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Posts Tagged ‘energy’


Distractions, distractions

Written by Rano Iskandar. Posted in News, RA News


Change is the only constant 

Being slow is the only constant too. That’s how I feel lately. Things are just heading at a slow pace. The only difference is when I travel. Being away in a short span of time gives me a sense of excitement and thrill. Now I’m back in Brunei, it’s back to square one. I can feel it. The worrying signs, perhaps, of what’s in store for the country (economically). The headlines in the local media hasn’t help either but it’s good thing that it’s being identified because we cannot simply ignore it. It’s about time we step and see what we can do for the country in times of troubles.

I have two mutual friends who sought for help to see if I could connect them to the relevant authorities with regards to their termination of contracts. In recent headlines, it was stated that a major company (government linked) are carrying out “redundancy exercise” to cut costs and reducing “non-essential staff”. Of course, what we read in headlines will spark that fear that haven’t been teased for a very long, long time. We were in the comfort zone and now we are slowly getting a taste of reality checks.

Now with the ongoing LegCo, it’s an indication where our country will be heading for the next year or so, in reaching the Vision 2035 (which is in 19 years’ time). It was noted that government spending will be reduced in times of lower revenues and we will still be running in a deficit.

I still see hope in this country and I trust in the Brunei Government in overcoming the challenges. The transitional period will take some time but it’s a good start. The relevant government agencies have been pro-active in creating new bodies to see how Brunei can diversify and get out of the mentality of heavily depending on oil and gas as our revenue stream for the Brunei economy.

I’ve seen new bodies with government support being created such as DARe (Darussalam Enterprise), a statutory body that will help to empower local entrepreneurs in contributing to the local economy. The newly established is recognized in the LegCo recently and it is spearheaded by the Minister of Energy and Industry Yang Berhormat Pehin Datu Singamanteri Colonel (Rtd) Dato Seri Setia (Dr) Hj Mohammad Yasmin Hj Umar. DARe recently held a dialogue with local e-vendors in terms of helping them to set up a physical store and also issues with labour quotas and so on. With this guidance, it will hope to see how the e-vendors grow and create a more business friendly environment for a win-win situation.

Yang Berhormat Pehin Datu Singamanteri Colonel (Rtd) Dato Seri Setia (Dr) Hj Mohammad Yasmin Hj Umar, Minister of Energy and Industry, chairman of the board for Darussalam Enterprise (DARe) with other committee having a conversation with the e-vendors held at Design & Technology Building (opposite iCentre) last week. You can even visit their Business Support centre every Monday to Friday or call/sms via 836 3442. Image courtesy of @govbn



What happened lately? 

The winner of the Mitsubishi Lancer 1.6 Auto, Mah Wai Keun (left), as part of the “The Big Shopping Win”, a collaboration between Baiduri Bank and Hua Ho. Presenting the mock key were Michelle Lo (center), Manager of Card Brand Relationship & Business Banking Support and Lau Soon Lin, Director of Hua Ho. The event was held at Hua Ho Kiulap yesterday. You can website Baiduri website by clicking the image or you can download “Baiduri Deals” on your smartphone or follow their Facebook or IG @baiduribank. Image courtesy of Adib Noor of The Brunei Times.

Costume party at a friend’s place for Himari and Takumi’s farewell gathering. Both are my tennis buddies whom we trained under coach Aiman. It was also great to see Mr. Okochi after such a very long time. Thanks for the hospitality and great food.

My room mate for the past three nights at Taipei for our @mrbrownbrunei coverage trip with the winners of the Mr. Brown contest. We had this mini competition between us on making fun of each other on social media. It seems I’m dominating so far but we won’t have more opportunities until our next trip perhaps. Thank you, Aiking Sdn Bhd on giving us the opportunity to do coverage on the trip to Taiwan.

