Nasir with the Malaysian team

We did good after the competition because we all went for shopping therapy in Singapore. When is round 2? 😀




Be more alert

Written by Rano Iskandar. Posted in News, RA News


Dining at BK 


It was the first time that I dined at a fast food joint for breaking my fast this year and that is at Burger King 😀 Currently Burger King have a special promotion dubbed the Ramadhan Family Deal and it comes in four different sets – Crispy and Tender, Flame-Grilled, Mixed and Whopper. So which one will suit you best? Surprisingly the mixed set has been selling well

Now why should you go for the set meals? One thing for sure is that you will save from $12 to $14 if you buy in a set. Very ideal if you come with your friends and families and you can enjoy the privilege. Furthermore, you will get a free gift from Burger King – BK mug and a coca-cola plate.

The Crispy and Tender set includes two chicken royals and one chicken grill whilst the Flame-Grilled set consists of two Whopper Juniors and a single Texas beef.

Both, priced at $19.90, also consist of chicken tempura nuggets along with large drinks and fries for three people.

On the other hand, the Mixed set contains two double mushroom Swiss and two chicken tender grill and the Whopper set has two Whoppers and two Western Whopper Juniors.

At a price of $27.90, both sets too have large drinks and fries that are enough four people.

For those who ordered any of the sets can also add $1 for a Taro Turnover, limited to five pieces a set. Furthermore, if one finishes a drink, just refill the cups with a top-up of $1.50.

For those who are interested, visit its nearest branch or call 2220215 or check out its Facebook Page and Instagram @burgerkingbrunei.


Buy a set and you will get a Burger King mug and Coca-Cola plate

Rara was in full of joy that night

Members of the media dining at Burger King

Customers dining at BK for Sungkai

Add $1 for a taro turnover 😀 Yummm!!! My favourite


My active brother 

My brother has been active in the news as of late. Keep it up!! Recently he handed over donation to KACA (Centre for Children with Special Needs). YAM Pg Anak Abdul Mun’im, Managing Director of PAR Corporaton Sdn Bhd handed over to KACA Managing Director, Hj Abdul Alim Hj Othman. Later today my brother will officiate the opening of Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf at Mata-Mata this afternoon. Image courtesy of Norliha Din of The Brunei Times.


Under custody and charged 

Be more alert in school premises nowadays for the sake of your children

News have been circulating about the perpetrator who had the intention to cause a stir in the local community. He was apprehended by the Royal Brunei Police Force and being charged for molesting an 11-year girl on the premises of St. Andrew’s School. Man, that’s my former school during my primary and second years.

I’m glad the police managed to apprehend 28 year old Pg Shahirul Hamadi Pg Hj Jaya. Apparently it’s not the first time he has been involved in similar incidents.

According to the report, a St Andrew’s School teacher filed a police report describing how an unknown man tried to force a female student into his car. The girl managed to get away from the man and immediately informed a teacher who tried to give chase. The teacher also reported that the suspect touched the girl on her chest and tried to coerce another student into his vehicle.

He is now on trial and being charged. He could be facing up to five years in prison with whipping if convicted of outraging the modesty of the female student. His next hearing will be on 9th of July. Let’s hope justice is served.



SCB breaking fast 

CEO of the bank, Rino (Donny) Donosepoetro, CEO of SCB (center seated) with the associates of Standard Chartered Brunei at Tardinak D’ Polo recently. Image courtesy of SCB.

More than 100 staff from Standard Chartered Bank broke fast together at Tarindak D’Polo, Jerudong Park Polo & Riding Club last Wednesday.

The sungkai gathering was organised by the bank through its Recreation Club, which regularly organises staff engagement activities and feature a wide range of activities to cater to various lifestyles of their employees from active sports to leisure activities. Some recent activities included movie outing, regular yoga, badminton and basketball sessions as well as mini bowling tournament.

