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Written by Rano Iskandar. Posted in News


Concepts Computer 

Check out the products from Concepts Computer. Click image to enter Facebook page.


Chicco opens for business 

Click image to enter Chicco Facebook page

I was surprised that some of my friends ever heard of the brand Chicco. I’m pretty new to this but for those don’t know, Chicco is an Italian baby brand established over 50 years ago in 1958. So if you are into baby stuff especially the quality ones such as strollers, car seats, bottles, fashion and many more. Chicco ain’t just for babies but for moms too such as the award winning Boppy maternity and breastfeeding pillows, and Mamma Donna cosmetics such as the anti-stress breast elasticizing serum, anti-stretch marks, and firming cream. Not that I know all that but it’s stated in the press release :p

So Chicco has arrived in Brunei Darussalam and is opening its first flagship store in Mabohai Shopping Complex. In the new Chicco store concept “The House of Happiness”, families and babies will be lost in the Chicco world of happiness with a shop rich in innovation and functionality.

Brunei’s first Chicco shop “The House of Happiness”, reflects the brand message “Happiness is a journey that starts when you’re a baby”. It is specifically drawn to meet the purchasing needs and offer solutions to parents and their babies in Brunei. This is a real store designed by family for family, and will be the new Chicco shop’s format all over the world.

The new Chicco store offers a real “retail experience” to all customers and their baby needs. The area is fitted with guided paths in order to make the purchase simple, and to support parents by orienting them between all their baby’s needs. These include decorations filled with colors, easily readable icons, and information for different category products: well-being, feeding and soothing, cosmetics, sleeping, toys, juvenile and fashion.

Mothers and fathers have at their disposal a comfortable place rich in encouragement and information to enjoy with their babies. Family and friends will also have plenty of
options and guidance to make their gift shopping experience simple and enjoyable. Inside the new enchanted space, Chicco permits parents and all customers to find all answers to a baby’s needs, while babies feel the warm atmosphere in “The House of Happiness”.

Yesterday the opening was officiated by the guest of honour, Datin Paduka Hjh Adina Othman, Deputy Minister at the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports. Present was Jona Tay, Managing Director of Blue Zeal Company.

Jona Tay giving her welcoming remarks

Datin Paduka Hjh Adina and Jona Tay and her family officiating the opening of Chicco Brunei

During the official opening of Chicco

Chicco’s baby stroller while the guest of honour looks on

Some of the products from Chicco

Customers and guests checking out the range from Chicco

Ideal for parents and babys

Chicco located on the first floor at Mabohai Shopping Complex

Some of the products being showcased

Memento from Chicco

Some of the items at Chicco



Written by Rano Iskandar. Posted in News


Seoul Day 2 

H-D Day 

Check out the commercial video for Harley-Davidson on #stereotypicalharley 😀

H-D is a short form for Harley-Davidson and the international media from Asia Emerging Market were fortunate enough to be invited for a Dark Custom event and Friday event was definitely a full day for us but of course, with a flavour of fun.

Of course, one of the best part was meeting new faces of the media from different countries. Brunei Harley-Davidson falls in the Asia Emerging Market and this includes Indonesia, the Philippines, Taiwan, Singapore, Korea, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia and Guam (I hope I didn’t forget any country). Also present for the Dark Custom event are the AEM dealers of Harley-Davidson and representing Brunei was Pg Musa, the General Manager of Harley-Davidson Brunei (Sri Sentosa Sdn Bhd).

It was a great mixture of people from the media as they are now focusing their attention more to social media as Harley-Davidson’s target market have shifted to the “Young Adult” market. Hence, the emergence of Dark Custom accessories for Harley-Davidson have made a huge difference in their market positioning for H-D bikes.

I finally get to learn more about Harley-Davidson but not extensively. I truly admire the vision of Harley-Davidson and where they are now.. We always have a specific perception about H-D owners but from the commercials that they have been playing shows the different kind of professions that H-D owners, ranging from a police officer to an entrepreneur and even some geeky kid. Well, even after the short workshop that we all did, I was dreaming to even ride one myself but the only problem is that it’s not that easy to master the art of riding. But once you mastered it, it’s all good..

A great welcoming reception from Harley-Davidson of Korea

Welcoming the dealers of Asia Emerging Markets of Harley-Davidson

The lady is from Taiwan H-D dealer and pretty too

The countries that were invited for the Dark Custom event

Cultural performances of Korea

Cultural performances of Korea

Marc Mcallister, VP and Managing Director of Asia Pacific Harley-Davidson blowing his candles to commemorate his birthday

The cake is pretty good too 😀

On the second day of my Seoul trip, all of us headed for the Harley-Davidson of Korea headquarters in Seoul and wow… I was super impressed with the showroom and it feels like an one-stop centre especially for those working in the Harley-Davidson of Korea environment. They have a canteen even, a gym at another building and what caught my eye is a room play area for kids. This really shows how much Harley-Davidson of Korea take care of their staff and employees. Their corporate culture is very solid and they are easy to bond with too especially our designated trainers 😀

We were first briefed at the showroom where it showcased two of H-D bikes and accessories for the bikes. We also learnt that there are more than 6,000 accessories available for H-D bikes as mentioned by Johnny who handles Parts and Accessories for Harley-Davidson of Korea.

Then we proceeded to the workshop area of Harley-Davidson which is quite impressive. They don’t call them mechanics but they positioned them as “technicians”. Coolies. Apparently, the lady explained to us that there are 5 different levels/tiers in the Harley-Davidson of Korea Technician Registry (maintenance area). First being the “staff”, then the “technician” followed by “advanced technician” then you will be promoted as “expert” level but the money shot is being the “master” and it’s not that easy to achieve that level apparently. One of the “master” from Korea took him at least 7 years to reach that status and he is a smart one too.