The Francophonie Week 2016 kicked off last Saturday and it will be ongoing for another week. Many events and activities to look forward too. This image was taken during the screening of the French movie “Win Win” at Taman Jubilee. The event is organised by Alliance Française and The Collective Arts Event. Click image to know more what’s in store for Francophonie Week 2016

The past week or so, I’ve been amazed with the stories that are being shared by my friends in their toastmasters journey. Many surprises in terms of content and I’m truly amazed by the growth of my friends. I’m still impressed with the ending of the “Helping Hand” story. Very impactful and witty. Congratulations to the winners of the UBD Toastmasters Club contest yesterday. Nice shot too, Sandy 😀

Last week, Inspire Magazine launched a new website to provide a better access to their stories. Back then, there were only magazines and PDF formats. This is a great step to reach more readers globally as well. Shaun Hoon (2nd from left), founder of Inspire Magazine, with his team during the launch of the website. You can visit www.yesinpire.com to access Inspire or click on the image. Image courtesy of Shaun Hoon.




The Scent

Written by Rano Iskandar. Posted in News


An increase from last year’s intake 

Head of student representatives Muhd Romulus bin Muhd Roland speaking on behalf of the scholars

Last year it was above 40. This year, Brunei Shell Joint Venture (BSJV) awarded 54 students for scholarship programs and it is also the first time that a few scholars will be sent to Germany in August to pursue Mechanical Engineering at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.

The scholarship program has been one of the most sought program and they have been many applications as demands are increasing in these fields. In actual fact, around 234 people applied for this year’s program. Furthermore, there are many students who are taking such subjects and interests and it’s pretty evident on the increase numbers of intakes for this year’s edition. Forty students will be heading to the UK, two in the United States, two in Germany and ten in Brunei Darussalam.

Before being awarded, the scholars had to undergo a tough assessment set by BSJV. Did you know that BSJV have sent over 600 students and this is back dated from 1972. Amazing!! The scholars will also be given the opportunity to be placed for attachment during summer to gain more experience.

Present during the event were Azhar Hj Yahya, Commercial Director of Brunei Shell Petroleum (BSP) and the guest of honour Hjh Rosmawatty Hj Abd Mumin, Permanent Secretary (Upstream), Energy Department at the Prime Minister’s Office.

There was also tokens of appreciation to First Class Achievers and they are Lim Jong Hau, Han Wenxiu, Fiona Shim Siew Ying, Izzah Mardhiah Zulkipli and Farah Azyan binti Ali Umar Safri and they all received mini iPads :p

Congratulations to all the beneficiaries of the BSJV scholarship program and do make them proud and contribute back to the economy of Brunei 🙂


Azhar Hj Yahya, Commercial Director of Brunei Shell Petroleum (BSP) with the scholars

Students pursuing Masters

Students pursuing Masters

Fiona Shim receiving a token as a First Class Achiever

Lim Jong Hau receiving a token as a First Class Achiever

Han Wenxiu receiving a token as a First Class Achiever

Farah Azyan binti Ali Umar Safri receiving a token as a First Class Achiever

Izzah Mardhiah Zulkipli receiving a token as a First Class Achiever

A year journey 

Elizabeth Sim and her co-host Kevin Lo interviewing Chris Woo at Timeout with Liz last weekend

I missed the first show of Timeout with Liz and I didn’t realise it has been a year already. Good job on Elizabeth Sim to keep the show going despite the challenges that she has to go through over the period. Venue has always been a problem and it looks she has found a proper setting for her show. Last weekend she had two special guests – Chris Woo and Bridgette Ang as well as Joanna Kwan. There was also a food demo by Hip and Healthy during the 3rd segment of the show.

Overall the energy was great and so was the turn out. Great to see Zainal Bostaman and Joanne Tan to be involved in the show as well as Liz’ co-host Kevin Lo.I would like to congratulate Elizabeth on her one year anniversary of her show and things can only get better from here. I’m looking forward to your future shows this year and let’s start the 2nd year with a bang.


Chris Woo sharing his experience as a toastmaster and his world championship final experience

All of them have something in common. There are all WCOPA Brunei representatives

Joanna Kwan doing the Asian thing

Joanne Tan helping out with the show. Good to see you again.

Bridgette Ang, another WCOPA participant and I love her vocals

Zainal setting the tone of the evening

The ever charismatic Zainal

Such a great turn out last weekend

The couple behind Hip and Healthy


Yasmine gets a DST treat 

Liyana Yus and Nadiah posed with a fan last week at the DST event

As part of DST’s “Ihsan Kasih” community program, over 30 orphans accompanied by their parents and guardians from the Tutong District between the ages of 8 and 17 were treated to movie outing to watch Brunei’s local film “Yasmine: The Movie” as well as have the opportunity to meet and greet the stars from the local Brunei film “Yasmine”.

