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The Sochi Experience

Written by Rano Iskandar. Posted in News, RA News


Acer Aspire


Now available at Concepts Computer


BIBD’s latest promotion


Top up tia. Click image to enter website.


ICON Design Store 

Click image to enter ICON Design Store website


Test drive or buy a Citroën!! 

Click image to enter Citroën Brunei 



Free labour charge on repairs for Peugeot



Big Cheesy Box 

Click image to enter


Brunei made to the Top 10 

Representing the team from Brunei from Sungai Tali Primary School and Sayyidina Umar Al-Khattab Secondary School with their coaches and Satinah binti Hj Abang, Student Officer of Science Technology and Environment Partnership (STEP) Centre.

After entering the competition for the sixth time, Brunei finally made it to the Top 10 of the Open Category for Secondary Level. That team is a group of students from Sayyidina Umar Al-Khattab Secondary School with their team project “Robotlifter”.

Though Brunei went back empty handed, the spirit of the students were not dampened. They really had a great time and all of them didn’t expect to fly all the way to Russia to represent Brunei in the World Robot Olympiad in Sochi, Russia. They braved the cold (of Russia), the jet lag from flying and they did the best they could do with the resources given.

Brunei definitely has potential to break into the Top 3 with more competition and exposure such as participation in WRO. The next event will be hosted in Qatar in 2015 and funnily enough, they didn’t announce the following host for the year 2016.

Brunei’s participation in Qatar 2015 looks promising and I do hope this can spur more schools and students to join the Brunei Robotics Olympiad next year and you can stand a chance to represent your school in Qatar WRO 2015. The idea here is not just to represent Brunei but learn and gain more exposure and with this repeating behaviour, everything will come naturally for Bruneians and a bigger chance to break the Top 3 benchmark.

When I saw the students from Brunei did their presentation and Q&A sessions, I believe we can actually go pretty far with more resources and proper training. I salute the kids for their courage and able to speak to the public while showcasing their project.

It was also my first time experiencing how WRO was bring run and this event was no easy feat. The organisers had mixed feedback with regards to the handling issues and our LO for the Brunei team kept on changing and their English wasn’t that bad.

Hence, it made me realised how much effort the Brunei Embassy to the Russian Federation they offered to the Brunei delegate so everything would be smooth sailing. On behalf of the Brunei delegates, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Brunei Embassy especially His Excellency Haji Haini bin Haji Hashim, the Ambassador of Brunei Darussalam to Russian Federation, for continuously giving us support in terms of logistics and hospitality. It was also nice of him to drop the Olympic Park every day to give moral support to the kids at their booths.

A big thank you also to the Hanafi, Pg Madihi and Natalia for helping us during our stay in Moscow and especially Sochi in the past few days. It really made our trip less of a burden and I truly appreciate the kindness and dedication from the Brunei Embassy there. Thumbs up!!

As for the students, don’t be disappointed by the result and I’m very proud that all of you made it to Russia and gave your best against 49 countries. I’m pretty sure the Ministry of Education will be pleased with Brunei’s effort for making it to the Top 10 in WRO’s history. I also hope that sponsors will come along as well to help potential students for next year’s WRO in Qatar 2015.


His Excellency Haji Haini bin Haji Hashim, the Ambassador of Brunei Darussalam to Russian Federation watching the Regular competition at the World Robot Olympiad 2014 in Sochi, Russia. Thank you so much for your support and the hospitality to the Brunei delegates.

The students also managed to get their jacket signed by the Russian volunteers. All of them wore orange sweaters uniform.

Selfies with the Russians

Political move by China as they wanted Taiwan to lower down their flag and the Chinese team withdraw from the competition.

The robot made of orange.

The Gen II Robot finals between Thailand and …. Thailandd

His Excellency attending the closing ceremony which was slightly disorganised in my opinion especially coming from Russia

The Russian in green is bilingual

The Brunei Team waiting for the closing ceremony and the results

I shall see you next time, Rosmanov (Well, that’s not her name but I just feel like calling her that)

The Russian tradition with the weight bars

Host nation Russia didn’t manage to win any category but made the podium on some categories

Team Malaysia, Team Thailand and Team Taiwan dominated the World Robot Olympiad 2014 with a few gold and silver medals



The Century Run


Click image to enter website


U at the centre of Baiduri Bank 

Baiduri Bank introduced a new campaign to celebrate with their customers and educate them on how their products and services revolve around them and everything they do at every stage and step of the way – whether it’s getting his or her first car or setting up their own businesses or building their first home or planning their wedding or their first job or first child or even when u are just enjoying everyday life.

It’s U at the centre of Baiduri Bank because U are the centre of everything we do.





