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Posts Tagged ‘brunei runners’



Written by Rano Iskandar. Posted in News



 Want to win a GoPro Hero 3+? Check out #kickItBrazil Peugeot Brunei competition. Competition starts 12th May. Click image to enter Facebook page for more details.


BIBD Delights 

Click image to enter BIBD website



Burger King Promotion 

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Completion granted 

Sundown 21km completed last Saturday

Sundown galore. This is my second attempt in 21km and I have to admit I wasn’t really prepared for the race. Firstly, my training sessions have been woeful to say that least. I hardly train and I only had like 3-5 sessions since February on my run. Bad, right? By the way, I was just 20 mins away from the cut-off time to earn my 21km finisher medal. Phew!!!

Perhaps I was focusing more on tennis and swimming lately in the final month before Sundown which exactly doesn’t do much for my 21km but maybe more into swimming since it improves my fitness slightly.

My timing wasn’t that great either and I had the same mentality as last year which is to complete the 21km. The first 4 kilometer was great because I was on my actual pace 7.15km/hr until I hit the 5km mark and things started to slow down. My pacer Alice was already far ahead of me after the 3km mark. She finished an hour earlier from me and she’s a great runner but she hardly trained.

Between 8km to 17km, I was power walking because of the cramps that I had to endure and the worst was yet to come when I had blisters on my left foot which made running difficult. The final 3km of the route, I managed to jog and increase my pace. I believe it was the hot, cooling cream that I applied after the 17km mark and it helped the cramps to slowly subside.

My friends finished earlier than me too. Well done to Zuraidah for finishing her first ever 21km and she said that it will be first and final registered 21km race *lol* I’m proud of my sister Muji for completing her first ever full marathon 42km. I know this is one of my bucket list but if this is to happen for me, I will have to seriously train myself seriously.

The Sundown Marathon Singapore was another great experience. However, the overall feel and minor things (of logistics) of the event was slightly a let down. I wasn’t happy with the drinking station for a start and some of the routes are dangerous for running as I saw a lady trip due to the uneven path and good luck she didn’t bleed on her face as it scratched on the cement path.

Thank you Sundown Singapore for another experience. Next year again? Probably yes..

Alice, myself, Muji, Zahrin and Badee at the Sundown last Saturday. Only Alice and I ran the half marathon while the rest ran 42km. Well done 😀

The iconic Singapore Flyer at the Sundown Marathon

Handover ceremony as FJ gave her bib to Alice as she couldn’t run

The race pack collection. I collected mine a few hours before the race.

Our runners group chat and well done to all of you

I can’t believe I signed up for this again 😀

The full marathon runners from Brunei

Taping before the race but I still have cramps halfway through 🙁

Alice was my pacer but I lost her at 4km mark *huhu*

The long queue of the portable toilets

Representing Brunei. I wonder how many runners from Brunei that join this marathon.

The 15km mark..

Rubbish everywhere especially after the hydration check points

At the 20km mark, I pretended to hail for a cab *lol*

My priceless moment when both my friends Jessie and Joanne showed up to cheer for me at the finishing line. Thank you so much, ladies. It means a lot to know you were there 😀



Free Seats – AirAsia 

Click image to find out more on the FREE SEATS. Travel period is 5th Jan to 31 July 2015.

In the meantime, you can check out the Mega Sale at Malaysia which is coming soon. Click image to find out more.




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