The other interesting concept that Harley-Davidson of Korea Technician Registry does is that all the personnel under this department will buy their own tools and such as they will give them ownership and responsibility and they are given a special discounts as well and the warranty for their tools is a life-time one. This approach kinda prevent tools at the workshop to disappear and the technicians do take care of their tools by even naming and locking their tools to prevent them from missing.

Soon after the briefing, we were greeted by the arrival of the AEM dealers who arrived on a bus being lead by Harley-Davidson riders and all of us enjoyed the welcoming cultural performance by the Koreans who came out from the Harley-Davidson container *interesting* After that, Harley-Davidson surprised a birthday celebrant who is no other than Marc Mcallister, the Vice-President and Managing Director of Asia Pacific Region of Harley-Davidson.

It’s never to go up the ranks at the Harley-Davidson of Korea Technician Registry. One of the earliest masters took 7 years to gain that status.

I’m beginning to love Harley now

Loving the 48

Our trainers for the day

The Jumpstart section but I didn’t get time to try this

Our personal trainer Csec Lee and he has been in Harley-Davidson of Korea for 3 years now and he’s such a sporting guy too.

No, I didn’t bring my car all the way to Korea 😀

What a beauty!!

Now here comes the challenging part of me – riding a Harley *lol* We were given different stations to go through and learning how to ride a Harley. Our trainer was awesome and I managed to complete three stations but the hardest part of the riding lessons was riding up the slope and I slightly burned my inner calf because the steel pipes were pretty hot and my pants didn’t have proper material to withstand the heat.

The workshop concluded with a mini-competition of having the Dark Custom look and all the media were given a one hour task to wear any apparels and merchandise from the store and showcase to the audience and the one with the most votes get to keep all the merchandise and apparels he or she wore. Awesome!! Sadly, I missed out but a few of new buddies voted for me *awwww*

Overall, a great experience and thank you so much for the hospitality, Harley-Davidson of Korea and thank you to Sri Sentosa for making this trip possible.

A big thank you to Iskandar Shahril, Timothy Soh and Biresh Vrajlal for assisting us during our stay in Korea. You made it a worthwhile experience and to my new friends, let’s keep in touch 😀

The Dark Custom dress up competition but I didn’t win. Otherwise, I get to keep all the merchandise and clothes I wore.

This guy is the Brand Ambassador for H-D in Vietnam

She’s one hot lady and her name is Michelle from Malaysia. I didn’t recognise that she’s a host for Football Overload on Astro Supersport #fail

We had to do 5 poses with the Harley and get voted on

Voted for you but too bad, you didn’t win :p

The lady on the left from Guam won the competition

Our consolation – $170 worth of H-D merchandise and apparel.. Wooohooo



Written by Rano Iskandar. Posted in News


Malppy Weekend

Malppy.com great weekend sale. Click image to enter website.

Free gift from Malppy.com and click to find out more


Seoul Day 1 

Wow, I have to admit that I truly enjoy being in Seoul and the thing is I have not explore to other places of interest apart from three or four places yesterday. I do understand now why my friends keep saying to stay a bit longer or so. I have already extended two nights at least in Seoul which is a total of five nights. However, the Wednesday’s arrival didn’t really count since we arrived 10:15pm and by the time we reached the hotel, it was already past midnight.

I’m currently in Seoul, Korea for a rare, exclusive coverage of the Harley-Davidson where the principals and marketing side (international media) are invited for Dark Custom (Harley-Davidson) event tonight. The previous event by Harley-Davidson was back in October 2013 where Harley-Davidson celebrated their 110th Anniversary (Do read Izam Said’s coverage on that). So this time round I was invited by Harley-Davidson under Asia Emerging Market (AEM) Harley-Davidson for media coverage and of course, under the principal of Sri Sentosa Sdn Bhd, the sole dealership of Harley-Davidson in Brunei Darussalam.

So technically, yesterday was considered Day 2 but since I landed two hours before midnight, so I will still mark 1st of May as Day 1 in Seoul 😀 Yesterday was free and easy as I only had to pick up the media kit from Harley-Davidson. Hence, I took the opportunity to explore some parts of Seoul and learning a bit of the culture. Surprisingly, I have not picked up a single Korean language just yet *lol*

Anyway, I’m just gonna share with you some pictures I documented along my journey in Seoul.

Pretty cool that these taxis use gas instead of petrol. The grey taxis are slightly cheaper than the orange ones. The black (deluxe taxis) are the most expensive

Plenty of choices to choose from. Well, only three if you wan a dongle for your wifi and it’s on rental basis. The price range is around $5-10 per day depending how many days you want to use it for. There’s almost a $400 penalty charge should you lose the mifi gadget.

The 4G is pretty fast here and my limit is 1 Gig per day. Not bad 😀

Thank you Siti for this handbook guide from the Brunei Embassy in Korea. I have yet to catch but hopefully in the weekend 😀

Thank you Pg Musa for arranging this trip and big thanks to Harley-Davidson Asia Emerging Markets and Sri Sentosa Sdn Bhd for this opportunity

I’m super impressed with the service at Ritz-Carlton Seoul. The lady on the left served me on the first and her name is April and she was simply super helpful and even went an extra mile on the F&Q I asked. The lady of the right is Sherry and I almost got mistaken her for April when I talked to her the following day *lol*

April even walked me to the taxi after calling the taxi for me. How sweet!!