Sochi Day 3

Written by Rano Iskandar. Posted in News, RA News


Day 3: Sochi, Russia 

His Excellency Haji Haini bin Haji Hashim, the Ambassador of Brunei Darussalam to the Russian Federation with the delegates from Brunei for the World Robot Olympiad 2014 at the Olympic Park, Sochi, Russia on the 21st November evening.

His Excellency as one of the special guests during the opening ceremony of WRO 2014

The first day of the World Robot Olympiad 2014 was mostly setting up and gearing for the judging day which fell on the second day. The opening ceremony was also held on the evening of the first day at the Sochi Olympic Park.

It was also a privilege that His Excellency Haji Haini bin Haji Hashim, the Ambassador of Brunei Darussalam to Russian Federation was invited as one of the special guests for the opening ceremony.

I’m pretty amazed with this event and it was my first time witnessing a world wide scale as I was already familiar with Brunei Robotics Olympic competition. This kinda reminds me of the World Cup where you compete among the best and to have Brunei to be part of this event alone is very encouraging and I do hope the students did their best and have fun at the same time.

Judging from their props and set up, it was nice to see students and coaches taking this competition very, very seriously. Well, sometimes, overdoing something might not be an ideal formula to win just as long your ideas and prototype do make sense. And yes, I notice the different judges have different opinions and perceptions on things and they can simply ask questions that are too complex for the students to understand.

Yesterday was already the presentation and judging period but the final day will determine who have the higher chances of winning as the shortlisted ones will be asked to carry out another presentation to the judges for the final assessment.

All the best to the Brunei team and I do hope we can bring more teams from Brunei Darussalam because this program is not just educational but also brings out a more positive character from the individual.


It was a full house affair using an open space concept

Students from Sungai Tali holding the Brunei flag on stage

What supposed to be a half an hour opening turned out to be longer but the opening didn’t look that grand but just nice. I kinda expected more coming from Russia.

The lady usher for the VIP that evening and I managed to take a selfie with her #score

This is the following day (2nd day of the event) which is the crucial part of WRO 2014 as the presentation and judging took place and it will determine who will be shortlisted for the finals.

I have to salute to many of the students as they are really full on gear for the presentation of their respective projects

Students from Thailand using their traditional clothes

Team Brunei with its project “Robotlifter” from Sayyidina Umar Al-Khattab Secondary School getting ready for their project

Nina explaining to the judge of their project

I’m proud of the students from Brunei. We do have potential and let’s start working for next year’s WRO in Qatar 2015 😀

Good to see kids taking photos with one another

The Japanese have great vocal for their presentation

Somehow the guy on the right reminds me of Scott Cassell

Interesting chair

These kids are really determined

Brunei didn’t send anyone for this particular category. Hopefully by next year or so.

The huddle from the Philippines. This project must have meant a lot to them.



Sochi is a ghost town

Written by Rano Iskandar. Posted in News, RA News


Get Connected through ICONIA




BIBD’s latest promotion

Top up tia. Click image to enter website.


ICON Design Store 

Click image to enter ICON Design Store website


Test drive or buy a Citroën!! 

Click image to enter Citroën Brunei 



Free labour charge on repairs for Peugeot



Big Cheesy Box 

Click image to enter



Day 2: Sochi, Russia 

Sochi is pretty quite compared to Moscow, Russia.

His Excellency Haji Haini bin Haji Hashim, the Ambassador of Brunei Darussalam to Russian Federation with representatives from Sayyidina Umar Al-Khattab Secondary School

His Excellency with representatives from Sungai Tali Primary School

Queueing outside the Sochi Olympic Park

Group photo with the Ambassador who was nice enough to pay the students a visit in the morning

It’s good to see the Brunei flag

Brunei and Hong Kong

Who needs a monopod when you have a human pod?

Costa Rica representatives

Syria and Costa Rica

Qatar representatives

This is also the venue for the recent F1 GP in Russia


Peugeot 508 

So guess what? You can now have a look and feel of the Peugeot 508 at the Peugeot Showroom at Kiarong.

T.C.Y. Motors, which is the sole distributor of Peugeot vehicles, believes that its brand has big potential in the Brunei market. European research and awards such as this were much appreciated and followed up by the locals and as well as the expatriates.

To be competitive, T.C.Y. Motors has modified its pricing on all its models including the 508 to cater to a smart and growing market.

You can drop by or visit Peugeot showroom in Kiarong or call 242 6969. Experience what Peugeot can offer.