CEO of the bank, Rino (Donny) Donosepoetro, said: “This being my first Ramadhan here in Brunei, I am delighted to have sungkai together with our staff members outside of work as well as get to know more of the local culture around this season. We believe staff engagement initiatives such as these would encourage more open communications and strengthen team dynamics when staff get to know each other better thereby reflecting the values we hold as being trustworthy, responsive and international.”

To find out more about Standard Chartered Bank and its career opportunities, visit www.sc.com/en/careers.




Groom for Hari Raya

Get your hair serviced at Camellia Hair & Beauty

People are now busy with Hari Raya shopping for fabrics, decks and food. Let’s not forget that we need to groom ourselves to before Hari Raya which means pampering yourself at the salon.

There’s a new salon for your info and it’s located at Serusop area. It’s called Camellia Hair & Beauty and the prices are pretty reasonable if you ask me. The salon is only cater for female. There are able to provide the usual services (cut, trim, was, blow) and also other services such as waxing, facial, foot spa, mani and pedicure.

Currently they are having a special promotion with a 50% discount on straightening, digital perming, normal perming and coloring as well. On top of this, they will also give free treatment. Good deal indeed.

The salon is located on 1st floor, Unit 2, Simpang 94 at Delima. For appointments, you can reach Betty Goh (872 3396) or Annabelle (865 5316). Grab this opportunity while you can and pamper yourself. I think all the ladies will love the head massage while shampooing. Well, my friends did.


Betty is a certified hairstylist

Their best part of the service – shampooing

Both sisters loved it :p



A small unit area


The services available and even a 50% on selected services



Power up with Mr. Brown

Written by Rano Iskandar. Posted in News, RA News


Power up your gadgets 

My friends call me the King of Powerbanks because I carry at least 3 with me at all times. As you know I’m addicted to my smartphone and so I would need tons of juice for my phone. Now it’s a great time to get yourself another set of power banks because as you know that these battery packs have a life cycle.

If you are hunting for one, I suggest you head off to Concepts Computer and try out their APC Power Packs. Now power banks have become more affordable as compared to previous years. Concepts Computer will be doing an APC promotion where with every purchase of the APC Power Pack, either the APC M5 5000mAH power pack ($38) or the APC M10 10,000mAH power pack ($58), are entitled to a free charger cable worth $12. This is just not any cable as it has a special adapter that can support Android and IOS smartphones.

It also has two USB ports on the 2.4A charging port ideal for tablets and the 1A charging port ideal for smartphones.

If you are worried about over charging or short circuit, not to worry since the APC ones are able to prevent that from happening. Cool, huh?

The APC M-series Power Pack comes with a free cable in-box but does not provide choice for connectibility, the add-on free USB cable (worth $8) provided by Concepts Computer with every purchase of the APC Power Pack, will offer a choice of either micro USB for most Android devices or iPhone’s proprietary connection for the latest iOS devices. For more information on APC and their full-range of power-based solutions, please visit your nearest Concepts Computer showroom or call 2233551/2/3.


APC Power Banks at Concepts Computer now comes with the dual adapter socket for Android and IOS smartphones


On another note, Concepts Computer achieved a new milestone for being awarded a Top Achiever by APC for 2014-2015. Hats off to Ryan Lieu, sales executive and person-in-charge of APC products in Concepts Computer. He was rewarded with a trip to Taiwan for an APC Partner Incentive Trip two weeks ago to celebrate Concepts Computer’s achievement.


Zul And Rahman, Marketing Executive of Concepts Computer with Ryan Liew, sales executive and person-in-charge of APC products

Ryan Liew flew to Taiwan recently to celebrate Concepts Computer success

Concepts Computer also have been active in sports activity such as basketball. They were recently involved in Sukan Ria last month and almost made it to the quarter finals. Now Concepts Computer will be holding a basketball competition for the veterans and seniors slated for this month. It will be called Concepts Veterans Cup 2015.