The main reason why I’m in Seoul right now *bless*

A pretty cool welcoming from Harley-Davidson upon my arrival at my room at Ritz-Carlton Seoul

Sugar high

I highly recommend this place because of its service. It’s one of the most expensive hotels in the area but it’s definitely worth it for the service they provide

My bedroom is spacious

Met up with Alice and Richard yesterday and we went for some sightseeing around Seoul

Both did their caricature

But they weren’t impressed with the outcome *lol*

The Love Museum. You should check it out


I love their subway. Thank you @alimoomoo for your help. Almost got stuck when I bought the wrong ticket *lol*

It’s sad to know this happened and I was using this tube line just last evening

Trying out the Harleys today

The media was lucky to see the much anticipated Street 750 which won’t be available until 2015. Awwww… And Michelle, you are damn pretty 😀

This is the scenario in my room every night *lol*



Written by Rano Iskandar. Posted in News


The Penal Code Order begins 

His Majesty’s titan during the announcement of the enforcement of Phase One of the Syariah Penal Code Order at ICC yesterday 

His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam today announced the enforcement of Phase One of the Syariah Penal Code Order with effect from May 1, 2014 during a declaration ceremony at the International Convention Centre.

The first phase of the Order covers general offences set by the state, including disrespecting the month of Ramadhan and not performing Friday prayers. The general offences are punishable by fines, imprisonment or both.

Corporal punishment such as whipping and amputation of limbs for crimes such as theft will not be enforced until the second phase. The death penalty will come into force in the third phase.
The implementation comes into force six months after His Majesty announced the gazette of the Islamic criminal law last October.

For more of the titah, you can click here. Text courtesy of The Brunei Times.


Acer Liquid Smartphones


Check out Acer Liquid smartphones



BIBD Home Showcase 4


BIBD Home Showcase 4. Click more to find out!!

Icon Design Store



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Royal Brunei Airlines



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5 wins in a row 

It was another straightaway professional victory for DPMM FC. They ironed a 2-0 victory over Woodlands Wellington FC at the Woodlands Stadium. Tosi scored his 10th goal of the season while young starlet Azwan Ali showed why he’s one of the most promising players in the S•League as his rasping drive gave a comfortable 2-0 victory.

DPMM FC could have scored more as I was watching the highlights and Woodlands were at a disadvantage as they were a man down when Walid Lounis was given his marching orders after 12 minutes of play.

The win cement DPMM FC on the summit of the league. The only worry for Steve Kean is Azwan Ali who was substituted in the second half due to an injury and let’s hope it’s not that serious.

Well done, DPMM FC for the three points and the clean sheet 😀

Pictures are taken by Alson Ong of S•League.

His Royal Highness Prince Sufri attended the game last night at Woodlands Stadium

DPMM FC line up last night

DPMM FC bench

Woodlands Wellington FC

Tosi on hot scoring form

Azwan Ali scored a goal but a minor scare after being taken off in second half for an injury

Subhi challenging for the ball

Steve Kean was all smiles

Woodlands’ mascot.. Maybe DPMM FC should have I too 😀

The highlights from last night’s match between Woodlands Wellington FC and DPMM FC


Logitech new launch 

Logitech today unveiled the Logitech X100 Mobile Speaker featuring go-anywhere portability and best-in-class sound, designed for people with active lifestyles.

With a head-turning design, the Logitech X100 Mobile Speaker delivers crystal-clear sound for its small size. Wherever you use it, the Logitech X100 suits your needs with Bluetooth connectivity, a five-hour battery life and a built-in mic for hands-free phone calls.

“We engineered the Logitech X100 Mobile Speaker to deliver an intuitive connect-and-play experience,” said Prasenjit Sarkar, Regional Director for Southeast Asia at Logitech. “Its compact design lets you take it anywhere you go and it’s easy to wirelessly stream music from your Bluetooth-enabled device. It’s a perfect travel companion.”

The Logitech X100 Mobile Speaker comes in four bold colors that show off its eye-catching style, including grey, orange, yellow and green. Plus, its convenient micro-USB cable makes it easy to recharge the built-in lithium-ion battery so it’s ready to rock on your next adventure. Press release issued by Logitech (Malaysia).


The Logitech X100 Mobile Speaker

Logitech Country Business Manager for Malaysia and Brunei KP Sim with General Manager of Concepts Computer Vincent Pao at the launch of Logitech X100 Mobile Speaker and Logitech mouses

The media attending the product presentation

Now these products from Logitech are made available at Concepts Computer.

With the importance of IT mobility and the ability to access our IT tech anywhere and everywhere we need it, there rise a need for a highly reliable and comfortable wireless speaker that give you the sound quality that you need while also being robust enough to make it a perfect travel companion.

This is why Logitech, with the help of Concepts Computer, is proud to unveil the LOGITECH X100 Mobile Speaker featuring go-anywhere portability and best-in-class sound, and designed for people with active lifestyles. With a head-turning design, the LOGITECH X100 Mobile Speaker delivers crystal-clear sound for its small size. Wherever you use it, the Logitech X100 suits your needs with Bluetooth connectivity, a 5 hour battery life and a built-in mic for hands-free phone calls.

Talking to the media, Vincent Pao, General Manager of Concepts Computer said, “Logitech is a world leader in products that connect people to digital experiences they care about and also spans multiple computing, communication and entertainment platforms, this makes it the perfect partner for Concepts Computer to provide better services and products to Bruneian consumers. The introduction of the LOGITECH X100 Mobile Speaker is a small step in this partnership.”

Zul Abdul Rahman, Marketing Executive of Concepts Computer, added, ”The Logitech X100 Mobile Speaker delivers an intuitive connect-and-play experience and with its compact design, you can take it anywhere and stream music wirelessly from your Bluetooth-enabled device. Plus, its convenient Micro-USB cable makes it easy to recharge the built-in lithium-ion battery so it’s ready to use on your next adventure, making it a perfect travel companion.”

The Logitech X100 Mobile Speaker will be available, in four bold colours (Black/Grey, Purple/Yellow, Blue/Orange and Cyan/Green) that show off its eye-catching style, from Concepts Computer for $68 and will come with 1 (One) year warranty. For more information, please visit your nearest Concepts Computer showroom or call 2233551/2233552.