Check out the Peugeot 508 at their showroom in Kiarong



Bruhaha hits the spot 

Special guest Siva with other stand-up speakers Jordan Yau, Gary Goh, Zainal Bostaman (founder), Seng Yee and A’aqiil at the Beta Bruhaha Comedy Night

Thank you, Zainal Bostaman, for the opportunity to make this creative outlet into a possibility. Who would have known that stand-up comedy can be another creative avenue to spur the public interest like it had two weeks ago? Though it’s still in its Beta stage, it has received an overwhelming response from the public.

Reuben Chin did the honour of hosting the pilot version of BruHaha Comedy Night and he was such a smoothie in introducing and thanking each stand-up comedian that evening. They were six of them, A’aqiil, Seng Yee, Gary Goh, Jordan Yau, Siva and lastly the crowd puller Mr. Zainal Bostaman himself.

There will be another show slated for mid December and you can follow them on Facebook Page for updates. Images courtesy of Bruhaha Comedy Night Facebook.




















Sochi, baby :D

Written by Rano Iskandar. Posted in News, RA News


Ambassador welcomes Brunei delegate 

His Excellency Haji Haini bin Haji Hashim, the Ambassador of Brunei Darussalam to the Russian Federation (5th from left) with the Brunei delegates who will competing in the World Robot Olympiad 2014 (WRO) at Sochi International Airport, Russia. Click image to enlarge.

Finally, after 30 hours of traveling and transiting, I managed to check in to my room for the next few nights in Sochi, Russia. I didn’t expect to fly to Europe in 2014 and sometimes life is just amazing especially when you least expected it. I had mixed feelings about flying to Russia because 1) it’s just too far 2) my PR status but once I landed safely and passed the Russian immigration, my mood started to shift and appreciate the moment that I’m actually physically in Russia.

My trip is being sponsored for the coverage of Brunei’s involvement in the World Robot Olympiad 2014 which is being held in Sochi, Russia. Some of you might recall the Sochi Winter Games that took place a few months ago. Initially, the WRO event was supposed to be held at Moscow, Russia but only announced the change of venue a few months ago. Next year Qatar will be the host for WRO 2015 and we are hoping that Brunei, one day, will host this prestigious event.

A big thank you to the Brunei Embassy in Russia for helping us with the logistics especially in Moscow (transiting) and Sochi (upon arrival). It was nice to see the Ambassador of Brunei Darussalam to Russia, His Excellency Haji Haini bin Haji Hashim who has been serving for the past two years as the Ambassador. He welcomed the Brunei delegates at Sochi International Airport (Международный Аэропорт Сочи) and thank you so much for arranging the transportation and checking in for us last night. The process would have been longer without your assistance.

For those heading to Moscow or parts of Russia, you can contact the embassy at moscow.russia(a)mfa.gov.bn or brunei.moscow(a)gmail.com or call (+7) 495 783 1926/7 and they are quite helpful too. I also realised that Russians don’t speak much English so communication can be an issue unless if it’s in the airport or hotel, then you will be fine. Once you step outside, it’s a different ball game. Even the Ambassador said that there are many steps to understand and learn the Russian language and even the Russians understanding of English is different from ours which can lead to miscommunication. We’ll see how it goes in the next few days but I’m quite excited to be in Russia and perhaps, do a bit of exploring.

The Brunei students will be preparing their respective projects this morning at the Exhibition Media Complex, Sochi which just a walking distance from the hotel we are staying (Azimut Hotel Resort & Spa). For your info, Sochi time zone is only 5 hours behind from Brunei time.

I shall update the progress on my instagram @ranoadidas and that’s a faster way for parents/families and their friends to keep up to date on the happenings of our Brunei representatives in the World Robot Olympiad 2014. I wish the students the best and a big shoutout to one of the students, Nur Amni Amanina binti Hj Narudin, who celebrated her birthday yesterday (by flying for 27 hours huhu).

Thank you once again, His Excellency Haji Haini bin Haji Hashim and his team from the Brunei Embassy in Russia for assisting us and also to our organiser, Hjh Faridah and Satinah Hj Abg for guiding us from Brunei to Sochi.


My first selfie in Russia #priority #chanceofalifetime

Thank you, Hanafi from the Brunei Embassy for assisting us during our 3 hour transit in Moscow Domodedovo Airport. It wasn’t easy to get around due to most of the language written is in Russian.

A tip when you arrive in Moscow. Watch out for the fraudulent taxi drivers. They will give a fixed fee then later on, they will add more charges due to the number of luggage you bring or the size of the taxi and so on. So you might be paying double the amount.

The Malaysian contingent is bring quite a few participants

A tired Nina after 27 hours of flying. Happy belated, Nina 😀 She celebrated her birthday flying here and there and it was nice of the immigration officer at Sochi to greet her before chopping her passport.

Thank Natalia who helped with our checking in at Azimut Hotel Resort & Spa. More pictures of the hotel later.

