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Ranoadidas.com | Brunei's No 1 Social News » 2014 » July » 20

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Archive for 20/07/2014


All of me

Written by Rano Iskandar. Posted in News


The Popcorn Panel 


Check out the latest podcast review of The Fault with Our Stars with special guest Seng Yee


Final day for Grand Sale 

Drop by today as today’s the final day
I just paid a visit to Honey Carsmart Hari Raya Grand Sale and most of the top items have been bought on the spot yesterday. There are still plenty of cars available at Honey Carsmart at Spg 635 at Jalan Tutong (Bunut) and you can stand a chance to win items sponsored by the company, even for visitors.

For your information, Honey Carsmart have experience being a dealership with several Japanese brands before evolving into a full time dealership of local used cars. or your convenience and also with an affordable price.

So today (Sunday) is the final day of the Honey Casmart Grand Sale and it closes around 4pm. Too bad the Nissan 350Z has been taken already but there are still good quality cars for your perusal. the venue is at Simpang 635, Jalan Tutong at Bunut area before the petrol station at Jalan Hj Halus. You can also call their hotline for more information at 265 4131.


Some of the cars that are being sold

There are still plenty of cars

Every visitor gets a lucky dip

Hui Chiet got herself a sunshade

Some of the lucky prizes up for grabs

Bikes also on sale and it comes with 2 digit numbers

The associates of Honey Carsmart working hard during the Hari Raya Grand Sale

BIBD At-tamwil is there for the car financing

It’s at Simpang 635 Jalan Tutong at Bunut area




July 2014
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