Mingling with the media

James Kon and Vincent Hong checking out the new line from Logitech



Written by Rano Iskandar. Posted in DPMM FC, News


DPMM FC takes on Woodlands 

Steve Kean speaking to ranoadidas on tonight’s match against Woodsland
Steve Kean is confident that DPMM FC can gain all three points against Woodlands tonight. DPMM FC is one of the highest scoring team in the S•League and they already have scored 24 goals in 9 games while Woodlands only have netted 10 goals and lie in 8th place, 10 points behind DPMM FC.

The odds will favour DPMM FC who travel to the Woodlands’ den tonight and Woodlands will be wary of the attack of Rodrigo Tosi (9 goals) and Roy O’Donovan (8 goals). However, Rosmin Kamis is likely to bench again with Sairol for precaution measures as both are still healing to 100% fitness.

On the plus points, Kean was happy with how Hendra and Azwan Salleh have done well in their respective positions in the absence of the two key players. Hendra’s game has improved and showed maturity on the pitch in the last home game drubbing 4-1 against Balestier Khalsa FC. He also relish the prospect of Rosmin and Hendra to link up in the near future should Roberto Alviz gets suspended for collecting a handful of yellows.

Steve Kean did agree that the league has its unpredictability as other teams such as Warriors FC are also in the title hunt only two points behind league leaders DPMM FC. He did say that the number of matches played by defending champions Tampines Rovers FC play a part in Tampines’ dropping points.

DPMM FC coach is aiming for a win but he’s confident that his defenders have learnt from the lessons of conceding a late goal against Balestier as they were close to reach a run of 3 consecutive clean sheets.

He is wary of Woodlands’ gameplay and they are definitely no pushovers as they surprised everyone when they caused an upset against Tampines Rovers FC few weeks ago. Kean have seen how Woodlands play their game but the coach turn his attention in DPMM FC’s gameplay.

The partnership of Tosi and O’Donovan will be Woodlands’ biggest worry but home side do have a talented midfielder, Taufiq Ghani who was influential in the victory over Tampines Rovers. Will Woodlands pull another scalp or will DPMM FC continue their rich vein of form in the S•League?

The match will be played tonight at Woodsland Stadium 7:30pm

Roy O’Donovan and Joe Gamble chilling at The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf prior to boarding on their flight to Singapore

DPMM FC players checking in, bound for Singapore yesterday morning


Seoul bound 

The main reason why I’m heading to Seoul

Yeeehaaa… This is it!!! My first ever trip to Seoul. Well, I’ve been there technically but only means of transit. So this is a different scenario as I will be in Seoul, South Korea, for my first ever coverage on bikes specially Harley-Davidson. So it’s a very much privilege and truly honoured that Asia-Pacific Harley-Davidson chose me to attend the event this week at Seoul.

As you know, Harley-Davidson in Brunei is pretty good in terms of demand and the sole dealership for Harley-Davidson in Brunei is Sri Sentosa Sdn Bhd which is also a major sponsor for DPMM FC’s 2014 season. They have a showroom at the Berakas industrial area and they even sell clothes, merchandise and most important of all, the Harley-Davidson’s accessories.

I will talk more about the Harley-Davidson event soon and do catch my instant updates on my instagram handle @ranoadidas. Thank you, once again, Sri Sentosa and Harley-Davidson for this opportunity and of course, I shall be documenting my adventures in Seoul.

Thank you, Sri Sentosa for the t-shirt 😀

Even their bags have logo

I never knew how thick the catalogue can be for Harley-Davidson’s accessories

Check out the Harley-Davidson bikes at Sri Sentosa showroom

Check out the Harley-Davidson bikes at Sri Sentosa showroom

They even have clothes for children

They have wide range of clothes and merchandise


Accessories also sold at Sri Sentosa

The Tri-Glide Ultra is here 😀

Ah, the disadvantage of being a PR




Written by Rano Iskandar. Posted in News


Acer Liquid Smartphones


Check out Acer Liquid smartphones



HSBC Personal Internet Banking


Click image to read more

BIBD Home Showcase 4


BIBD Home Showcase 4. Click more to find out!!

Icon Design Store



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Royal Brunei Airlines



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Recap: Film Festival 

It was quite a jam packed event during the Film Festival UBD 2014 (19th to 20th April 2014)
It’s not the Cannes or the international film festival but it’s a fresh start, executed by our very own students from Universiti Brunei Darussalam. I’m very proud of their achievements and I’m pretty sure the deans and the Vice Chancellor will be pleased of the efforts of the students in pulling off a great 2-day event two weekends ago at The Core, UBD.

I just hope that this event Film Festival UBD will be a yearly event and this will give more platform for other talented, young film makers to showcase their talent on the screen. The turn out was excellent as the students overachieved their target in terms of audience reception. I believe they had more than 1,000 spectators in a span of two days with 8 times slots.

Thank you guys for the experience and I hope it doesn’t end there. I also hope new sponsors will take this opportunity to help the young students when it comes to another film festival.

The voting system to evaluate the experience the audience had during the event

It was good to see Origin Films promoting their upcoming movie Yasmine and this was my first pose with the crew 😀

The largest Yasmine pose to date?


The responses from the audience on Film Festival UBD 2014


We were being interviewed by UBD FM on the recent Film Festival UBD 2014. Do click on this image to listen to our interviews.

The appreciation dinner with Reggie Sim, the General Manager of Brunei Press (2nd from right)

Siti Kamaluddin of Origin Films praised the efforts of the students and never give up that dream

I’m a big fan of her – Liyana Yus the main star of Yasmine

Thank you Elena for all the help for the updates on the Film Festival UBD 2014. Very much appreciated.