Faridah and Satinah sorting out the rooms for the Brunei delegate

Azimut Hotel is a full house due to the participants for the WRO event. Awesome!!



Malpyy goes Retro 

Shimmer and shine this weekend with Malppy’s fabulous looking Retro Fashion Ring-Bangled Style Watch featuring the glistening jewels that wears around your wrist to your finger. This ring-wrist watch which is valued originally at B$33.90 is sure to bring out the best look in you. The best part is you can get it this weekend at only B$19.90!

This fashion jewelry is so on-trend that you can go chic and contemporary with it and it is perfect for an evening date night out as well. Both watch and bracelet and a ring as well, this 3 in 1 watch is exactly what you need for any occasion. Perfect for a gift as well, you don’t have to worry about the size and you most certainly need not worry about the shelf life of this gift item as well because everybody wants to know ‘What’s the time?’ and having this 3 in 1 wrist watch for any lady is the best way to do so.

Hurry now and go to Malppy.com now or go directly to http://www.malppy.com/Retro-Fashion-Decorative-Bracelet and take a look at the various designs of this ring-bangle wristwatch they have in store for you this weekend promotion, exclusively for members only! Definitely an eye catcher to draw attention as well.


Click image to enter website

To add on, Malppy is having their Movember Month Specials as well. They are offering Free Movember String Bags for transaction above $50. Hurry up and don’t miss out this chance and let’s help to raise awareness on men’s health issues!


Click image to enter website



World Robot Olympiad 2014

Written by Rano Iskandar. Posted in News, RA News


Brunei participating in WRO 

Sarimah Abu Bakar, Acting Head of STEP (right) with the Brunei delegates who will participate in the World Robot Olympiad 2014 in Sochi, Russia, accompanied by teachers, a judge and an LO at the Brunei International Airport.

This is the 6th time that Brunei is participating in the World Robot Olympiad and this year, Sochi, Russia, will be hosting the competition. Our Brunei contingent will be competing in two categories and they will be represented by Sungai Tali Primary School and Sayyidina Umar Al-Khattab Secondary School.

How they were selected to represent Brunei was when they won this year’s Brunei Robotics Olympiad a few months ago. One of the winners was team SIERRA SIERRA, a group of students ( Naimatul Basirah binti Haji Aliuddin and Nur Amni Amanina binti Hj Narudin) from the Sungai Tali Primary School led by Ronny bin Puasa, their teacher. They developed Agrospace, a portable autonomous space farm that supplies food to astronauts, an alternative solution to costly food for space flights. Interesting!!

Sayyidina Umar Al-Khattab Secondary School will represent the Secondary level and they are represented by team SMSUA TECH-NOBOT. Their project is called Robotlifter. The students presenting are Nor Muthiah binti Esa, Izzah Haziqah binti Hj Chuchu and Ummi Nur Su’aidah binti Sufrain which are led by Radzuan bin Hj Chuchu, their teacher.

The delegation is led by Satinah binti Hj Abang, Student Officer of Science Technology and Environment Partnership (STEP) Centre. Also part of the delegation is Ameliana binti A. Embran (Vokasional Nakhoda Ragam School) who will be a judge in the World Robot Olympiad 2014.

Brunei has been participating in 6 WRO competitions (Singapore 2004, Thailand 2005, China 2006, Malaysia 2012, Indonesia 2013). So it’s pretty good to know that Brunei is participating for this year’s competition. This will give more exposure to Brunei Darussalam especially for the students as well as the opportunity for Brunei to host the WRO in the near future.

Families and friends dropped by the airport to send off the participants. Also sending them off is Sarimah Abu Bakar, Acting Head of STEP.

I’m quite fortunate to be tagged along for the competition as the official social media for their progress in Sochi, Russia. A big thank you to the Ministry of Education, Russian Embassy (for the visa) and of course, Faridah, for this golden opportunity.

I shall be posting more pictures on my instagram and we are currently in Dubai International Hotel (hotel transit) before departing to Moscow. We have an 8 hour wait though. Boohoo. More updates soon. Till then, have a great day!!


Prayers before taking off to the first leg of the trip

It has been a while since I have been on a Dreamliner 😀

Getting our boarding passes for Moscow and Sochi. Yay, we are flying on Emirates

I forgot his name but he was quite helpful and he works for the Brunei Embassy at Abu Dhabi

Our official jacket is green

It’s good to see parents coming down to support

Heading to our transit hotel

Radzuan coordinating with the students

The Dubai International Hotel we are bunking in for the next few hours before flying off

Back in September when team SIERRA SIERRA from Sungai Tali Primary School won in the primary category in the Brunei Robotics Olympiad. Image courtesy of The Brunei Times.