Kingston Beverage & Creamery Sdn Bhd will be their official sponsor for the Concepts Veterans Cup 2015. the Concepts Veterans Cup 2015 basketball tournament is a way to promote a healthier lifestyle among those aged 40 years old and above, and create awareness for the love of basketball among the public. The matches will be played at Batu Bersurat basketball court.


Kingston Beverage & Creamery the official sponsors for Concepts Veterans Cup 2015

The handing over of jerseys for Concepts Computer basketball team

Recently the man behind Concepts Computer celebrated his birthday at the outlet. In conjunction with his 60th birthday, he held a Sungkai outing for his staff, dealers and also members of the media. Too bad I wasn’t able to taste the catering from Seri Kandi but the food looked really tasty. Thank you again to Mr. Vincent Pao for all the support you have given this past year or so and I wish you happy belated and have a wonderful year ahead.


Happy Birthday Mr. Vincent Pao

Vincent Pao and Alice Chan with the members of the media

Vincent Pao and Alice Chan with the associates of Concepts Computer

Food ready to be served






Mr. Brown – bigger, better 


I’m in love again with Mr. Brown 😀 Loving the fact they have offering more content. It was a bit weird holding a different size can of Mr. Brown but man, it does taste good. Now available at selected stores – Jaya Hypermart Gadong, Orbit (Jln Muara), Utama Grand, Hong Bee, Adri (Mata-Mata), Jaya (KB) and Aprina (Jerudong) and all Raimmar Mini Marts.

For those who want no sugar and no milk, this is the one. Now available in your local stores.




The story so far

Written by Rano Iskandar. Posted in News, RA News


Summer movies so far 

Review of Terminator: Genisys starring Rano Iskandar with his regular co-host @delgoh and guest Nee Khern

So we are at the half-way mark of Summer movies and it has been a spectacular trip for the past two months (May and June movies). As compared to last year’s summer movies, this is way better. Last year, we have the likes of X-Men: Days of Future Past, Guardians of the Galaxy, Transformers: Age of Extinction, Maleficent, The Amazing Spider-Man 2 and Godzilla. So on average, not all were above average with my disappointments of Age of Extinction, Maleficent and Spidey. The one that I love the most for last year’s summer movies was Dan of the Planet of the Apes (I watched it three times).

So how did it far this summer? We have two months to go but I’m very excited to share about the first half of it. I would say that my predictions with Del Goh for the top summer box office are off the mark because we predicted that no movies will come close to Avengers: Age of Ultron. Just last weekend, Jurassic World overtook Age of Ultron and now currently stands USD 50 million more than the Avengers’ sequel. From the looks of it, JW will have the chance to beat AOU in the month or so. We shall see.

In terms of value and entertainment, yes, it’s slightly better than 2014. My best pick so far is Mad Max: Fury Road and I caught this 3 times (normal screen, 3D and IMAX 3D). Woohoo. I just can’t wait for the blu-ray. Movies like Pitch Perfect 2, Avengers, Jurassic World and Spy have been great. There are some passable summer movies such as San Andreas and maybe, just maybe The Minions. What I couldn’t wait is Inside Out which will only be available in mid August :/ *shrugs* The few movies that haven’t struck my chord is Tomorrowland.

I caught Arnold’s latest flick – Terminator Genisys. It ain’t a classic but it will still keep you entertained. I didn’t like Terminator: Rise of the Machines so I’m happy that I came out of the cinema, feeling contented but nothing more. Do listen to my podcast review or just click on the Terminator image above. I just hope that Magic Mike XXL will outpaced Terminator Genisys in the summer box office so I can win my wager against Del Goh 😀

There are still a few more movies that I’m looking forward to – Inside Out, Fantastic Four, Ant-Man, Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation, Ted 2, Trainwreck and Pixels.

Do watch out for our best summer movies of 2015 in August. For now, enjoy the magic of movies.