The organizers of Film Festival UBD 2014 enjoying their dinner at Badi’ah Hotel

It was the first time I’ve seen Chris Woo being very, very proud of his students

Students documenting Chris’ speech

Posing for Chris’ camera

The students behind the Film Festival UBD 2014

Chris gets a big lift from students

Chris Woo with the head of departments of the Film Festival UBD 2014


Basketball – Sukan RIA 2014 

Mohd Riza bin Dato Paduka Haji Mohd Yunos, Deputy Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources, tipped off basketball ball to officiate the match between BSP and Yuan Thong

After the hiking event on the Sunday morning, the Inter-Company NBT Basketball Tournament tipped off at the Batu Bersurat Basketball court. The first match-up was in Group A of the four-group tournament. The first game was between BAG Network Sdn Bhd and Jerudong Park Medical Centre Sdn Bhd which JPMC won 92-62.

The opening ceremony was officiated by Mohd Riza bin Dato Paduka Haji Mohd Yunos, Deputy Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources. The guest of honour watched the game between Brunei Shell Petroleum and Yuan Thong Enterprise. Guests present at the opening ceremony were Haji Rani bin BPSK DSS Haji Mohd Yusof, Commissioner of Labour Department, government officials, members of the Brunei Basketball Association (BBA) and event supporters.

Prior to the BSP-Yuan Thong match, the guest of honour presented basketballs to BBA Deputy Chairman cum team captain, Khoo Eng Cheong, in support of its representation of Brunei Darussalam in the World Chinese Basketball Invitational Tournament in Macau in June.

The NBT basketball tournament will last a month with the grand final game at Chung Hwa Middle School in Bandar Seri Begawan on May 25. For more info, you can browse at sukanriabrunei.com and of course, all are welcome to watch all the matches at Batu Bersurat and support the team and for the love of basketball.

For your info, the Sukan RIA Antara Syarikat (Inter-company) 2014 also features sports such as badminton, bowling, futsal and netball tournaments.

The guest of honour presented basketballs to BBA Deputy Chairman cum team captain, Khoo Eng Cheong, in support of its representation of Brunei Darussalam in the World Chinese Basketball Invitational Tournament in Macau in June

A memento from Jackson Ting, the Managing Director of D’Sunlit

Jati Transport

HSBC Brunei

Seng Hoe Huat Auto Accessories Service Company and SCB Brunei



Bringing smiles to orphans 

Suherdy Suli who is passionate of helping orphans being interviewed by The Brunei Times

Last Sunday, I had a quick pit stop at Silver Jubilee Park as Suherdy Suli organised a Healthy Kid’s Day for 40 orphans as it was part of the “Community Incubation Program” from Universiti Brunei Darussalam. The Healthy Kids’ Day is a social responsibility initiative as well, initiated by the students from the program. Its aim is to advance business ventures and accelerate the success for the 12 students/participants involved.

The Community Incubation Program is also known as community entrepreneurship village and it’s an ongoing program that goes on for five weeks. The participants will undergo mentorship on the road to entrepreneurship. So yesterday was one of the programmes highlighted in terms of social responsibility and they collaborated with Suherdy who searched high and low of orphans in Brunei and bring them more joy to their lives as well as creating new opportunities such as talent in creativity.

It was the first time I saw another art gallery under the flagship of Rainforest Gallery (previous located at Kiulap). There’s a small building area at the Silver Jubilee Park and it opens every day except for Mondays. So some of the kids did their colouring activities within the premise and outside as part of the Healthy Kid’s Day activities.

Suherdy Suli with members of the media

Kids were happy colouring away

It was also under a hot, hot weather

This was taken outside the Silver Jubilee Park

Kids were happy colouring away

Some of the art pieces at Rainforest Gallery at Silver Jubilee Park

Some of the art pieces at Rainforest Gallery at Silver Jubilee Park


DST’s new counter 
at Temburong 

Guest of Honour, Awang Abdul Lattif bin POKSS DP Hj Md Yusuf officiates the opening of the new DST Counter, Temburong Branch in Stoneville Hotel

In the continuous effort to bring the best customer experience, DST Temburong branch relocated to a new improve counter at Unit 1, Ground Floor Stoneville Hotel, Lot 1532, Kampong Sungai Tanam. A ceremony to officiate the opening of the counter was held on Monday 28th April 2014.

Present to officiate the opening of the event was Awang Abdul Lattif bin Pehin Orang Kaya Seri Setia Dato Paduka Hj Md Yusuf, Member of DST Board of Directors. Also in attendance was Awang Haji Suhaimi bin Awang Haji Hussain, Chief Executive Officer of DST, Awang Haji Marsad bin Awang Haji Ismail, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of DST, YB Awang Haji Sulaiman Haji Ahad, member of the state legislative council, Awang Ajmin bin Awang Haji Meludin, Assistant Temburong District Officer, Penghulu and Head of Village representatives from Temburong, DST Management, staff and invited guests.

For Temburong residents, the Temburong branch offers DST Subscribers with Registration and Bill Payment services for DST and Kristal Astro products and services.

In conjunction with the re-opening of the counter and DST’s 19 Year Anniversary, DST hosted its final “Customer Appreciation Day” for Temburong subscribers where subscribers had the opportunity to take advantage of promotions from DST.

The ‘DST Customers Appreciation Day’ in Temburong District marked the end of the Customer Appreciation Day roadshow across all Brunei districts throughout the month of April.

You can also foliow updates on @dstbn instagram. Images courtesy of DST.

One of the invited guests participates in the lucky dip, one of the activities as part of the Customer Appreciation Day

Yang Berhormat Awang Haji Sulaiman Haji Ahad, member of the state legislative council amongst the first customer at the new DST Counter, Temburong Branch

One of the invited guests joins one of the games as part of the Customer Appreciation Day activities

Hj Marsad bin Awang Hj Ismail, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of DST guides one of the invited guests on the new automated Easi prepaid number selection features available at the new branch

The signing of the plaque for DST Counter, Temburong Branch by the Guest of Honour

DST’s Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Awang Haji Marsad bin Awang Haji Ismail handing over the Blackberry Q10 to one of lucky customers

Another Blackberry winner


KFC Zinger Reloaded 

Check out the flavourful ZING Meal – Zinger Reloaded Burger

All Flavour, All ‘ZING’! KFC Brunei is now offering their valued customers a flavourful ‘ZING’ meal in their outlets.