The Brown Hat

Written by Rano Iskandar. Posted in News, RA News


BruHaha Comedy Night 


Snippets of BruHaha Comedy Night (Beta)




Members of the Commonwealth-Asia Alliance of Young Entrepreneurs (CAAYE) with Puan Hjh Normah, Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources

Governments should help promote socially responsible businesses through innovation, said a youth-led entrepreneurship alliance from Commonwealth-Asia.

A statement issued by the Commonwealth-Asia Alliance of Young Entrepreneurs (CAAYE), which represents youth-led entrepreneurship associations in eight Commonwealth countries urged their respective governments too support innovation through the setting up of appropriate infrastructure.

Young entrepreneurs were also told to see social responsibility as an investment that can contribute towards business profits and maintain sustainable growth.

During the Third Commonwealth Asia Alliance of Young Entrepreneurs (CAAYE) 2014 Summit, themed ‘Innovate with Purpose’, young business individuals were urged to find ways to achieve business goals beyond profit-making.

CAAYE proposed that leaders of Commonwealth Asia begin the process of developing an action plan for consideration at the ministerial level and at the next Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting. Text courtesy of The Brunei Times.










Sochi bound?

Written by Rano Iskandar. Posted in News, RA News


Get Connected through ICONIA




BIBD’s latest promotion

Top up tia. Click image to enter website.



ICON Design Store 

Click image to enter ICON Design Store website


Test drive or buy a Citroën!! 

Click image to enter Citroën Brunei 



Free labour charge on repairs for Peugeot



Big Cheesy Box 

Click image to enter


KFC monthly winners 

KFC had its monthly draw last Sunday at KFC drive-thru Sengkurong which saw 10 winners walking away with prizes worth $300 each. Yes, each!! The KFC drive-thru anniversary lucky draw started from 19th September and lasts until 31st dec 2014 where 10 winners will be chosen each month to win $300 worth of prizes each.

There is also a grand draw taking place on 11th jan 2015 where 5 lucky winners will win the following:

5th prize-movie tickets worth $700

4th prize-petrol purchase rebate worth $1,000

3rd prize-supermarket/department store shopping vouchers worth B$1,500

2nd prize-furniture/electronics purchase vouchers worth B$3,000

1st prize-return tickets for 2 pax to Melbourne with tour and accommodation included worth B$5,000

With more than $20,000 worth of prizes in total to be won, members of the public, who are interested in participating in the lucky draw, need only to make a purchase at any KFC outlets in Brunei, attach their receipt to a form and fill it in and drop it into the lucky draw boxes provided from now until 31st dec 2014.

In addition, customers with the KFC Drive-Thru car sticker making purchases at their drive-thru in Sengkurong during the promotion period will drive away with awesome KFC freebies, which will end on December 31.


Azmi the Branch Manager of KFC Gadong Central with the 10 lucky draw winners walking away with $300 worth of goods and services!!

Below are the winners of the second monthly draw.

1) David Leygei Tinggi – Samsonite Luggage Bag

2) Saadiah Hj Said – Paloma Home Fashion Store Voucher

3) Hjh Siti Hairani – The Empire Hotel Cash Voucher

4) Kipli B. Hj Othman – Diamond & Platinum Voucher

5) Noorhayati Binti Zaini – Chan Ein Hong Voucher

6) Pg Mohd Khairol Ahmadani – SocialDeal Shopping Voucher

7) Mohd Afindi Bin Mustata – Toys ‘R’ Us Voucher

8) Muhammad Noramin Hakeem – The FaceShop Voucher

9) Noraines Hj Rosli – Hua Ho Shopping Voucher

10) Dr M. Kamil Shiekh – Philips Air Fryer



Happy 40th RB 

Happy 40th birthday Royal Brunei Airlines #RB40 #Royalbruneiair


Late post: Birthday celebrants 

Shawn celebrated his birthday a few weeks ago at Radisson Hotel after the Brunei Advanced Speakers’ Club meeting


I believe he is slightly older than Royal Brunei 😀

A surprise plan that failed for Seng Yee’s birthday few weeks ago

We had a great dinner gathering at iLotus

It was a hat theme night and it was weird to see Hazwan, Shawn and Ruey wearing a cap 😀


Azeemah raised £643 

Azeemah Zaki trekked to the summit of Mt. Snowdon (highest mountain in Wales) and it was part of her fundraiser to donate to the Human Relief Foundation for the children of Syria affected by the war.

The trek was organised by University of Sheffield’s Islamic Circle and she managed to raise £643 for her cause as she needed at least £150 to trek the mountain. The University of Sheffield’s Islamic Circle raised a total of £8,279 in the end. Awesome!! Below are the pictures shared by Azeemah during their trekking journey at Mt. Snowdon.






