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Ranoadidas.com | Brunei's No 1 Social News » True but sad

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True but sad

Written by Rano Iskandar. Posted in RA News


They are coming home!!


Guess who’s coming home later? The Brunei representatives who won 14 medals from the World Championships of Performing Arts 2013 in Los Angeles recently. They will be landing from Singapore later by 11am today (Thursday). So let’s go tot the airport and give them a good welcoming reception. Click image to read of their acheivements!


Baiduri Bank charity deed at Hua Ho


Here are some of the pictures taken at Hua Ho as part of Baiduri Bank Group Ramadhan Charity Event. It was a shopping spree for the 20 families who are less fortunate and they were given a shopping spree sponsored by Baiduri Bank. Now that’s a very good initiative by our own local bank and it was good to see the smiles from the families. They were then treated for Sungkai at Aneka Rasa. Thumbs up to Baiduri Bank for the wonderful and charitable initiative. Images courtesy of Baiduri Bank unless stated. 

Baiduri personnel with the families during the shopping spree at Hua Ho yesterday

Baiduri personnel with the families during the shopping spree at Hua Ho yesterday

Image courtesy of Fairol of Media Permata

Image courtesy of Fairol of Media Permata

Image courtesy of Fairol of Media Permata

Image courtesy of Fairol of Media Permata


BruLeeds Charity



New arrivals at Pazzion


Guess what ladies? New shoes at Pazzion have arrived at the store outlet at The Mall, Gadong. Apart from the new arrival, Pazzion will also have a special sale up to 60% discount which is a great deal. Furthermore, some of the shoes are retailing below $30.

Pazzion opening hours during Ramadhan is 12pm to 10pm while on Fridays is 2pm to 10pm. For more info, you can check out their Facebook page. Now you can prepare yourself for Hari Raya which is just two weeks away from now.


Great deals from Concepts Computer



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