KFC Brunei is launching the New Zinger Reloaded Burger with their signature juicy zinger fillet for the teens and young working adults. The New Zinger Reloaded Burger includes the new addition of delicious onion rings and tasty special sauce.

The KFC New Zinger Reloaded Burger is available ala-carte at BND$5.50 and in a combo that comes with 4 pieces of potato has rounds and a regular carbonated drink at only BND$6.50. For those who like to have a bigger meal, the hotbox version with addition one piece of chicken is also available at only BND$8.90.

Get the new KFC New Zinger Reloaded Burger now!


Check out the flavourful ZING Meal – Zinger Reloaded Burger

Zinger Reloaded Burger

Zinger Reloaded Burger with 4 pieces of potato

Only available at KFC outlets



Written by Rano Iskandar. Posted in News


Acer Liquid Smartphones


Check out Acer Liquid smartphones



HSBC Personal Internet Banking


Click image to read more

BIBD Home Showcase 4


BIBD Home Showcase 4. Click more to find out!!

Icon Design Store



Click to enter website


Royal Brunei Airlines



Click to enter website


Reds feel the blues 

Stevie G attempted to grab the ball from the touchline but he was being shrugged off by Jose

What a great tactician Mourinho is! Liverpool was coming off a great run of victories and they never expect to be in the hunt for the title but their great run has put them back in title contention especially after their close victory over Manchester City a few weeks ago. However, Liverpool failed to beat Chelsea at Anfield where it mattered the most. Chelsea fielded a weaker team due to injuries and saving them for another important match in the second semi-final of the Champs League against Atlético Madrid in mid-week.

This was also the first time that Liverpool failed to scored in the first half in 25 games. So you can tell that Jose Mourinho know how to grind results at any expense and they played a much compact strategy especially at the back, forcing the midfielders and forwards to play deep, allowing less room for the likes of Sterling and Suarez to cause problems.

Two goals from Chelsea benefited from a clumsy errors, both coming in injury time of each halves. I truly salute Jose Mourinho in his tactics last night and if anyone can stop Liverpool form scoring, then it is Chelsea.

The result have open the Premier League wide open with Manchester City now favourites to win the title due to goal difference should both Liverpool and Man City win all their remaining games. Chelsea still have an outside chance to win the title if both Liverpool and City slip in their remaining games. Looks like the title will be down to the wire.

Will Stevie G’s error proved costly in the title race? We shall find out in two weeks’ time.

Demba Ba benefited from Stevie G’s error and scored late in the first half.



Chicco – coming soon near you. Click image to enter Facebook Page for more info.


BIBD 4th Home Showcase 

Hjh Lily binti Hj Kula, the guest of honour, for the 4th BIBD Home Showcase. She’s the Deputy Managing Director (Regulatory) of the Autoriti Monetari Brunei Darussalam (AMBD)

Last Friday, BIBD launched their popular Home Showcase and it’s their 4th edition. So if you are looking or scouting for a home, BIBD provides good financing packages such as home financing, home improvement financing too as well as other BIBD’s products and services. The 4th BIBD Home Showcase will end of 4th of May this Sunday at The Mall, Gadong.

You can check out some of the range of home improvement packages specifically designed for the National Housing Schemes at Mengkubau, Mentiri and Katok. The houses are built and constructed by Majuma Sdn Bhd, a new player in the construction industry and also a 100% locally established private limited construction company registered with the Ministry of Development. This is a great opportunity for them to work closely with BIBD to design, procure and construct and also handover pre-approved home extension and renovation works to suit the Home Improvement Financing Package Product.

There is a wide range of advantages including pre-approved house plans by relevant authorities, affordable and ready to move-in packages and affordable monthly repayment scheme. Aside from that, the package includes Takaful (insurance) coverage for the financing.

I believe many residents are looking for home extensions and improvements. Hence, this BIBD 4th Home Showcase is a great opportunity. For flooring, you can get choices of ground floor tiles or lamented flooring or if you want to refurbish or extend your existing kitchen or perhaps your wardrobe.

Package A, which is the basic packages offered $15,000 financing, while Package B and C offered more extensive packages (up to $50,000) that include a bigger square feet space, an extra bedroom, first floor extensions and a corridor which will also be entitled to a complimentary air conditioner or water pump from BIBD.

At the home showcase, there are also other ongoing promotion from BIBD. For instance, there is the BIBD Debit Card conversion which includes new debit card application and conversion of existing BIBD ATM cards. For new applicants or those who want to convert their debit cards, they are automatically entitled to receive 1,000 BIBD’s Hadiah Points. Participants of this promotion also stand a chance to win travel tickets for two to Singapore.

Check out the BIBD Home Showcase which is until the 4th May

Check out the BIBD Home Showcase which is until the 4th May

They have a mock sample on the housing with different packages especially for home improvements and extension

Check out the interior done by Majuma Sdn Bhd

The available packages for the BIBD Home Showcase

One of the available packages for the BIBD Home Showcase

At the same time, The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf (CBTL) will be providing a limited daily run of free coffee during the 10 days of the showcase from their Continental Espresso and Premium Decaf. BIBD customers who sign up for any of BIBD’s financings available, will stand a chance to win prizes such as Samsung Galaxy Tab, iPad Air, CBTL coffee machines, $20 vouchers, power banks and BIBD corporate gifts in a lucky dip. BIBD will also be giving out a fee waiver promotion on the processing fee of $150 during the showcase. Applicants of BIBD’s Home Improvement Financing packages will be entitled to a 100 per cent waiver, while a 50 per cent waiver is for all home financing applicants.