Volkswagen Customer Day

Yesterday, Maju Motors, the authorised dealer for Volkswagen (VW), held a customer’s day. Lots of Volkswagen customers showed up with their car and posed for the camera. There was also free BBQ food being provided and music for entertainment. This was one way of appreciating Volkswagen customers from Maju Motors for their continuous support. You can view more photos here from their Facebook Page.
























The Sh’Mo’ Down 

Zul-Fadly (Happy Birthday bro)  with the Jae of Chaps & Rebels

Movember Brunei this year will feature, for the first time ever in Brunei, a ‘Mustache’ competition called The Sh’Mo’ Down. The competition is divided into three categories; the Thickest Mo. the Hippest Mo and the Innovative Mo.

Currently there are a handful of ‘MoBros’ who have registered and it will be very interesting to see the quality of mustaches being ‘groomed’ seriously in Brunei. It’s a growing trend here as the men are slowly becoming more aware of how they present themselves in the public. Registration is still open and all you have to do is email your name and contact number to our email, movemberbrunei@gmail.com

This year we have the support of Chaps & Rebels, a local barber shop owned and run by our own local guys who have paved the way for those seeking the ‘gentleman’ look. An online entrepreneur who sells beard oils on instagram and goes by the ig account, @DreamBeardBWN. Armtirx enterprise who has agreed to print the limited edition MovemberBrunei Tees. Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf Brunei for agreeing to become our official venue for the Sh’Mo’ Down.

Movember Brunei also has amazing support from the social media like Facebook and Instagram. The hashtag #movemberbn is getting new feeds everyday. Huge thanks to everyone and anyone on the social media platform who has repost, retweeted and shared all things related to Movember Brunei, Thank you very much!

Growing a mo in Movember is not just a fashion statement but the true message and responsibilty that comes with it. The ‘Mo’ represents the awareness. If someone asks why go through all the trouble of growing a Mo in November? One can say because we care! Its not a trait of a Man to share that they are ill/sick. However, the number of men affected by cancer is as many if not more than women. Movember does not just highlight testicular cancer or prostate cancer, it covers depression as well and men’s health in general. Do it for the grandfathers, fathers, uncles, brothers, cousins, sons, nephews and grandsons who have been fortunately survived or sadly, unfortunately, did not make it through.

If you believe that prevention is better than cure, then go get checked! Grow that mo because you care! We grow it because we want the future generation of men to be confident and be able to remove the stigma that men do not get or rarely get sick. Press release and images courtesy of Zul Fadly.







Out of scale

Written by Rano Iskandar. Posted in News, RA News


The Popcorn Panel 

Big Hero 6 podcast review with co-host @delgoh and special guest @sengyeeciara


Interstellar podcast review with co-host @delgoh




Burger King – Black Pepper Burger 





ICON Design Store 

Click image to enter ICON Design Store website


Dato impressed with toastmasters 

Dato Paduka Dr. Zulkarnain, the Vice Chancellor of Universiti Brunei Darussalam and Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Education with the members of the Brunei Advanced Speakers’ Club

Late post: This month, we are proud to wear the toastmaster badge to commemorate the milestone that Toastmasters International have reached since its inception in 1924. Three weeks ago, Brunei Advanced Speakers’ Club held their 2nd meeting (held every Friday end of the month) and it’s always customary to invite a guest of honour on every meeting.

The guest of honour was Dato Paduka Dr. Zulkranain, the Vice Chancellor of Universiti Brunei Darussalam and Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Education. He found the BASC meeting quite educational and entertaining and he was very pleased that UBD also chartered their own toastmasters club two months ago. He recommended the youth and the public to attend a toastmasters meeting as it will not also improve your speaking skills but your listening skills too. He was impressed with the conducive and comfortable environment which allows newbies to feel more welcomed and making the learning process fun and enjoyable.

The speakers for the evening were Reuben Chin and Zainal Bostaman. The table topics winner was a first time guest, Hj Saiful Rhymin (well done).

So guys, if you want to attend a meeting of any of our toastmasters club in Brunei, here you go:

UBD Toastmasters Club – 7:30pm to 9pm Every Monday at Student Centre, Inspiring Hall

Brunei Speakers’ Club – 7:30pm to 9:30pm Every Tuesday at Seameo Voctech (Gadong)

OTTERS Club – 7:30pm to 9:30pm Every Wednesday at OGDC (Seria)

Brunei Advanced Speakers’ Club – 7:30pm every Friday end of the month. Venue TBA

It’s always great to see new guests coming in to observe (or even participate) during the toastmasters meeting. I can guarantee you that it’s a great avenue to improve your leadership skills too and you can get more testimonials from our regular guests. I’m a member of the Brunei Speakers’ Club and I will do my best to contribute to the club and the community to spread the awareness of toastmasters. It has not made me only a better speaker but also a great leader. It’s a never ending process and of course, the best of the lot is my supporting buddies from toastmasters. How can you turn down a learning experience with positive environment?