The outing began with a welcoming reception at Dewan Kemasyarkatan in Tutong town by DST’s “Ihsan Kasih” volunteers where the children accompanied by their guardians were provided bus shuttle return transportation to the cinema in Empire Hotel & Country Club in Jerudong. At the cinema, the orphans were greeted by DST “Ihsan Kasih” volunteers.

DST also treated the children with a free popcorn and drink before they were ushered to their seats in the cinema joined by the stars themselves.

According to Elixsurian Hj Busu, Manager of Group Corporate Communications on the Ihsan Kasih initiative with Orphans, “DST have been proactive in arranging activities for orphans from fun futsal tournaments in Brunei-Muara district, educational trips to places like the Oil and Gas Discovery Centre (OGDC) in Seria, Belait District, and now a movie outing to the cinema. We are glad that we have the means and opportunity to give the orphans in Tutong a movie outing as currently Tutong does not have its own resident cineplex. At the same time, DST have the opportunity to share the enjoyable experience with the children and get to know them better”.

He also adds his positive views on the chosen film for the outing, “Feedback from many local viewers have recommended Yasmine as a movie that is universal for all ages as it also comes with various life lessons that can be learned. Also, as the movie is produced by our own local talents, it is also a means to inspiring the orphan children to believe that anything they dream of can be possible. We are fortunate that the director and actresses have taken their personal time to meet the children and to get to know them during this short time.”

After the movie the children were given the opportunity to an exclusive surprise meet and greet photo session with the stars from “Yasmine: The Movie”- Liyana Yus, Nadia Wahid, the movie director from Origin films, Siti Kamaluddin. The visit ended with DST providing DST “Ihsan Kasih” goodies to the children before their departure back to Tutong.

Also invited to the movie outing were DST’s corporate and premium clients as a token of appreciation for their loyalty and support to DST’s products and services throughout the years.

“Ihsan Kasih” is DST’s community program aimed to gather DSTians for voluntary work and to do beautiful things out of love, to help the less fortunate Bruneian, orphans and special needs community.


A great turn out from the DST event last Friday

Radin Sufri of DST with the crew of Origin Films and the stars of Yasmine

Photo opportunity with the stars

Siti Kamaluddin appreciating DST and the audience

The screening of Yasmine

A great turn out last Friday

Gotcha Liyana :p




Written by Rano Iskandar. Posted in News


The Popcorn Panel 


Check out the latest podcast review of Transformers 4: Age of Extinction


TESS recipients of 2014 

Yang Berhormat Pehin Datu Singamanteri Colonel (Rtd) Dato Seri Setia (Dr) Hj Mohd Yasmin Hj Umar, the Energy Minister taking a selfie with Teo Jyh Herng and Muhd Waifuddin, the recipients of Total Education Scholarship Scheme (TESS). Image courtesy of Danial Norjidi of Borneo Bulletin.
A signing ceremony was held at the Business Centre, The Empire Hotel & Country Club, between Total and the recipients of the Total Education Scholarship Scheme (TESS). The two top students, Muhd Wafiuddin Hj Ismail from Duli Pengiran Muda Al-Muhtadee Billah College (Maktab Duli) and Teo Jyh Herng from Tutong Sixth Form Centre (PTE Tutong) will pursue their to pursue higher education in France.

Witnessing the signing ceremony was Yang Berhormat Pehin Datu Singamanteri Colonel (Rtd) Dato Seri Setia (Dr) Hj Mohd Yasmin Hj Umar, the Energy Minister. Also present were the Permanent Secretary of Upstream at EDPMO Hjh Rosmawatty Hj Abd Mumin and the Managing Director of PetroleumBRUNEI Dato Paduka Hj Matsatejo Sokiaw.

Under the scheme, the students will first be enrolled in a foundation programme in L’Institut Universitaire de Technologie (IUT) in Tours, and after their undergraduate and postgraduate have an opportunity to work with Total. The scheme is a collaboration between Total E&P Deep Offshore Borneo B V (TEPDOB) together with the Commercial Area Joint Venture Partners, Energy Department at the Prime Minister’s Office (EDPMO) and supported by PetroleumBRUNEI.