Remember eating matters

Written by Rano Iskandar. Posted in News, RA News


Kausar Cafe 


Small, cozy and just right. Sometimes you don’t need a big place or plenty of choices. Sometimes all you want is a simple buffet that can satisfy your cravings. All for $10.80, you can enjoy some of the selected dishes from Kausar Cafe. The Bryani Rice, the Chicken Tandoori and the beef dishes are my favourites.

I’m amazed how Nizam, sole proprietor of Kausar Cafe, had made changes to the restaurant after he took over two years ago and the quality is very consistent. He now manages both Kafe Kausar and Tandoor Restaurant.

It’s a good idea to make reservations as well. It was full house last night and I’m sure they are the regular patrons of Kafe Kausar and they know what to expect.

I don’t mind dining here again and even at Tandoor. Easy to find parking and away from the traffic. Keep up the great work you have invested in Kafe Kausar, Nizam and thank you so much for your support these years. You can also follow them on instagram @kausarkafe. Location wise: Kiulap (saw row with Misato restaurant)


Sungkai Buffet 


$10.80 Adult | $6 Child= 

Call 7729 0005 

Channa Masala and Bhini Fry 😀


Crowd helping on the buffet


Bhindi Fry


Chicken Tandoori

Gulab Jamon

Garlic naan

My light meal 😀

Dessert and fruits

My awesome companions last night – talking about IT and cricket among other things

For catering purposes




Tasek Brasserie 










Change is the only constant

Written by Rano Iskandar. Posted in News, RA News


Jason wins S6 Edge 

Late post: Jason Ang Kok Khiong won himself a Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge. It was part of the “Register Your Interest” Raffle Draw organised by T.C.Y. Motors Sdn Bhd in conjunction with the launch of the SsangYong Tivoli. Jason received the prize from Anisson, T.C.Y. Motors Motor Marketing Manager.

Check out the latest SsangYong Tivoli. Click image to enter website.



Gaining knowledge 

BIBD recently participated in the 9th Muzakarah Cendekiawan Syariah Nusantara on the 10th and 11th of June at the Hotel Millennium, Jakarta. The dialogue’s organiser, The International Sharia Research Academy for Islamic Finance has chosen to partner with Universiti Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah to bring the theme, “Innovative Contemporary Islamic Financial Products for the Development of the Social-Economy of Muslims”. The discussions were focused on current financial issues pertaining to “Refinancing and Restructuring” and “Applications of Hajah (needs) in Innovative Products.”

BIBD Shariah Advisory Body member and Director of the Mazhab Shafi’i Research Centre at the Universiti Sultan Sharif Ali (UNISSA), Dr Abdul Nasir bin Haji Abdul Rani was involved in the first discussion regarding the concept of Hajah and its applications in Islamic finance.

On the second day, BIBD Product Manager Hjh Adinah binti Hj Jamudin was involved in the discussions on the applications of Shariah-compliant concepts in developing and offering products that will assist in generating socio-economic benefits to the Muslim community, especially the non-bankable segment. These products can be materialised by strengthening corporation between Islamic financial institutions and social finance institutions to utilise Wakaf, Zakat, Islamic wealth management, micro-finance and micro-Takaful. They also discussed equity-based financing products such as Musyarakah that can be applied in Islamic wealth management where both parties can benefit from a financial partnership.


BIBD Shariah Advisory Body Chairman and Deputy State Mufti, Yang Dimuliakan Pehin Orang Kaya Paduka Setia Raja Dato Paduka Seri Setia Awang Haji Suhaili bin Haji Mohiddin (3rd from left), BIBD Shariah Advisory Body member and Director of the Mazhab Shafi’i Research Centre at the Universiti Sultan Sharif Ali (UNISSA), Dr Abdul Nasir bin Haji Abdul Rani (4th from left) and other members from the Shariah body of BIBD. Image courtesy of BIBD.