So there are plenty of reasons to entice you to enjoy the home packages offered by BIBD.

Also participating during BIBD’s Home Showcase are Bess Perfect Property Agency, BSTC Real Estate, Say Koo (Liew) Sdn Bhd, J-Fa Realty Agency & Marketing, Precise Development, Sterling Kitchen, Fabrica, Thomson Furniture, Max Track, Luzzone Interior Design, PNK Enterprise and Karim Karpet, Takaful Brunei Keluarga and Takaful Brunei Am.

Hjh Lily being briefed by a representative from Majuma Sdn Bhd during the short tour

Hjh Lily photo opportunity with Takaful

Group photo with AMBD and BIBD management

Sazali Arif (right) of White Room Studio is also exhibiting his wedding photography services


Weekend at VW 

Last weekend, Volkswagen Brunei held an event for families and the public as they offered family activities such as face painting, photo booth with fun props, bouncers and giveaways. There was also a “Guess the Volkswagen” contest as the participants had to get the correct answers of the Volkswagen models and they will walk away with VW merchandises.

Local authorised dealer of the German auto brand, Maju Motors Sdn Bhd, is organising the event as a buildup to the upcoming launch of 14 models, which will be introduced to the public throughout the month of May. It will be released in phases and the first collection will be unveiled this weekend and every weekend there will be other models to be unveiled.

Executive Director of Maju Motors Sdn Bhd Chan Key Hong is delighted that the company will soon be offering a full range of Volkswagen cars in Brunei. Chan said that since more Bruneians are discovering the advanced German engineered vehicle, the company wants to ensure that there a Volkswagen for everyone.

Below are some of the images from last weekend’s activities. Courtesy of VW Brunei Facebook Page.











EPL Masters 2014 

Click image to enter Facebook Page to answer question

Now it is an 11-a-side format compared to 5-a-side previously

Will Andy Cole be back again this time out?


Fly with DJ Daffy 

Zuraidah Binti Hj Yahya receiving her 5 nights package to Kuala Lumpur, Melaka and Johor, receiving from Haznah Md Hashim from the Malaysian High Commission to Brunei Darussalam and Pg Dato Sharifuddin, Chairman of Freme Travel. Also in the picture are Zurina Abd Samad, Director of Tourism Malaysia, Chong Yoke Har, Deputy Director General (Planning) of Tourism Malaysia and local DJ celebrity Daffy from Kristal FM. Image courtesy of Zatty Jo of The Brunei Times.

After a week of quizzes on Kristal FM with DJ Daffy, the winners were selected to have a special trip with DJ Daffy to explore Malaysia. The quiz was called “Lakas Tah Ke Malaysia Bersama DJ Daffy” and the initiative is a collaboration with Freme Travel Services, sponsored by Tourism Malaysia (Brunei).

Two winners are feted to fly with DJ Daffy to Malaysia to have fun-filled holiday. Congratulations to Zuraidah Binti Hj Yahya for winning a 5 nights package to Kuala Lumpur, Melaka and Johor (worth $1,900) and Shahril Hashim bin Hj Mariat for winning a 3 nights package to Kuala Lumpur (worth $1,500). This means they will get to fly with DJ Daffy in the coming weeks or so. There were also consolation winners from the quizzes.

The event was graced by Chong Yoke Har, Deputy Director General (Planning) of Tourism Malaysia. In her speech, she said, “The holiday packages will especially appeal to families traveling together. The destinations and activities in the programmes cater to every interest and all age groups.”

The event also marked new packages where Brunei can enjoy a three night package to Kuala Lumpur for $1,480 from June 14 to 17th or the five night package to KL, Malacca and Johor for $1,840 from September 22nd to 27th and these dates do coincide with Brunei school holidays.

Some of the highlights of the package include visits to KidZania, Legoland Malaysia, Sanrio Hello Kitty Town, i-City, KL City tour, Putrajaya tour and shopping trips to IKEA, The Curve, and Johor Premium Outlets, as well as attending the 1Malaysia International Tourism Night floral Parade – Magic of the Night. This is an ideal trip if you want bring your family during school holidays.

Let’s not forget that this is also Visit Malaysia Year 2014 and there are many exciting things to look forward to in Malaysia alone. You can click here for more details. Of course, the upcoming big one is the Borneo Jazz Festival held from 9th May to 11th May and if you love music, this is the event to be at.


Shahril Hashim bin Hj Mariat receiving a 3 nights package to Kuala Lumpur. Image courtesy of Zatty Jo of The Brunei Times.

The winners with Chong Yoke Har, Deputy Director General (Planning) of Tourism Malaysia and DJ Daffy

DJ Daffy and the other consolation winners




Written by Rano Iskandar. Posted in News


The Popcorn Panel 


Reviews of Oculus and The Quiet Ones. There are spoilers near the end of the podcast for your info.

Rugby gets exposure 

His Royal Highness Prince Abdul Muntaqim was involved in the program as he learned new skills and knowledge on rugby
This is what we need in Brunei. To have trial and error for sports that are not as well known in Brunei such as rugby to begin with. We are too familiar with football for the past decades. Rugby has been given much limelight and perhaps the level of knowledge and interest hasn’t garnered pace as much as football. Even on astro and TV, we are more exposed to football and furthermore, football icons such as Ronaldo and Messi to name a few.

This initiative of Get Into Rugby programme is a great idea with the motto – Try • Play • Stay – and it is organised by BRFU (Brunei Rugby Football Union) and Astera Consultant with the help of the Ministry of Education under the Co-Curricular Education (CCE) Department where they have helped in getting students from different districts to get involved in the trial program.

The union is receiving support from Baiduri Bank, Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf, Insurance Islam TAIB, DHL, RainFresh., Ideal Cafe, KFC and The Brunei Times to improve the popularity of the game in the country.