Muhd Wafiuddin will be studying physics, while Teo will be studying mechanical engineering.

According to Yves Grosjean, General Manager of Total , the first batch of five scholars were performing very well in their respective fields of studies, with one top in her course out of 132 students, while the four others are all in the Top 10 of their respective courses.

Yves said this is due to the quality of the students and the quality of the scheme. He believed it is their core business, being able to bring opportunities like this for further development in the country. Both new students are great testimony of the quality of students from Brunei.

The Minister was very proud of the students and he thanked Total for their contribution in investing in people for Brunei.


Yves Grosjean, General Manager of Total in welcoming remarks

The signing ceremony

Muhd Waifuddin, the recipient of Total Education Scholarship Scheme (TESS)

Teo Jyh Herng, the recipient of Total Education Scholarship Scheme (TESS)


The press interviewing the Minister and the students


Brunei Halal at CF 

Brunei Halal once again is participating at the Consumer Fair 14 (Purple Zone) at the Plenary Hall of ICC. There are lots of exciting new products, promotions and even Spin & Win activity. So do check out the new Brunei Halal products being sold at CF before launching them into the supermarket such as the Paratha folds. There will be showcasing recipes from Youth Development Centre (Pusat Pembangunan Belia) Cooking & Culinary graduates with their recipe creations with Brunei Halal products as their base such as Fried Squid Aloo Saag, Corned Beef Fried Rice, Chicken Mughlai Kurma, just to name a few.  You are more than welcome to try out their samples.


The team from Brunei Halal

The chefs from Youth Development Centre cooking with Brunei Halal recipes

Highly recommended recipes from Brunei Halal

Now they also come in frozen packets


Find your prefect pair… or TWO! 

Click image to enter Malppy.com

This week, Malppy Weekend promotion is all about looking cool! Malppy is bringing you the exclusive range of our new Supplier of  Laviss Sunglasses for the men and ladies. You can get this range at B$23.90 instead of B$28.90 this weekend only as our introductory offer. Type ‘Laviss’ on the search box of Malppy website  to view more from them. Design glasses from Laviss is very unique and doesnt stock high. New design will be updated regularly and once a product is sold out, it will never come back again.  So don’t miss out, find your perfect pair! Have a great weekend everyone Brunei!



Check out SnapFeed and download the app to your phone and win gifts too

Wanna win freebies or gifts? It’s simple. Just download SnapFeed on your smartphone and visit Consumer Fair at ICC. A new mobile application SnapFeed has launched at the Consumer Fair 2014. It is an all-in-one application that delivers consumers with the latest promotions, deals, events, news and is also a centre for business information. It has a business directory feature with business profile information from over 740 businesses plus their branch information. Consumers can easily access product information, contact details, opening hours, and more, of their favourite businesses. The App currently supports Apple devices running ios 7.1 and above, and is best optimized for Android version 4.2.2 and above, and is available on the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

One of the key functionalities of the App would be the use of QR code technology to make it easy for both consumers and businesses. For businesses they will be able to track redemption of deals or loyalty card stamps to help better understand their marketing campaigns, while consumers gain the benefit of having all their vouchers and loyalty card digitized and will only have to flash their QR code at merchant outlets to gain benefits. This implementation would begin starting 16th of July and consumers can expect to see more tailored offerings and start getting rewarded for their spend.

As part of the launch at Consumer Fair, users who have downloaded and registered an account on the app can visit the SnapFeed booth to claim a free gift. With over 10,000 gifts to giveaway featuring partners such as KFC, Burger King, Modesto Bistro & Grill, Lof Bakery, Netcom Computer House, Auntie Anne’s, Dapur Penyet, Each-A-Cup, Yeo’s, Sosro, Caprisonne etc. these gifts are expected to be distributed quickly while stocks lasts.


Ting See Chung, Managing Director of Snapfeed and Adrian Wong, the app developer of Snapfeed at their booth. Do meet them and learn more about Snapfeed


Catch them at ICC during the Consumer Fair


Download on your smartphones now and redeem your prizes. There are ten vendors to choose from.

Some of the gifts that you can win simply by downloading the Snapfeed app



Hari Raya promo for Volkswagen 

A message from Maju Motors: Dear Followers

Looking for your first Volkswagen or your next one? Here is a deal set just for you. Any inquiries can be done by private messaging us on this page.