Dato Paduka Dr. Zulkarnain speaking to the members of Brunei Advanced Speakers’ Club at Radisson Hotel

The guest in attendance

Reuben Chin sharing his moments on photography

Gary being invited for table topics

Dato Paduka Dr. Zulkarnain had a fantastic evening

Zainal Bostaman was told that he’s the Brunei version of Mr. Bean by the guest of honour

Rozana having a laugh at Zainal’s speech

The time machine 😀

Members and guests during the last meeting

Rhymin winning the Table Topics contest

Members and guests during the last meeting

Celebrating Papa Shawn’s birthday. Next to him is Johan from Sabah.

Members and guests during the last meeting

Group photo and thanks everyone for your attendance


Tourism Trade Expo 

BIMP EAGA Tourism Trade Expo from 19-22 November at ICC



I miss Taro

Written by Rano Iskandar. Posted in News, RA News



Free labour charge on repairs for Peugeot



Late post: Bali 

Taking a swim at River Cafe at Maya Ubud

I didn’t take much photos at Bali since I didn’t go to many places of interests in Bali. Most of the time, I was staying at Ubud area which is quite remote from the popular cities of Kuta and Seminyak. Nonetheless, I had a great time bonding with my friends from all over the world at Ubud and learnt a thing or two that me aware of in the past week or so. Hence, why I am so inspired by David the Nomadic Lion who inspires others with his vision to spread humanitarian by means of walking and exchanging stories and cultures. He represents abundance and I am inspire to feel as abundant as him one day.

I shall be returning to Bali next year and my friends and I are already eyeing Lombok (a few hours away drive from Bali) which my friends recommended to visit and even David. Have a great weekend, peeps!!

At Clear Cafe. Similar to Energy Kitchen and I like the idea where you have to take your foot wear before entering

Creme Bulle at Room 4 Dessert

Nice desserts at Room 4 Dessert. Highly recommended.

Sophia playing with the grass

This is the luxurious villa at Maya Ubud

I accidentally wore my t-shirt inside out without realizing :S

Genevieve and Sophia trying out Kopi Luwak

Interesting filter for Kopi Luwak

I love the dinner concept at Maya Ubud

Having great fun at water rafting. The rapids weren’t as challenging.


Progresif Cellular 



SCR update 

The British High Commissioner hosted a Civil Society and Chevening Alumni Roundtable discussion and networking event recently at the Residence. The aim of the event was to bring together civil society organisations and Chevening Alumni to network, share best practice, find synergies and identify opportunities for collaboration

The British High Commissioner hosted a Civil Society and Chevening Alumni Roundtable discussion and networking event yesterday evening at the Residence. The aim of the event was to bring together civil society organisations and Chevening Alumni to network, share best practice, find synergies and identify opportunities for collaboration.

British High Commissioner H.E. David Campbell said “It was fascinating to hear from such a diverse range of organisations, all making a real contribution to Bruneian society and environment. Many were now planning their projects for 2015 which we will follow with close interest. It was good to have the perspective of our Chevening scholars too.”

Civil Society Organisations present covered a wide range of issues in Brunei from the environment (Green Brunei, Green Apeel), to wildlife (1stopbrunei Wildlife, CAS) to social welfare (SCOT, the Women’s Council, MKM, BASMIDA, Brunei Darussalam AIDS Council). All CSOs were invited to give short, forward looking presentations on their upcoming activities and projects. Also present were representatives from Standard Chartered Bank who gave a brief overview of the work they do in terms of Corporate Social Responsibility.




Home Sweet Home

Written by Rano Iskandar. Posted in News, RA News


Burger King – Black Pepper Burger 



Get Connected through ICONIA




BIBD’s latest promotion

Top up tia. Click image to enter website.



ICON Design Store 

Click image to enter ICON Design Store website


Test drive or buy a Citroën!! 

Click image to enter Citroën Brunei 


Big Cheesy Box 

Click image to enter

Music to their ears 

It happened this morning at International School Brunei where the US Naval 7th Fleet and the Royal Brunei Armed Forces performed for ISB students. The performance was part of the band’s line-up activities during their stay here in conjunction with the Brunei-US Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training (CARAT) Maritime exercises.