The main objectives of the dialogue were to create general understanding between Shariah scholars in the region through academic discussions on multiple issues related to Islamic finance. The dialogue also serves as a regional platform for scholars, academics and practitioners of Islamic finance to share ideas, knowledge and experiences, and to share latest developments in the Islamic finance industry.

Also part of the BIBD representatives were BIBD Shariah Advisory Body Chairman and Deputy State Mufti, Yang Dimuliakan Pehin Orang Kaya Paduka Setia Raja Dato Paduka Seri Setia Awang Haji Suhaili bin Haji Mohiddin, along with its member, Yang Mulia Dr Awang Haji Mazanan bin Haji Yusof, Head of Research, State Mufti Department. BIBD was also represented by Head of its Shariah Department, Yang Mulia Dayang Hajah Hanifah binti Haji Jenan along with Shariah Assistant Manager, Muhammad Takzimallah bin Haji Ahmad Sanuddin.

The two-day event was launched by Deputy Governor of Bank Negara Malaysia. The event was attended by around a hundred delegations ranging from scholars, academics and practitioners from Islamic financial institutions, from member ASEAN countries.




Motoring BN 

Izam Said, editor of CONFEX, during the press conference last Friday

Having another magazine in Brunei means there are things to showcase to the eyes of the public. I know Izam Said for quite some time and he is passionate about one thing – cars, cars and cars. He used to be feature writer on the automative section (On The Road) of The Brunei Times and I’ve always love his insights and opinions on the cars he test drove. Now it’s good to know he is venturing into something that he is passionate about and everyone has a story to share just like Izam.

Last week, I had the privilege to be invited to a press conference held at CONFEX. For your info, CONFEX is a local events management company which has run a series of team building workshops and only recently I found out that Izam Said is the editor of CONFEX. Under CONFEX, the team will be launching a new magazine on automotive which will be another platform for car enthusiasts to learn more about the cars especially in the Brunei market.

This will be the first of its kind that features an 80-paged automative magazine for the benefit of the readers. This is another avenue for car dealers or distributors to showcase their cars and even anything related to cars on Motoring BN.

Izam Said is confident that the magazine will be a success and despite the shift of information world through technology, he believes that having something “tangible” like a magazine is still trend. I do agree with him on that since I also collect and buy computer, film and wrestling magazines due to the tangibility factor.

For your info, every quarter, Motoring BN will print 15,000 copies and it will be sold on news stand at a price of BND 6.80. The pre-order subscriptions have been overwhelming for the first issue and he hopes there will be enough for the 1st edition to be sold in local book stores.

So what can you expect from Motoring BN magazine? They have a mixture of local and foreign writers who will contribute to the magazine. One segment that will catch the interest of the ladies will be “Heels on Wheels” by Tracy Ramantan.

The magazine is said to be launched sometime in July. I can’t wait to see what’s in store for the magazine and I believe Izam Said is the right man to lead the show. I’m proud that he has taken a new adventure on his passion to another new level. Keep it up, buddy!!

For those who are interested to advertise for the next issue, you can contact 8282 212. For those who want to subscribe, you can click here for the pre-orders. You can also follow them on IG @motoringbn


Waleed Pehin Dato Mahdini, Izam Said and Tracy Ramantan

This will be the cover of the first edition of Motoring BN



Food is our common ground

Written by Rano Iskandar. Posted in News, RA News


Belluno Cafe 

Belluno Cafe is located at Kiarong Complex

What started off as a gelato kochi kiosk three years ago, the co-owners ventured into a cafe business last year at the heart of Kiarong. Those working around the area will be familiar with Belluno Cafe. I have paid a few visits to Belluno Cafe and my favourite dish has been the spicy spaghetti bolognese. Yummm…

Belluno Cafe during Ramadhan is not providing any buffet or set meals. Instead they are offering 20% off all menu which is a great steal. You can call 242 9010 for reservation.