Hope to hear from you soon and happy fasting to everyone who is.


Click image to enter Facebook


Trash to Treasure Campaign (T3) 

The Trash to Treasure Campaign today saw a big turnout at the Hassanal Bolkiah National Stadium, Berakas, exceeding its target of 200kg of recyclables.

With some 20 registrations from today alone, the T3 campaign successfully collected 546kg of trash from members of the public. The trash collected comprised 488kg of paper, 27kg of plastic, 8kg of aluminium, 2kg of metals and 21kg of electronic wastes.

The campaign, targeted at households and businesses, also generated the interest of a number of schools to participate in the campaign. “Our aim is to encourage people to recycle at home and at work. We are taking small steps to instill this positive habit,” said Asia Inc Forum’s conference manager, Nanette Ramos.

Through the T3 Campaign, Asia Inc Forum hopes to extend the habit of recycling from schools to households and businesses. Schools that are interested to participate in the campaign are encouraged to get their students to register their households, Ramos said.

Today’s T3 campaign marked the first collection, with its second and final collection scheduled to take place on August 10 at the Hassanal Bolkiah National Stadium, Berakas. The campaign was held in conjunction with the National Environment Conference, to promote environmentally-conscious lifestyle and build a sustainable living environment in Brunei.

The highest recyclers from each category (household and business) will receive prizes during the National Environment Conference on 13th August 2014. All the proceeds raised from the recycling campaign will be donated to participating NGOs to fund for their environmental projects.

The T3 Campaign is a joint initiative between Asia Inc Forum, the Department of Environment, Parks and Recreation (JASTRe) of the Ministry of Development, and Daikyo Environmental Recycling together with the conference partners; with TOTAL E&P Borneo B.V., Butra Heidelberg Cement, Baiduri Bank, and Brunei Press.

For more information, please contact Low Leng May at may.low@asiaincforum.com, or call 2226555 ext 10. Text and images courtesy of Asia Inc Forum.









Written by Rano Iskandar. Posted in News, RA News


DPMM FC focus on next match 

Roy O’Donovan was injured in the last game but kept on playing against Tampines Rovers. He had a minor surgery on his left thumb ligament and now sporting a cast. However, he still insists to play against Geylang International FC this Friday.

Steve Kean’s press conference with the media last Sunday

One on one with Steve Kean and his views of last game against Tampines Rovers where DPMM FC lost 2-1.

On DPMM FC’s performance: “The performance was there and we were trying to win the game. It wasn’t easy to stay at 1-1. We brought Param (Azwan Salleh) who can put a cross in. Sairol was getting very tired and he cramped his calf. So we brought in Adi who is another forward thinking player. I was disappointed with the second goal because when the ball was in the middle of the pitch, we have to get more pressure on the ball because obviously they are gonna shoot and get something on target. That was a disappointing factor.”

On the positive side: “On the positive side, we created enough chances to win. We just have to be more ruthless in front of goal.”

“If we hit the post and not score, this will give the other team a hope that they are still in the game and I think that’s what happen. We just had to get that second goal after conceding the goal in the manner we did.”

On Azwan Ali’s performance: “He prefers that position (attacking mid) that being wide. The defenders didn’t know where he was going and he kept going into the pockets and he can turn and he can dribble. Sometimes he was unlucky but he is an exciting player and he makes things happens whenever on the ball.

On the performance of the referee: “I don’t like to criticize referees. I think it’s the hardest job and I don’t who wants to be a referee. Because we just hope over the course of the season, we can get most of the decisions our way and some are gonna go against you.”

DPMM FC will fly to Singapore tomorrow for their match against Geylang International FC at Bedok Stadium. The match will be played on Friday 28th March. Good luck!!



Icon Design Store



Click to enter website


Financial planning 

for IGS students 

In a continuing effort to increase financial planning awareness among students in Brunei Darussalam, a team of managers from Baiduri Bank today visited the Kolej IGS in the capital where they presented a talk to some 200 students of the college. The talk emphasized the importance of financial planning to achieve financial success in life and outlined how students can benefit from suitable banking products such as the “4U” Value Pack which was specifically designed with students needs in mind.