I can’t believe the weather was too hot this morning and I salute all the kids for braving the sun this morning. Kudos to the BRFU and the organiser for making this possible. I hope other sports will follow as well and who knows we can find talents at a very young age.

Group photo with the guest of honour this morning















Check out my phone indicator.. Yes, it was pretty hot this morning. Glad it rained in the afternoon


Sukan RIA kicks off 

The top 3 winners of the male and female category in this morning Hike Challenge and opening of Sukan Ria Antara Syarikat 2014

It was scorching hot this morning as the Sukan Ria Antara Syarikat 2014 kicked off today at the Tasik Sarubing Recreational Park. Previously it was meant to be at Bukit Shahbandar but the venue was changed and I’m glad it did because not many know of this recreational park and it’s a good exposure for the public.

The guest of honour was Deputy Minister of Home Affairs, Pehin Datu Lailaraja Major General (Rtd) Dato Paduka Seri Hj Halbi bin Hj Mohd Yussof. Also in attendance was Hj Rani bin BPSK DSS Hj Mohd Yusof, Commissioner of Labour Department, Yang Berhormat Hj Gapor @ Hj Md Daud bin Karim, Member of the National Meeting and Head of Kampong Belimbing: Permanent Secretaries and Deputy Permanent Secretaries of Ministry of Home Affairs as well as government officials.

There were two hiking categories – 4.6km Hiking Challenge for company employers/employees and 2km Fun Hike for family members and the public.

The winners for the male category are (1st) Mohd Shah Azahar of Ben Food, (2nd) Md Nazrul Effendy of JPCC and (3rd) Md Hardiani bin Metusin of Ben Food. The winners for the female category are (1st) Pearl Ching Tieng Lim of Borneo Steel Mesh Factory, (2nd) Cecilia Maksimon of Masros Electrical Company and (3rd) Siti Noor Halizah Hamid of BIBD.

Everyone was hooked to the Milo station

The guest of honour after the morning hike

Registering after completing the hike

It was quite a turn out this morning

Jackson Ting, Managing Director of D’Sunlit (center)

The top 3 winners 🙂

Representing Royal Brunei Airlines

Representing Netcom Computer House

James Lee and Gilbert Goh supporting the event

It was a fun hike indeed




Written by Rano Iskandar. Posted in News


A big thank you 

Taken from tigerlim’s post. Passengers wanting to thank the people that helped them during the accident back on the 12th of April along Mumong Highway. Nice to see good people helping them out during the accident.

An appreciation to those who helped the other day. Image taken from tigerlim.com




Written by Rano Iskandar. Posted in DPMM FC, News


Volkswagen roadshow 

Whether you’re looking for a speedy hatchback or a spacious people mover, Volkswagen has a car for you. From the value-packed Vento family sedan to the luxurious Touareg SUV, every model has been made to the highest German standards. With more than 14 new models to suit every personality, we’re not kidding when we day that there’s a Volkswagen for everyone.




DPMM FC back on top 

A sliding tackle from Roberto. DPMM FC won 4-1 against Balestier Khalsa FC.

It was no surprise as DPMM FC tore Balestier Khalsa FC apart with a comprehensive 4-1 victory last night at the Hassanal Bolkiah Stadium. They leapfrogged Warriors FC who temporarily took the top spot before last night’s game.

Both Roy O’Donovan and Tosi Rodrigo scored twice and continued their rich vein of form in front of the goal. It could have been more but Steve Kean must have been proud because his philosophy is to keep creating many chances in a match and DPMM FC surely did.

O’Donovan could have at least scored four goals after squandering easy chances in the first half but he calmed the nerves of a strong turn-out crowd with a late goal in the first half after some defensive lapse by Balestier Khalsa FC who have been well disciplined at the back line.

Balestier’s keeper, Zaiful Nizam, was the busier of the lot and he just couldn’t prevent his heroics after the break. DPMM FC scored three more including a penalty earned by O’Donovan which Tosi converted and I believe Tosi is currently one of the leading scorers in the S*League and a top scorer for DPMM FC.

The other player I was super impressed is the emergence of Hendra in midfield who was deputising Rosmin Kamis who was benched as he wasn’t fully fit for the match. He showed maturity, dictating the pace of the game and providing great long passes to the wings which opened more scoring opportunities. He almost got on a score sheet with a thumping drive after great passing play by DPMM FC in the second half but his shot went wide.

The down side last night was the final 10 minutes of the match. DPMM FC and of course, Steve Kean and the management, were aiming not only for 3 points but another clean sheet. It would have been three successive clean sheet for DPMM FC but it wasn’t to be. Substitute Kim Minho of Balestier Khalsa scored from close range after a rare defensive error from DPMM FC in the 86th minute. It could have another goal but Wardun and his company managed to clear the danger in the final minutes of the match.

For now, DPMM FC are on the top of the league, two points ahead of Warriors FC and three points ahead of Tampines Rovers FC who drew 1-1 with Tanjong Pagar United FC. DPMM FC will take on Woodlands on the 30th April and aim for another 3 points to maintain at the top of the 12 team league. It has been a great journey for DPMM FC this year. More news on DPMM FC as Steve Kean gave his comments on last night’s performance.

A great turnout last night at Hassanal Bolkiah Stadium

Gamble missed a glorious chance in the first. Late in the second half, he gave away much of the possession as the visitors piled in more pressure.

One more and it would have been a sequel to the “centipede”

Fans from last night

Quite rare to see a referee slip. That was one of the highlights of the first half last night.

Fans from last night

Wardun was dominant in goal as Balestier relied on set pieces

Impressive display by Hendra last night

Balestier Khalsa did their best but they were up against a rampant DPMM FC

Fans from last night.

Celebrating the 4th goal

The Yes, Yes chants

DPMM FC back on top



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