Another gimmick Belluno Cafe offers are bento sets such as Chicken Schnitzel with pasta and ice lemon tea drink to go or Chicken Fajitas with mediterranean rice and an ice lemon tea to go. Or if you feel like Nasi Kerabu or the one that caught my eye is the Nasi Lemak 2.0 Ayam Rendang. All of these are served in a bento set, ready to go for take away. You will need to pre-order the bento sets and subject to availability. Just whatsapp 873 3608 for bookings and each bento sets is $8.90 and comes with a drink.

Belluno’s signature dish is the Chicken Waffle with egg on top. Must try. My friends and I also love the Milo Sizzling Pan for dessert. I was kinda addicted to it and couldn’t stop helping myself to it.

Belluno Cafe is also having special discounts for Baiduri Cardholders – 5% discount (classic credit card), 10% discount (gold credit card) and 15% discount (infinite & platinum card) for the period of Ramadhan.

One of the latest new dishes is the Lamb Shank which is a chef’s special. If you are aiming for a simple meal, you can give Belluno Cafe a try. You can follow them on Facebook page and also on instagram @bellunocafebn


Caesar salad

Lamb burger with coriander sauce


Another tasty burger

Their signature dish – Chicken Waffle

My guests for the night

Cheese sticks

Lamb Shank with rice

The newly introduced dessert – Milo Sizzling Pan


Nasi Lemak 2.0 Ayam Rendang for take away and comes with a drink

Chicken Schnitzel with pasta for take away and comes with a drink

Nasi Kerabu for take away and comes with a drink


Momo Buffet 


One third of Ramadhan has just passed and this is the prime period where Bruneians tend to dine out and plus pay day was just a few days ago. Another great recommendation by my photographer was at Momo Restaurant (formerly known as All Stars Cafe) before a new management took over the premise. The restaurant has been around for a year and a bit and only recently the locals are frequenting the restaurant especially during Ramadhan. One reason – the wide selection of dishes from soup to main course to desserts for a very reasonable price.

I will give a thumbs up to the new management for being creative and managed to attract a strong crowd for the past few days. Yesterday also was pretty packed because of the BIBD 30% discount promotion for BIBD Credit Cardholders.

They have three menu cycles throughout Ramadhan and thank you for sharing some of the menus so I could post this up on my blog for the benefit of the readers and those who wants to patronize at Momo Restaurant.

They serve two types of soup (Asian and Western) every buffet. Their condiments and dips are always the same but plentiful enough to satisfy your cravings. The main courses have at least 8 dishes to choose from and they have a 3 cycle menu for this. As for the action station, you will enjoy the live grill section, noodle section, pasta section and bread section which will always be served every Sungkai hours. The one I find interesting is the Ramadhan corner which is the real deal. That section is always served every Sungkai and it has the main attraction such as the Nasi Briyani Kambing served with Seruding Kelapa, Serunding Ayam, Beef Rendang and Pulut Kuning to name a few.

If you want to get away from the hustle and bustle of Gadong or Kiulap, then I highly recommend to pay Momo Restaurant a visit. A different ambience with a great variety of cuisine at your disposal. What else can you ask for a price valued at $22.80 for adult? 😀 You can also read more detailed article on Thanis’ article on Momo Sungkai Buffet.

You can follow them on instagram (pretty active) @momo.restaurant or their Facebook page.



Momo Sungkai Buffet 


$22.80 Adult | $10.80 Child 

899 9807 • 861 3329 • 261 1618  

The appetizer side

Dried fish

Looks like telur belado 😀

More appetizers


My favourite vege – Pakis

Some of the guests at Momo Restaurant

The pasta section

The noodle section


The Menu for Momo 

Soup station

Menu 1

Sup Soto Ayam
Malaysian Spicy Chicken Broth

Sup Sayur Sayuran Berkrim
Vegetables Cream Soup

Menu 2

Sup Kambing ‘Mydin’
Spicy Creamy Lamb Broth

Sup Labu Kuning Berkrim
Cream Pumpkin Soup

Menu 3

Sup Tangkapan Nelayan
Spicy Seafood Broth

Sup Sayuran Bertomato
Minestrone Soup
Ramadhan Corner (available for all three menus)