Alice Lee, Branch Manager of Baiduri Kiulap Branch gave the welcome remarks followed by a talk on basic financial planning by Siti Aminah, Bancassurance Manager at Baiduri’s Wealth Management Centre. She gave tips on the choices students have today to save money. “Young people should be aware of their financial choices when it comes to planning for their future. This will ease them in their undertakings should they choose to study locally or abroad.”


Members of Baiduri Bank with the participants of the talk at IGS

This was then followed by a talk on the “4U Value Pack” Student Account by Shannon Sikun, Branch Manager of Baiduri Bank’s Muara Branch. Available to students aged between 12 and 29 years old, the package is designed to meet the needs of students studying in Brunei or overseas. It offers ease of banking via electronic channels as well as fee waivers or discounts on services such as overseas ATM cash withdrawals, processing fees on bank reference letters for student visa applications, funds transfers and financing. In addition, parents of the account holders can also apply for loans and financing to help meet expenses related to their child’s education, such as tuition fees, travel costs or purchase of laptops, stationery or books.

The talk ended with a quiz and a question and answer session. Upon giving the correct answers, students were given Baiduri merchandise and Starbucks vouchers which the students participated with great enthusiasm.
At the end of the talk, Pg Hajah Fatimah Binti Pg Setia Jaya Pg Hj Momin, CEO of Kolej IGS presented the Baiduri Bank team with a token of appreciation. “The talk definitely gave an insight to what Baiduri has to offer and our students are thrilled to know that there are programmes that will take care of them while they are pursuing their education.”

For more information on the Baiduri Student Account, please call the Baiduri Call Centre at 2449666 or visit www.baiduri.com



Divergent review 

Divergent. I won’t share much too much but you are more than welcome to listen to our podcast (see soundcloud below) and see what you think. The biggest disappointment for me is the delivery of the movie as we are in the era of “Young Adult” adaptations with the likes of Twilight (glad that was over) and The Hunger Games (much better). Yes, we do have huge flops like The Host, The Mortal Instruments and Beautiful Creatures. However, Divergent have avoided the bombshell pit as it raked in almost US 60 million in the opening weekend.

Anyway, back to the delivery part. Well, the biggest flaw here is the pacing and film editing. It was totally disjointed and there wasn’t a moment I feel any anti-climax or climax for that matter. The other problem is when you already identify the problem, then you will have to endure the next 2 and a half hours of restlessness. The lead roles by Shailene Woodley and Theo James couldn’t bring the movie to better heights. The direction by Neil Burger (Illusionist) didn’t do justice to the best selling novel. I’m hoping for a redeeming sequel since it performed well in the box office but let’s hope these mistakes are being listened to and more improvements in the sequel.

You can check out my popcorn panel’s co-host blog post on Divergent and of course, you can listen to our podcast. Happy listening. Verdict: 5/10 Rottentomatoes 40%

Listen to our podcast review of Divergent and stand a chance to win PS4 console when I post the quiz on IG later on


The winning video for 

Energy Video Competition 


The winning video by Tierce A with the title – What Do Kids Know About Energy



IWA the Duckling 

SMARTER Brunei aims to provides Individuals with Autism (IWA), an E.D.G.E (Educate, Develop, Grow and Empower to be C.H.I.P.S. (Contributing, Holistic, Independent, Productive and Successful) members of the Society. The curriculum is an A.L.O.E. (A Little Of Everything) V.E.R.A. (Versatile, Enabling, Responsive and Accommodating).  It is R.B.C (Research Based Curriculum) extracted from different best practices around the world to suit the individual needs and interest of the IWA.

As part of their efforts to increase our lifeline and sustainability, they are organizing a Charity Musical entitled SMARTER Musical Play 2014: “IWA: the Duckling” on the  5th April 2014, Saturday at the Main Conference Hall of the International Convention Centre not only to raise funds for SMARTER Brunei but also to showcase the talents of our 110 IWAs registered in their 3 centres [(ASD Intervention Centre, Sengkurong, ASD Intervention Centre, Kuala Belait and Brunei Autism Centre for Adults (BACA)].

SMARTER Musical Play 2014: IWA the Duckling, a charity fund raising event happening on 5th April. Click image to enlarge.

