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Ranoadidas.com | Brunei's No 1 Social News » The hand that stole the show

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The hand that stole the show

Written by Rano Iskandar. Posted in RA News

RIP Whitney Houston

I just heard the news on the internet and it’s a trending topic now. This is one of the first albums I bought when I started listening to music. Still one of the best tracks – Wanna Dance with Somebody.

The handshake incident

The rivalry just took another level after the handshake incident. Suarez’s refusal handshake was retaliated by Evra as he dragged Suarez’s arm. I remember the incident when Wayne Bridge refused to shake hands with John Terry but that didn’t blow out of proprotion. Evra’s celebration after the match was seen as provocative to Liverpool players and Sir Alex did admit that he shouldn’t have done that. Lots of talking points in this match and off-field incidents. Suarez didn’t show professionalism and same could be said of Evra. This could have been avoid by the respective managers by having mutual consent not to allow Suarez and Evra to shake hands in the first place to avoid further damage.

The Darkness II

Malaysia Exhibition: Study in Malaysia

Sunday 2pm to 7pm

Officially registered – Lisa & Shawn

It was my first time witnessing how a couple registered at the Court. I always hear of my friends being registered but never saw the process. For one, it’s pretty straight forward and it’s nothing like the Malays’ version of “Nikah”. When I say straight forward, I’m talking about timing factor.

Apparently the wait was longer than the registering process *lol*. I turned up at the Court by 3:10pm and left by 4:30pm which includes taking photos. A normal “Nikah” will take at least 2 hours before completion while the process of Nikah itself will last half an hour based on my coverage experience.

Anyway, I attended Lisa and Shawn’s “registering ceremonial” at the Court yesterday and I feel honoured to be part of Lisa’s entourage that day. This is because during registering, it’s customary not to bring the whole bunch of your family or friends (or Facebook buddies). That one you save it for the big wedding dinner/reception.

The solemnization process took place at the Marriage Registrar’s office and all their guests managed to fit in the room and it was nice of the Marriage Registrar to invite the rest in the room to witness the solemnization. Apparently the use of camera and video camera are permitted during the ceremony too. However, confetti and petals are not permitted in the building or the pavement outside.

Congratulations once more to Lisa and Shawn on their solemnization. If you are curious of what is required to be “registered”, you can click here.

With Lisa’s colleagues who dropped by

Taken inside the Magistrate Registrar’s office

Lisa and Shawn exchanging marriage declaration

Lisa and Shawn exchanging rings

Shawn and Lisa with the Magistrate Registrar

Lisa and Shawn are officially married

The expressive family and friends of Lisa and Shawn

Christine, Shawn, Lisa and Jessie

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