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Old Sport

Written by Rano Iskandar. Posted in RA News


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Movie Reviews


Iron Man 3. This movie has been out for two weeks already and it still doing great business. It has already raked in USD 1 billion worldwide in box office receipts. Isn’t that amazing? Iron Man 2 only earned below USD 700 million and that is already considered an overwhelming success. Now that we know how marketable Robert Downey Jr is whenever he is playing a role as man behind the iron. He even demanded a pay cheque of USD 100 million for the two sequels of “The Avengers”… Hmmmm…. That perhaps is the minus point from him.. Anyway, here’s the review.

What an awesome movie!! I watched it twice actually. This was way better than the disappointing Iron Man 2 which felt a bit clunky and I was trying to hard to like and appreciate it too. Gwen Paltrow was amazing too and she has a bit more screen presence than previous movies. I just thought the movie’s execution and pacing were just nice. I began to believe in Iron Man again but sadly this is the final trilogy of the Iron Man movie. If you haven’t caught it, I suggest you do. It’s still showing in the cinemas. Verdict: 8/10.

Identity Thief. It’s good to see Jason Bateman with another hit movie. However, I wasn’t impressed at all. It become to a point where it got too ridiculous my ratings generally was affected. I definitely had my laughing moments but it wasn’t enough to save me from feeling restless. There are some good lessons to be learned so at least that’s a good consolation for my review. You are looking for a no-brainer movie and some cheap laughs, I’m not sure if it’s still showing but I’m not caring too much for this movie *lol* Verdict: 6/10.

Star Trek: Into Darkness. Holy cow!!! I was blown away from the start till the end. I was already on a high for the first reboot of Star Trek and the sequel was even better than the first. The chemistry between Captain Kirk and Spock was still the highlight for me and not to worry, if you haven’t seen the first one, it won’t matter too much. Cheelin and Aziimah praised the movie without seeing the first. So there you go. Oh, I even caught the movie twice because I was so impressed. This was slightly better than Iron Man 3 and the best movie I’ve seen so far. I can’t wait for the summer movies and it’s good to know that Iron Man 3 and Star Trek have started the ball rolling and they are still satisfying movies as compared to last year’s summer movies. Verdict: 8.5/10.

The Great Gatsby. I’ve been hearing many rave reviews about this movie. Some even said it’s the most beautiful story ever told. I watched it for myself to see what’s the big fuss about it. I would say I don’t completely agree with my peers. It was still an enjoyable movie but I won’t rate it as highly. Reason being, the dialogue wasn’t that sharp to begin with. I wasn’t even emotionally driven which would have made my movie experience worthwhile. Maybe they caught me on a bad day *lol* The scenes and cinematography were amazing though and I quite enjoyed the soundtrack. It was also another great performance by Leonardo DiCaprio and I’m also a fan of Carey Mulligan. Don’t be influenced by my review. This is just my perspective and plus I have seen better stories than this. Verdict: 7/10.


HSBB event next week



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