This musical is C.O.O.L as it is Created Out Of Love and was conceptualized by the President of SMARTER Brunei.  The musical’s theme highlights endeavor of each Individual with autism and their families.  The “IWA: the Duckling” is a musical fable that parallel the life of a duckling named IWA in an enchanted lake in search of sense of belonging.  On his journey, IWA has to face the challenges of the different stages of growing up from childhood to old age: the new beginning, rejection, reflecting, transformation and acceptance, and inclusion to the Society.

CHARITY FUND RAISING EVENT entitled “SMARTER Musical Play 2014: IWA THE DUCKLING”  on the  5th April 2014, Saturday at 7.30 pm at the Main Conference Hall of the International Convention Centre.

Ticket Prices: $30 (SOLD OUT), $50, $75, $100

CONTACT NUMBERS: 8918127 or 2661830 (Malou), 7172991 (hotline)



Audi A3 Sneaks 

Audi A3 coming soon

The price is also quite competitive. For price, you can call 244 2333 extension 31 at T.C.Y. Motors



….and when will it end?


Youth Energy Dialogue 2014 

Minister of Energy at the Prime Minister’s Office YB Pehin Datu Singamanteri Colonel (Rtd) Dato Seri Setia (Dr) Hj Mohd Yasmin Hj Umar with Professor John Loughhead, Executive Director, UK EnergyResearch Centre, Great Britain and Adnan Z. Aminm, Director-General of International Renewable Energy Agency at yesterday’s Youth Energy Dialogue and engaging with the audience on the topic of sustaining energy locally and globally

Yesterday Minister of Energy at the Prime Minister’s Office YB Pehin Datu Singamanteri Colonel (Rtd) Dato Seri Setia (Dr) Hj Mohd Yasmin Hj Umar hosted the Youth Energy Dialogue at the Conference Hall at BRIDEX where more than 300 youth comprising of students, NGOs and employees at Oil and Gas industry attended the event. It was good to see students being engaged in asking questions to the Minister and the international speakers, Professor John Loughhead, Executive Director, UK EnergyResearch Centre, Great Britain, Adnan Z. Aminm, Director-General of International Renewable Energy Agency, Mr. Gerald Schotman, Chief Technology Officer, Royal Dutch Shell, Professor Yu Hongyuan, Deputy Director Shanghai Institute for International Studies and Professor Dr. Daniel Sperling, Director Institute of Transportation Studies and UC Davis Energy Efficiency Centre. The Youth Energy Dialogue was moderated by Khairunnisa Ash’ari, Community-Engagement Director of Green Brunei, Head of International Relations Brunei Youth Council.

The questions given for the panelists were quite relevant and there was even a question put forward for the Minister if one day that the government leaders will drive a hybrid or a smart efficient car to be the role models for the generation to promote energy savings efficiency. The Minister applauded the suggestion brought by Dk Hanna Afiqah Pg Hassanal Ali Saifuddien of Green Brunei. The Minister even agreed on the suggestion that styrofoam should be banned as food and drink containers.

The theme ‘Conserve Energy: Our Future, Our Choice’ highlights the role of Youth in the future and the importance of their own aspirations, initiatives, and actions in shaping the energy future. After the dialogue, the Minister of Energy presented the prizes to the top three winners of the first national Energy Video Competition and also the top three Energy clubs from schools.


It was quite a huge turn out yesterday

A friend from BSP also attended the event

A youth asking questions relating to sustaining energy

Behind the scenes of the Youth Energy Dialogue

Winners awarded by Minister 

The Top three winners of the National Energy Video Competition. Image courtesy of Faiq Airudin of The Brunei Times.

The 1st Runner Up of the National Energy Video Competition. Image courtesy of Faiq Airudin of The Brunei Times.

The 2nd Runner Up of the National Energy Video Competition. Image courtesy of Faiq Airudin of The Brunei Times.

The winner of the Energy Club from Sekolah Menengah Arab Lelaki Hassanal Bolkiah. Image courtesy of Faiq Airudin of The Brunei Times.

The second winner of the Energy Club from STPRI. Image courtesy of Faiq Airudin of The Brunei Times.

The third winner of the Energy Club from Sekolah Menengah Berakas. Image courtesy of Faiq Airudin of The Brunei Times.



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