They will also perform at Jerudong Park playground area on 14th November. CARAT is a series of annual, bilateral Maritime exercises between the US Navy and the armed forces of Bangladesh, Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand. Images courtesy of SYC.


The Royal Brunei Armed Forces and the US Naval 7th Fleet performing at ISB this morning




Adrian donates art supplies 

Posing with Adrian Chu and I bought a painting of his during his “I Am Adrian” showcase at Mabohai Shopping Complex

I’m proud of Adrian Chu who managed to raise $1,000 during his mini art exhibition at Mabohai Shopping Complex three weeks ago. All the paintings that was showcased were painted by him. The 17 year old autistic artist is also a big fan of Michael Jackson and I was fortunate enough to buy one of his paintings of MJ. The art exhibition was entitled “I Am Adrian”.

Yesterday, he handed over donations in a form of art supplies worth of $500 to Pusat Ehsan. The art supplies were five sets of complete art supplies, canvases and 10 easels.

The donations were received by Nurul Huda Hj Muhin, Acting Head of Administration of Pusat Ehsan. Also present were the management of Mabohai Shopping Complex and Adrian’s parents (Wai-Ming and Sally).


Yvonne Kuan and Adella also paid a visit

The creativity by Adrian Chu

Heart warming messages from the public on Adrian’s initiative

There were also performances by NeoClassic Music School and played a few MJ numbers

Adrian Chu with his parents, management of Mabohai Shopping Complex and Pusat Ehsan with the set of art supplies donated to Pusat Ehsan. Image courtesy of Azli Azney of The Brunei Times.


Brunei Edutainment Wonderland 


Do you think you have what it takes to face extreme situations? Think you would know what to do in such emergencies? Well, go and find out for sure in “Nature Encounter”, just one of the many exciting innovative and interactive attractions to be enjoyed at the upcoming Brunei Edutainment Wonderland 2014!

The “Nature Encounter” zone is specially designed to simulate several worst-case scenarios. Those who choose to enter will get to experience the sensation of being trapped in a burning building, feel the rumble of an earthquake, be “placed” in a vicious storm, and “get stranded” in the middle of a flood.

The “Nature Encounter” gives you the safest way to satisfy your curiosity and answer all your questions. For, after going through the unique and exciting disaster sections, visitors are able to learn more about the causes of several common natural disasters and the steps they should take in order to safely walk away for another day thanks to the informative exhibition and also helpful tips which can be found in the gallery section of the high intensity interactive attraction.

The Brunei Edutainment Wonderland will take place at the Jerudong Park and Country Club Amphitheatre Open Court area in Jerudong from November 30, 2014 to December 21, 2014. It will be open from 2.30pm to 11pm from Mondays to Fridays, and 9.30am to 11pm on Saturdays and Sundays.

And do not forget to listen in to Kristal FM, to get a chance to win exclusive Brunei Edutainment Wonderland merchandise in the Brunei Edutainment Wonderland daily quizzes.

The Brunei Edutainment Wonderland will be open from 2.30pm to 11pm from Mondays to Fridays and 9.30am to 11pm on Saturdays and Sundays. To find out more contact D’Sunlit Sdn Bhd at 2453666, or email to event@dsunlit.com. For the latest updates follow D’Sunlit Sdn Bhd’s official Facebook page at facebook.com/sunlitbrunei or its Instagram page @dsunlit.




Have you ever wondered what it would be like to explore a prehistoric lost land when massive dangerous roaring dinosaurs still roamed the earth? If so, then look no further than the NBT Jurassic Adventure at the Brunei Edutainment Wonderland 2014. The huge theme park will transport eager visitors back in time to over 65 million years ago when dinosaurs walked the earth. The specially-designed attraction will feature life-sized dinosaur replicas of the vicious tyrannosaurus rex, brontosaurus, pterodactyls, and many more species set in a realistic backdrop of their natural habitat.

Designed with edutainment in mind, the NBT Jurassic Adventure will not only entertain with its life-like dinosaur forms, it will also educate visitors on the life of the ancient extinct beasts. Interesting facts on the dinosaurs may be found all around the theme park not only that there will also be a dedicated viewing area where visitors will be able to watch a documentary on dinosaurs.

And the interactive interesting experiences do not stop there. In one section of the theme park visitors will be able to play out the role of a researcher excavating for fossils (the only evidence of the Jurassic behemoths). Visitors walking around the park might even be lucky enough to come across raptors seeking their next prey.

Entry tickets for the spectacular NBT Jurassic Adventure will be priced at $10 for adults and $6 for children. Good news for Bank Islam Brunei Darussalam (BIBD) card holders is that they are entitled to a 15 percent discount on entry tickets when they choose to purchase tickets with their BIBD card.




Late post: ISB Reunion Homecoming 














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