Lobster overdosed
Catch BIBD at the Plenary Hall at the Consumer Fair
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I’ve signed up for BIBD Online and you will receive this dongle for your BIBD online access
Ok, it’s the “Durian” season right now and it’s sort of a trending topic on Facebook and Twitter at the moment. I have to say that I ain’t a big fan of Durian and yes, it’s in my list of “kryptonite food” category.
The chinese name of the restaurant is Mei Wei but I saw this label which was translated in Malay (above). I know a friend that finds the title a turn off. I wonder why *lol*
This is actually located at Sumbangsih Mulia building. Yes, the restaurant is open at night if you look at the opening hours from the 1st picture. You can’t really see it from outside and the counter and tanks are in located inside a room instead of food stalls outside.
We ordered almost a kilo of lobster which cost almost BND 80 *eeeekkkss*
The lobster was cooked with salted egg and Woooww, this is one tasty lobster.. I highly recommend this dish if you have the budget
The next day (today) I started having this itchiness on my lips so I paid a quick visit to Lee Clinic to get some meds and lotion (thanks Dr. On for the consultation). I didn’t know I’m allergic to lobster or perhaps it was an excessive consumption of lobster.. It was quite uncomfy to have the irritation feeling on your lips. Lesson learned.
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