Pulut Kuning, Nasi Himpit, Nasi Briyani KambingServe with Serunding Kelapa, Serunding Ayam, Acar Timun dgn Nenas, Cucumber Raita, Daging Rendang and Kuah Kacang

Main Course where you can find local Asian dishes and Western Style dishes

Menu 1

Ikan Tenggiri Gulai Kampung / Traditional Fish Curry
Gulai Ayam Lemak / Chicken Coconut Milk
Sambal Sotong Emak / Dried Squid in Chili Sauce
Udang Masak Hitam/ Prawn Black Spices
Beef Lasagna
Sayur Kacang Goreng Keynote
Umbut Kelapa Masak Lemak
Steamed Rice
Menu 2

Daging Kari Kentang/ Beef Curry Potato
Sambal Ikan Kembung / Tuna Fish Chili
Ketam Lemak Nenas / Crab in Spicy Coconut Gravy with Pineapple
Ayam Goreng Berempah/ Deep Fry Spices Chicken
Pasta Macaroni Bakar/Baked Macaroni Pasta
Labu Kuning Masak Lemak Putih/ Yellow Pumpkin Coconut Milk
Tauhu Rebus Isi Ayam/Braised Tofu Minced Chicken
Nasi PutihThai/Steamed Rice

Menu 3

Gulai Ikan Cabai Rawit / Spicy Tenggiri Fish Curry
Sambal Telur / Eggs in Sambal Sauce
Ayam Panggang Padang / Spicy Grilled Chicken Padang Style
Shepard Pie
Udang Goreng Mentega /Buttered Prawns Curry Leaf
Pakis Goreng Belachan/ Fern Shoot Prawn Paste
Sayur Campur /Chinese Stir Fried Vegetables
Steamed Rice

Action station (available for all three menus)

Live grill. Our chefs are preparing the food that you are going to eat right in front of you.
Whole Fish, Prawn Skewers, Chicken Wings,
Air assam, Sambal kicap, Tomato sauce, Chili sauce

Noodle Section

Nyonya Mee Kari / Curry Laksa with Condiments
Braised Wantan Noodles with Chicken Mince
Pasta Section
Spaghetti, Linguini, Penne with tomato sauce or cream sauce
And condiments plus choices of chicken or meat

Bread Section

Roti canai/Indian Pancake, Murtabak/Stuffed Indian Pancake
With condiments and vegetables dhal

Drinks (available for all three menus)
Teh O Limau Ais/ Ice Lemon Tea
Air Sarsi/ Sarsaparilla Cordial
Air Buah Buahan/ Fruit Cordial
Air Pisang Hijau/ Banana Cordial
Air Bandung / Chilled Rose Syrup with Milk
Air Jagung/ Corn Cordial
Teh Tarik / Warm Malaysian Foamy Milk Tea
Buah Kurma / Fresh Arabian Dates
Coffee and Tea

Japanese corner (available for all three menus)

Assorted Maki Rolls with Condiments and Dips

Bread Corner (available for all three menus)

Assorted Bread Roll with Butter


Momo Sungkai Buffet 

$22.80 Adult | $10.80 Child 

899 9807 • 861 3329 • 261 1618

Dessert section

Dessert section

The grilled section. Image courtesy of Thanis Lim.

Image courtesy of Momo Restaurant

Live grill. Image courtesy of Thanis Lim.

Available at the pasta section. Image courtesy of Thanis Lim.

Laksa. Image courtesy of Thanis Lim.

Roti prata. Image courtesy of Thanis Lim.

Nasi Briyani. Image courtesy of Thanis Lim.

There’s a prayer room. Image courtesy of Thanis Lim.

Something to plan for Hari Raya or outside catering




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