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Posts Tagged ‘tiffany’


Best Spider-Man ever?

Written by Rano Iskandar. Posted in News, RA News


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Team America

Having the luxury of the time to catch Captain America: Civil War three times, I have to admit that the replay value hasn’t bore me just yet. This is how I am amazed with the Marvel Cinematic Universe and how Disney has made it such a lovable franchise ever since they bought over the franchise.

The movie is slated to be a big box office machine. Having already raking in USD 75 million on Friday alone, it will reach in the region of USD 175 to USD 190 million tops. It’s unlikely to touch the USD 200 million region which many predicted it would be. Now the question is will it have the legs to break the USD 350 million mark in the months to come. The previous movie, Captain America: Winter Solider, made USD 259 million. It’s no surprise that Civil War will surpassed that in just two weeks. We shall wait and see.

Here’s just another short review of my version of Civil War.

First thing’s first. I love the movie. It’s quite a rare feat that I would watch a movie for the third time. Even a fourth viewing is a possibility. I’ve already caught it three times in a space of 9 days so no harm done for the next viewing, right?

Now, what I love about Civil War?

1) This is a movie that Batman V Superman wanted to be. The lame battle or war that the DC characters recently had was just simply $#%^@~#. The plot just got too tangled in the web and there was no way out of it. Purely messy. As for Civil War, the premise and the build up were solid from start to finish and furthermore, it was able to create a situation where you as the audience would have to choose between Team Cap or Team Ironman. As for Batman V Superman, the delivery of their rivalry lacked substance and desire for the audience to be involved in.

2) How do you handle so many characters in a two and a half hour movie? And none of the characters were not put to waste. That I have to salute the Russo brothers for pulling a great feat which Joss Whedan did for The Avengers. Some of the characters had shorter screen time but it was enough to make us feel interested in their characters. As for Doomsday or even Lex Luthor, not so much. Something Zack Synder lacked.

3) I have to applaud for their ingenuity of the action sequences in Civil War. The airport scene still leaves me mesmerized and I could just watch over and over again. My only problem is the less usage of Vision during the fight scenes *little spoiler alert* but other than that, the airport scene is perhaps the best superhero action scene of all time and many producers and directors will have a hard time to top this feat.

4) The introduction of Black Panther and Spider-Man. I had reservations on their characters when I watched the trailer. Why? Panther is a low key superhero in Marvel while we have gotten bored with many renditions of Spider-Man. However, these were not the cases for both Panther and Spider-Man. I won’t spoil much but man, they both will have a bright future in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

That are just the gist of what I thought of Civil War. There are many talking points for the final installment of Captain America. So who’s your favourite character? Mine’s definitely Spider-Man. Verdict: 8.5-9/10


Podcast review of Captain America: Civil War with regular co-host Del Goh


Tom Holland as Spider-Man and he suits the role

My blogger friend from Singapore – Tiffany Yong gave it 5 stars. Read more of her review by clicking the image.

Caught the premiere show at The Mall Cineplex two Thursday ago

Both Farhan and Stuart read the wrong memo during the premiere of Captain America: Civil War




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